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Need Help with installing l2 on ubuntu



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Need Help with installing l2 on ubuntu

Started by xMastoraSx, October 07, 2010, 02:19:43 PM

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Hi every1 i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and i need help instaling l2

info ->

ubuntu 10.04


wine allredy installed ver. 1.3.4

geforce 6600 gt + sli (sli -> i dont think it works yet   :-\)

i try 2 find something on google/forums but nothing. most of the infos i found is about older versions of linux or specific infos for instaliing on other private servers.

if any1 knows anything (pl/mod) pls help




i fixed it i have some problems with the nvidia drivers but i look for it right now

to be specific i try 2 find a way to install the latest drivers that nvidia gives for linux

the ubuntu linux 10.04 can identify the 3/4 drivers of 6600 gt

1st > the current
2nd> the 96
3nd> the 173

i search for 256 that u can download for oficial site and i cant find a way to install them even from terminal

with commands

i also have the sli but thats a dream for linux right now :)))

maybe i'll make a guide here on dragon forum if i finish it thx all that try 2 help me


I'm not nvidia fan and i have no nvidia cards anywhere (except MX440 on my linux router, but it has no monitor anyway), so i might be wrong here. With ATI we have that nice thing called "We drop support for your card - GTFO". So on linux you can't use official drivers for your card, because they do not work with latest X. This might be true for nvidia too, but, again, i might be wrong here.

And I still don't know what troubles you have.

P.S. I hope you have x86 Wine, otherwise Lineage will not work no matter how hard you try.


i have allredy install L2 on my linux x64 and wine and running very nice with no trouble
i have also allredy login with linux on dragon and besides some small graphic problem like no icon for buff shield skill --> xdxdxdxd
my only trouble is that i cant use my 2nd card ->(SLI) no drivers for sli  
and i allways get the message when running l2 before the window opens (your AGP is not activated for concistan.... ) <--something like that and i can open max 2 windows only
so if u know i would like u 2 tell me how 2 activate my AGP for con.... if i can and if that has nothing to do with the drivers of nvidia that i believe it has
besides all that my linux edition of ubuntu 10.04 downloads the drivers of my cards by it self from hardware updates