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divine lvl 4/shirt bracelet ecc

Started by darkdevilct, September 24, 2010, 08:34:48 PM

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Quote from: Kain on September 24, 2010, 10:58:30 PM

p.s:  Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Version) to be placed on raids? Not possible cause its not tradeable (Drake's decision) .

imo u can trade it when u learn it on char u take it ... but nvm xD
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Kain on September 24, 2010, 10:58:30 PM
I think 50 dc worths  +150 more attribute defence imo .
Its up to you always  :)

p.s:  Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Version) to be placed on raids? Not possible cause its not tradeable (Drake's decision) .

hmmm interesting, ca be echanted with att Kain? But anyway is little expensive!
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
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Quote from: jygh on September 24, 2010, 11:02:51 PM
imo u can trade it when u learn it on char u take it ... but nvm xD
not rly, tested it once with Draks, and he couldnt trade it.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Kain on September 24, 2010, 10:58:30 PM
I think 50 dc worths  +150 more attribute defence imo .
Its up to you always  :)

p.s:  Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Version) to be placed on raids? Not possible cause its not tradeable (Drake's decision) .

Right ... +150 attribute def for a bugged attri system...
50 coins just to add attribute on a shirt -price sucks cause for 100 u buy a new armor and have 5 parts to add attribute ...

And ya thanks for the updates but as u guys see players arent happy with em. wonder why ? cause drake didnt test em well before applying em. not ur fault though but updates shouldnt be like this. there is not a single class without having a non working skill to qq about. thats sad.
After so many days and we still w8 for the skill delay to be fixed. was it that hard ?


Quote from: lucifsg on September 25, 2010, 12:58:31 AM
Right ...
50 coins just to add attribute on a shirt -price sucks cause for 100 u buy a new armor and have 5 parts to add attribute ...

Right ... i dont understand if the problem if the price or its cause rest people will be able to buy one .
Since you already have one since months .
Plus that not all people can afford 2nd and 3rd armor set . So please stop being such a hypocrite .

About updates ,your ignorance is obvious since delay bug is fixed already .
To be honest and its not personal at all i m getting tired with people's behavior nowdays ,you know only how to judge and blame
and you dont recognize not even the minimum what Trackzero/Drake and rest DNET crue is doing for this servers .
Shooting random blames without proofs of the style "all classes got at least 1 skill which does nt work" is total BULLSHIT for me.

Did anyone of you ever sent me a pm on forum with correct explanation  and screens about a skill which does nt work and i ignored or
not fixed?
The answer is no . But ofc most of you prefer acting cool on forum in stead of trying to help us a bit with simple reports .

I wont even bother from now on to answer to dumb topics on forum .

~ Kain .


Well i post some things in bug report section...
Take a look on mutual response if u can ;) (but i think im the only1 who have that skill xD)
as my topic says:

Well i adquired this skill and when i tryed the first time was working fine (there wasnt a great heal/recharge on summon but it was working like it should be). Today i found out that the skill was activating on mobs causing me to flag... dunno what happened to that skill...
here is the proof:
i hope u got time to fix it ;)
thanks in advice.

And there i posted also something about skill elemental enchanting routes.
Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Kain on September 25, 2010, 02:29:29 AM
Right ... i dont understand if the problem if the price or its cause rest people will be able to buy one .
Since you already have one since months .
Plus that not all people can afford 2nd and 3rd armor set . So please stop being such a hypocrite .

About updates ,your ignorance is obvious since delay bug is fixed already .
To be honest and its not personal at all i m getting tired with people's behavior nowdays ,you know only how to judge and blame
and you dont recognize not even the minimum what Trackzero/Drake and rest DNET crue is doing for this servers .
Shooting random blames without proofs of the style "all classes got at least 1 skill which does nt work" is total BULLSHIT for me.

Did anyone of you ever sent me a pm on forum with correct explanation  and screens about a skill which does nt work and i ignored or
not fixed?
The answer is no . But ofc most of you prefer acting cool on forum in stead of trying to help us a bit with simple reports .

I wont even bother from now on to answer to dumb topics on forum .

~ Kain .

kain the problem is the price cuz no one will buy it whit 50 dc.... i prefer buy db+f+13 or dynasty wep++++ u should know the price on NM 50 dc is insane price.... and nobody will buy it... im old player i play on nm like 5 years or more and i hava all i need in this game... but i wont waste 50 dc for it i prefer stay whit shirt d grade+10......and if ihave 100 dc on my wh i wont buy too....make normal price..... divine lvl 15 dc... and shirt bracelet s 10 dc will be enought and normal....



Quote from: Kain on September 25, 2010, 02:29:29 AM
Right ... i dont understand if the problem if the price or its cause rest people will be able to buy one .
Since you already have one since months .
Plus that not all people can afford 2nd and 3rd armor set . So please stop being such a hypocrite .

ye i got one and can borrow more but if i had to spend 50 coins for it i would spend 100 to buy a set. its not hard to get it so save the hypocrite part.

QuoteAbout updates ,your ignorance is obvious since delay bug is fixed already .
sorry that i dont log every 5 min to check , tnx for fixing though

Quotedid anyone of you ever sent me a pm on forum with correct explanation  and screens about a skill which does nt work and i ignored or
not fixed?
The answer is no . But ofc most of you prefer acting cool on forum in stead of trying to help us a bit with simple reports .

answer is yes here u go http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,222888.0.html


also bracelet s grade can be enchanted with attribute?
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!


Quote from: Argriev on September 25, 2010, 05:42:19 PM
also bracelet s grade can be enchanted with attribute?

still w8ing answer
The only Necro/Da HERO!
oly record 303 point!!