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New idea?

Started by Gonzal, November 10, 2010, 03:32:50 PM

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Maybe u can raise the lvl of mobs in partisans hideaway :D
and can drop 20 mahums each mob :D ppl will even pvp there for the spot :D
and if u make it battle zone?
Share your opinion ;)


Quote from: Gonzal on November 10, 2010, 03:32:50 PM
Maybe u can raise the lvl of mobs in partisans hideaway :D
and can drop 20 mahums each mob :D ppl will even pvp there for the spot :D
and if u make it battle zone?
Share your opinion ;)

tell me why u wanna change that?!? u can't find CHP anylonger?!?  :D

ask lynna to give u some CHP now...


let's give u some ideas that would help server:

- Change market place to Giran instead of Aden: that ammount of shops during sieges only bring more lags (make all Aden Town forbidden to make shops, people then gonna move market to other town, Giran probably).

- Make trigger skills don't take buff slots: imo don't need to have buff bars like Gracia, just trigger skills don't taking buffs slots will be cool.

- Some changes on spoil rate: some recipes or parts r rly easy to spoil (IC Boots for example) and others r almost impossible.

- Some changes on drop rate: most of people complain about some 3rd class skills that r rly difficult to get (like Magnus Chant), maybe increase drop rate or even make it droppable from other mob (don't inform the mob, let's make people search for right mob, but ofc in high lvl hunting place).


sigmechodve1.jpg" border="0
SirNapoleon / xSuLTaN - sps/ee
iSuLTaN - pw/tk <<<< Hero
xSuLTaNx - he/wk <<<< Hero


xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: Weezer on November 10, 2010, 04:02:41 PM
let's give u some ideas that would help server:

- Change market place to Giran instead of Aden: that ammount of shops during sieges only bring more lags (make all Aden Town forbidden to make shops, people then gonna move market to other town, Giran probably).
+1  :D


Quote from: Weezer on November 10, 2010, 04:02:41 PM
let's give u some ideas that would help server:

- Change market place to Giran instead of Aden: that ammount of shops during sieges only bring more lags (make all Aden Town forbidden to make shops, people then gonna move market to other town, Giran probably).

- Make trigger skills don't take buff slots: imo don't need to have buff bars like Gracia, just trigger skills don't taking buffs slots will be cool.

- Some changes on spoil rate: some recipes or parts r rly easy to spoil (IC Boots for example) and others r almost impossible.

- Some changes on drop rate: most of people complain about some 3rd class skills that r rly difficult to get (like Magnus Chant), maybe increase drop rate or even make it droppable from other mob (don't inform the mob, let's make people search for right mob, but ofc in high lvl hunting place).

Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


i cant agree totaly with teleport market from aden to giran
myb better split in more towns...f.e heine goddard  oren
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on November 10, 2010, 05:48:10 PM
i cant agree totaly with teleport market from aden to giran
myb better split in more towns...f.e heine goddard  oren

Main idea is to make shops forbidden in Aden, then people would move shops to other town, it can be any town, but probably people will make shops on Giran, it would be good to have shops in all towns, but atm we dont have a lot of players on server like we had in C3/C4 times when he had shops on Giran, Aden and Hunters (shops from Spellbooks :D).


Quote from: Weezer on November 10, 2010, 04:02:41 PM
let's give u some ideas that would help server:

- Change market place to Giran instead of Aden: that ammount of shops during sieges only bring more lags (make all Aden Town forbidden to make shops, people then gonna move market to other town, Giran probably).

- Make trigger skills don't take buff slots: imo don't need to have buff bars like Gracia, just trigger skills don't taking buffs slots will be cool.

- Some changes on spoil rate: some recipes or parts r rly easy to spoil (IC Boots for example) and others r almost impossible.

- Some changes on drop rate: most of people complain about some 3rd class skills that r rly difficult to get (like Magnus Chant), maybe increase drop rate or even make it droppable from other mob (don't inform the mob, let's make people search for right mob, but ofc in high lvl hunting place).

this make archers more o/p

rest is good idea


WTS 200K chp  for coins pm .