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Disconnect's! (GM check it... ;x)



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Disconnect's! (GM check it... ;x)

Started by Evolution, November 18, 2010, 03:12:06 PM

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About 50 dc peer day... sometimes i got dc even if i log its look like this: log my char almost show up and dc... i log again and dc and its about 20-30x... leater nothing... and i play all day...  weird... i never had this problems so its not my fault... not my inet not my computer... some1 can check it...   :-X
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)


I got some dcs too. But not 30 times per day.
Today i got dc for standing in the city QQ....

WilQsPL (Tyr/De)
Iva (Pal/Wl)
DjDziadzior (Tyr/Wc)
