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Storm coming?

Started by Gonzal, November 23, 2010, 04:04:44 AM

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like topic says... tears storm is coming u should prepare your browser  ::)


Quote from: Gonzal on November 23, 2010, 04:04:44 AM
like topic says... tears storm is coming u should prepare your browser  ::)

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xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


interesting, what they "fixed/nerfed" this time, couse still atribute in armor doesnt work vs bow atribute...


Quote from: Locus on November 23, 2010, 03:34:32 PM
interesting, what they "fixed/nerfed" this time, couse still atribute in armor doesnt work vs bow atribute...
prolly nothing . they just wanted to " prove" they do anythign so they made news :D
  Nightmare 30x


Nothing?? SO my char only reaches 1.5k atk speed now why exactly??

GZ QQ'ers once again you accomplished fighters to be nerfed b/c of 2/3 chars......discusting.  :-\ :'( >:(

@ Track, i hope you thinked this trough seriously, i hope you beared in mind that now, not just me, we can reach 1.5k atk speed with dyna/db without chp!! So whats the point of having Ic if dyna and Db/Sb give me same max speed and are way way wayyyyyyyyyy cheaper!! I dunno Game masters but immo you just fuked up your piggy bank!!

I dunno why you did it. I'm not flaming. I'm just trying to suggest, put at least max atk speed 2k like mages....! No point having Icarus cause main Icarus feature is atk speed.!!!!!! Think about it one more time plox!

GZ +1


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 04:25:11 PM
I dunno why you did it. I'm not flaming. I'm just trying to suggest, put at least max atk speed 2k like mages....! No point having Icarus cause main Icarus feature is atk speed.!!!!!! Think about it one more time plox!
GZ +1

I was playing my archer with 900 attack speed all the time ,archers are all about p.attack and critical damage dude not about attack speed .
Tho it would be good for you to be a similar limit to mages casting speed , lets say like 2k-2.2k max since now they reach 3k+ (question :D) ?


Bro i'm just saying, i reach 1.5k whit dyna bow and db/sb! Whats the point having Ic wich is alot more expensive?

And don't say atk speed doesnt matter! Whats point you hitting me for 10k if i hit you in same time with 3 x 5k hits? <---- Just an example!

oh and i'm not saying i want same atk speed as mages cast speed. I'm just saying we should be able to have more atk speed with icarus to make it wishable! i hope i'm making myself clear.


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 04:36:23 PM
Whats point you hitting me for 10k if i hit you in same time with 3 x 5k hits? <---- Just an example!

Here excacly you loosing my point .
How to explain this simply ...hummm .
To reach 1,5k you have to use Monk x empowerd x 2 and berseker(which means less p.def and evasion) and if you are SR that idiotic(from NCsoft side) skill called Rapid fire(less range LOL) .

On the other had ,with 900 attack speed ,i dont use Monks but Orge ,ofc no berseker ( more p.def and evasion) and Dead eye (more critical damage and p.atack) .

The result will be that you will miss to 2 out the 3 shoot but i will not in my only 1 shot and you will die .
Its not personal but a example to show you why the archers does nt need attack speed .


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 04:36:23 PM
Bro i'm just saying, i reach 1.5k whit dyna bow and db/sb! Whats the point having Ic wich is alot more expensive?

And don't say atk speed doesnt matter! Whats point you hitting me for 10k if i hit you in same time with 3 x 5k hits? <---- Just an example!

oh and i'm not saying i want same atk speed as mages cast speed. I'm just saying we should be able to have more atk speed with icarus to make it wishable! i hope i'm making myself clear.
icarus bow reuse between hit is like 20-50 % less than with db/ shining  lol
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: Deavon on November 23, 2010, 04:44:28 PM
Here excacly you loosing my point .
How to explain this simply ...hummm .
To reach 1,5k you have to use Monk x empowerd x 2 and berseker(which means less p.def and evasion) and if you are SR that idiotic(from NCsoft side) skill called Rapid fire(less range LOL) .

On the other had ,with 900 attack speed ,i dont use Monks but Orge ,ofc no berseker ( more p.def and evasion) and Dead eye (more critical damage and p.atack) .

The result will be that you will miss to 2 out the 3 shoot but i will not in my only 1 shot and you will die .
Its not personal but a example to show you why the archers does nt need attack speed .

I have only 1 monk not empowered, but i see what you mean! still atk speed is  important or it wouldn't be nerfed! I miss my damn 2.6k atk speed. Any way what i rly mean is why will i buy an ic+f+3 for 230 coins (donny) if i have way more p atk with a db+f+11/12 fior way less coins.

Do you understand? If they wanna nerf do it, imo they should think a bit and keep ic atractive! why don't they limit our atk speed at 2k and mages 2.5k? That would be a speed i could only reach with ic so i would need that bow. Do you see what i mean? Atm i reach 1.5k with dyna or db and db+12 has more p atk than ic!!


Quote from: Javardsnegger on November 23, 2010, 04:36:23 PM
And don't say atk speed doesnt matter! Whats point you hitting me for 10k if i hit you in same time with 3 x 5k hits? <---- Just an example!

Maybe cause u will be dead after 1 hit and wont be able to make those 3 hits?!?


Quote from: jygh on November 23, 2010, 04:53:07 PM
icarus bow reuse between hit is like 20-50 % less than with db/ shining  lol

You are fking happy with all this aren't you!  ;D >:( :P :-* :-*

Weeeeeeeeee! make a fking party!!

News flash! You still can't kill me naab! all my <3 to you.