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Bot v.2



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Bot v.2

Started by SmiteMe, November 17, 2010, 10:54:46 PM

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cant argue with this one : P
good things


i gave to this guy 3 chances, first he was boting there with 3 chars, second time this one frapsed, and yesterday the same action, and when i say cya on forum, he told to me: "why, im doing wc/ol for your clan" lol


looks like GD clan is still botting.. did anyone ever met them w/o bot? :D


Catching boters is not a problem. Problem is that you can make as many screens/movies as you want and after 3-5 weeks you see botter char in Giran and not on ban list few days after you post it. Its just sad  :( And btw this topic will be very soon closed without any action.


beware jailaa is watching :)

tbh, I am not surprised that GMs don't care... why would they? people are leaving day by day, and there is nothing being fixed/implemented to keep them on this server :)
For now, every bot counts as a +1 player, so they leave them be :D
good things