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More subs in OL

Started by KainSneoX, December 06, 2010, 05:33:54 PM

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Wanted help with my char

I have an OL / SH lv80 all skils third class (main OL)
I wanted to make 2º sub, OL / SPS on the same char!

Because I have to do?
Can I make another mutant with the same char? I OL is in main?


what u made?

OL /retail SH dnet OL 3rd class ?

u should be able to take another retail and take SPS, then lvl it to 78 , make 3rd class, get horn and add to it OL with new npc
this OL will become directly dominator


It's possible.

When you grab golkonda's horn you can (while you're on your retail) choose your sub from all races classes.
Dont know exactly hows with those limitations (Dark elf <> Regular Bright Elf, OL <> ??).
Probably you'll have to exp OL first on retail and should work :O

If OL is on main, you have to make switch to its DNET subclass (stacking one), so you will be able to take OL on retail : D