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Started by =^TrackZero^=, December 14, 2010, 06:19:52 PM

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Clan vs Clan event:

As title says we will be hosting new big time event Clan vs Clan.


- minimum 9 (ACTIVE) players from SAME CLAN maximum memebrs are not limited so you can have as much as you want from same clan, more the better!

- minimum 4 clans signes are requiered for this event to be held!

Time,place and how to participate:

- It will be held on 19.12.2010. at Closed Colloseum near Aden
- Time gathering will start from 19:30-20:00h GMT+1 (All who are late will be not allowed to participate)
- Requierments are simple, your clan leader needs to pm TrackZero on forum with this details:

- Clan name
- Clan leader name
- Amount of members you count on for the event ( you dont need to say exact number just around it )

After you send request wait approve letter from TrackZero , once you get it means your clan is accepted for the event. Only accepted clans will be able to participate, therefor sign your clan on time.

Last minute participation:

- This is an OPTION that might happen on last minute before event starts, depending of amount of clans participated (and approved by TrackZero) 1 clan (or more) can be taken from Giran Harbor on the day of event, however clans who SIGNED AND APPROVED on forum will be 1st to be taken and therefor closed to a 1t prize reword.

Rules and Rewords:

I will be short on this one, i advise you to use common sense reading this since the rules can be changed , all in good intention to make good and fair event.


- There will be no forbidden weapons or armors (except HERO weapons read down).
- No enchant weapons/armors limit.
- Hero weapons not allowed.
- Default (class) summons allowed.
- Scrolls SUMMONS not allowed.
- Res/bres/self res. NOT allowed. (basically ANY type of res not alowed when you died you stay down)
- All skills that include battle/magic forces NOT ALOWED (foi,etc...).
- Hero skills not allowed.


- As this very moment i am holding rewords for the winning clan as top secret, but will reveal on the day of event, however knwoing me how nice rewords im giving for each event this event will be no exception, so the clan who wins this tournament can expect REALLY NICE reword.
There will be only 1st place to be reworded.

This topic can be updated 24h before event starts, so make sure you keep refreshing this topic.

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(i wont reveal who yet thou)

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Broken Angels withdrawed from event during recent events.

Thanks all who tryed to participate.

Thanks also temps for spoiling  one more event.
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