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Started by trooperXkoki, December 11, 2010, 08:30:56 PM

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Quote from: jygh on December 16, 2010, 02:18:31 PM
btw i noticed now sheva is defending castle aka same ally as theheroes so how is possible theheroes ve flag when they r on defend ???? cuz as i remember u cant attack ur ally castle lol . track its bug ??
watch voudas's videos and u ll understand, 9/10 of his videos he use exploits, hit through wall blabla etc etc
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: mecho on December 16, 2010, 11:03:53 AM

Ye basicly Sheva is owner of castle, heroes defend it with them beeing registered and in same ally and still they can set up flag ...very interesting ..at least now i explain myself how they got all in castle in no time:)..oh and ofc is not exploit just pure imagination.
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


Quote from: trooperXkoki on December 16, 2010, 02:24:39 PM
watch voudas's videos and u ll understand, 9/10 of his videos he use exploits, hit through wall blabla etc etc
http://www.youtube.com/user/voudas69#p/a/u/1/TLOnxjwRSiI this 1 is funny but  ofc its just frenda who exploit and rest r never using bugs especialy temps
  Nightmare 30x


sebo do run from the crown for the flag. what I will hide myself in the picture I made this picture ...  :P ;D
sigmechodve1.jpg" border="0
SirNapoleon / xSuLTaN - sps/ee
iSuLTaN - pw/tk <<<< Hero
xSuLTaNx - he/wk <<<< Hero


what a cool pics..he/wk in heavy,vicious stance whit bow  :o



i hope u all happy !!!
wasent the only flag there.... secont i learn this from frenda 3rd fix ur server dude track.... summon flag in castle?

about my video was before 5 years trooper and its not voudas69 its voudas on that video if u notice....

now i am not gone beck for my ban like others did........ see ya!!!!

ps: trackzero i dont know what to think dude..... i hope u be in creta for holidays..... :)
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: jygh on December 16, 2010, 02:18:31 PM
btw i noticed now sheva is defending castle aka same ally as theheroes so how is possible theheroes ve flag when they r on defend ???? cuz as i remember u cant attack ur ally castle lol . track its bug ??
when u put in flag in attack and u got castle the flag remains there.... and yeah its a kind of bug not exploit... isent a bug if u can summon flag in castle ?
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: voudas69 on December 16, 2010, 03:29:56 PM

i hope u all happy !!!
wasent the only flag there.... secont i learn this from frenda 3rd fix ur server dude track.... summon flag in castle?

about my video was before 5 years trooper and its not voudas69 its voudas on that video if u notice....

now i am not gone beck for my ban like others did........ see ya!!!!

ps: trackzero i dont know what to think dude..... i hope u be in creta for holidays..... :)
HOHO Why you gonna bite me? You are really epic, if you see others using exploit report it or dont cry if other report you, even worst you know the serious exploits and not reporting....
However if you saw reason why i banned you, it was just that i searched the answers and i would unban you, but now i feel threaten and i cant unban you :/
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on December 16, 2010, 03:35:01 PM
HOHO Why you gonna bite me? You are really epic, if you see others using exploit report it or dont cry if other report you, even worst you know the serious exploits and not reporting....
However if you saw reason why i banned you, it was just that i searched the answers and i would unban you, but now i feel threaten and i cant unban you :/
i dont care dude now they all know i did nothing....
i got unfair ban like my last one on voudas69 by gmsnake i am here longer than u :P
if u could log in a couple of siege u could see all the bugs working....
its exacly the same i wake up with a ban exacly like 5-6 years ago....
i can live with this i know the risk on playing in nightmare.....
and if u need answers dont ban me in the first place.... just pm me...
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: voudas69 on December 16, 2010, 03:32:54 PM
when u put in flag in attack and u got castle the flag remains there.... and yeah its a kind of bug not exploit... isent a bug if u can summon flag in castle ?
its not true cuz when ur ally take castle ur flag disapear too untill u loose castle ( at least it always was ) anyway now we know how u was appearing inside castle each 30 second lol there is sheva flag too somewhere cause even when crystals got broked they still could ress all time
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on December 16, 2010, 03:46:38 PM
its not true cuz when ur ally take castle ur flag disapear too untill u loose castle ( at least it always was ) anyway now we know how u was appearing inside castle each 30 second lol there is sheva flag too somewhere cause even when crystals got broked they still could ress all time
well i dont realy know how this works looks like u know it better....
[url=http://www.megic.1go.dk/dontclickeng.htm]DO NOT CLICK HERE[/url]


Quote from: voudas69 on December 16, 2010, 03:48:42 PM
well i dont realy know how this works looks like u know it better....
well mby is bug duno but iff we destroy all crystals in castle and temps sitll could ress all the time and were appearing in trone room each 30 second after die smthing is wrong isnt it ? and isnt it funny now that all of u called frenda exploiter??
  Nightmare 30x