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Once again, the GM situation on Dragon 15X

Started by jilon, December 27, 2010, 03:51:00 PM

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ps: i have always this robe, if anybody is interresed the price still the same... look screen and pm me :)
Zeevah striked an hate kill !!!
" French Touch "

Zeevah : Off / Reavendark : Off / Highwayx : zZ / Lei : zZ / Blanches : zZ / Selaine : zZ


Quote from: Blanches on January 03, 2011, 02:55:43 AM
ps: i have always this robe, if anybody is interresed the price still the same... look screen and pm me :)



Zeevah striked an hate kill !!!
" French Touch "

Zeevah : Off / Reavendark : Off / Highwayx : zZ / Lei : zZ / Blanches : zZ / Selaine : zZ

Mr. Hide

Quote from: Blanches on January 03, 2011, 02:51:18 AM
mouhahahhaha !!!!!!!!!!

WTF !!! you make screen about a noob major arcana robe ( drop in 4sep xD ) to enchanted with EAS ( read loader and % ).
Why you dont make screen when you can read in hero chat  " wts frintenza+10 "  from a DX member ( glasy clan )???

And if you know me in game , you can know who i'am...
i havent luck with enchant,i always buy/sell items and lot of people said to me i'am maybe the best trader of DN so... stop cry for a noob enchant+10 in sh1t armor !

This sh1t was maybe a good luck enchant but some people can told you i have make one dnet heavy set+6 with trade part ( read the wts/wtt section ;) )

Maybe something in ur post is right, but about me or the clan HEXA you are 100% wrong !
For me Mad' was the best GM in Dragon...

Because is my friend, and since Mad is GM .. i have lost one of my best friend In game...because he never play anymore one char for HEXA or some other clans ...

When i've stop to play (october 2009) i was in reaction clan, and not in HEXA, and MAD was not GM and if you know me ( like your screen) you will know about me i was more rich to now ... so please stop write sh1t about my clan or me.

Thanks, sry for english , and be patient the server will be up soon, stop to make sh1t topic in this forum.

ReavenDark have right ;) i think are u joking.. did you really made a screen for a shitting arcana robe+10 xD??? it cost like an A grade armor piece and no1 want it.. isnt rare see an arcana robe++++ with a very low price... whats the problem?
For the rest... i agree with you ;)


Quote from: jilon on December 27, 2010, 03:51:00 PM
As per usual, the situation of the Dragon GM is unacceptable.

Our community is used to it and just "get over it" most of the time, it's a free server after all.

I would have liked to keep a complete list of the things that happened, but even if I did, you'd be bored after a few pages. I'd like if it was sarcasm, but it's not. There's daily issues. So let's name a few.
Each and every on these points in the list is true and accurate. So many people are aware of it, that it's not needed to justify them.

- GM killing people with Akamanah in Olympiad
- GM being the personal GK of certain clans and friendly cursed sword bearers
- GM forcing people to give away the cursed sword when they want some fun
- GM audio channel filled with L2W players asking tips on how to cheat with it
- GM banning people for imaginary reasons
- GM adding rules when it can give them some in game advantage (2+1 hero allowed magic rule last month, being able to see everyone's current class wasn't enough that month)
- GM take coins and items from scammers for their own gain, often "scammers" and "allegro sellers" did not do anything bad, but the GM can gain a lot of money (for example Psyck's case)
- GM resell those coins cheaper than Drake (0.6E/coin)
- GM banning anyone making good items or better than them claiming they must be some exploit (which no one hear about again, because there is no exploit)

How do they make it last? By terrorizing players.

Any "bad" word results in in game ban. Even if there's nothing about GM's staff, but the player is known to talk a bit too much, there will be a small ban "for no reason".
The player will complain, loudly, and often get a longer ban.

Deleting forum topics. Because they think no one have read them already, maybe. Especially the topics reporting their friends heavily botting and such things. Complaining about topic deletion results into the forum account being deleted, or in game ban for flaming GM work.

Since players can't tell Drake and GMs are into this together, you've a few choices:
- hope you'll keep a low profile and play with bad gear (you might always be banned for being at the wrong place someday)
- change server (we're talking about another network here, because other servers are dead on DN - which amusingly Dragon GMs keep reminding us. Do NM, INF, VLK admins know about this? They make fun of you guys once a month and how you're all dead servers.)

The most recent act was banning most of my fellow Serenity mates, because they made newly enchanted weapons and armors, with the new enchant rate which is a lot higher than before, rate which you can find here:


Maybe GM's didn't read the loader. Or most likely, they were just jealous, GMs are supposed to be the richest players. Don't ask me why, since they don't farm, it's just how it should be! (or read again how they take the "scammers" money and keep it - and this has Drake's approval)

They don't need proof, only to say "it must be exploit". "You buy it from Rarus exploiter". We know where the money and equipment from these bans will go. (into events where the winner acquire 50dc - but the banned equipment  goes for 5000dc, do they think we're that dumb?)

A day later, wandering on the market, what can we see.. a GM clan with +10 armor
. In chat before going to sleep he told me that he made it yesterday.

You'll never see him in the permanent ban list. He's not even a big farmer like we are. The conclusion? GM are as bad as ever on Dragon. Banning around people they don't like without reason, making money on the back of the server and Drake and using their advantages to tyrannize players and maximum profit until the server dies.

You should add: "GM talk into most famous scammer from Dragon x15 to scam selected characters +make big sh1t on valkyrie x9 because of personal war with GM Torn"

Dont flame Glasy? Ops, i did it again :/