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Kamael Trickster Stats (Tests) for Track

Started by Sp3ctre, January 07, 2011, 10:59:06 AM

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skill equal to rapid shot = fast shot
crossbows should have faster reuse then bows(dunno if it's possible on DN right now)
dmg w/o real target ~2k    with real target 2,6k so i think it works good
IC Shooter p.atk could be incresed to 422 as in Gracia (if i'm not wrong)
also all archers have lvl1 passive boost atk spd (kamaels don't)

have You ever try Final Form buff ?

wanna play archer then take sr/pr/he, trickster is only support for them


Quote from: QuadCore on January 10, 2011, 02:05:23 AM
skill equal to rapid fire  = fast shot
crossbows should have faster reuse then bows(dunno if it's possible on DN right now)
dmg w/o real target ~2k    with real target 2,6k so i think it works good
IC Shooter p.atk could be incresed to 422 as in Gracia (if i'm not wrong)
also all archers have lvl1 passive boost atk spd (kamaels don't)

have You ever try Final Form buff ?

wanna play archer then take sr/pr/he, trickster is only support for them
rapid fire(sr skill)  = fast shot(arbalester skil) u re right and the skill works good
the problem is RAPID ATTACK(arbalester) =RAPID SHOT(sr skill and other archers)
rapid attack is removed with haste buf or combat haste potion
when rapid shot is not and from here arbalester have less attack speed then silver ranger
when he should have more due the less power attack


Quote from: QuadCore on January 10, 2011, 12:28:29 PM
about the rapid attack lvl1 skill, you obtain it at lvl 10 kamael female soldier class, do You rly expect it to work like a rapid fire from SR ?
ofc not check again what i said
fast shot(arbalester skil) = rapid fire(sr skill)
RAPID ATTACK(arbalester) =RAPID SHOT(sr skill and other archers)
rapid attack should stack with haste buff ( or combat haste potion) like rapid shot does


Quote from: QuadCore on January 10, 2011, 03:03:44 PM
ok, then plix also add 108 power to wind strike -.- ... so it will work like hurricane
mabe my comparation was no the best but
check those screens

Ghost Sentinel
p atac:4769
a speed:1057

p atac:3533
a speed:1170

diffrence of more then 1k p attack for 100 attack speed this is a joke
by making Rapid Attack stack with haste buff could make this class playeble



Things to be fixed:
rapid attack - stack with haste buff(combat haste potion)
boost attack speed lvl 1 passive - like all archers
fs archer's will - possible to be learned by arbalester
warp - fix
icarus shooter crossbow -fix p. attack / a. speed / reuse

Track u did fix lots of things lately can u check kamael too?

Ps:i know fixes take time but a small change like 1) or 2) would rly  make a big diffrence to arbalester class that now  sux big time


Quote from: QuadCore on January 11, 2011, 06:11:24 PM
gushh ... u rly think it's all about atk.spd ? check SR, does his atk.spd make him uber ? imo not at all
rapid attack = haste buff lvl 1 that's how it and there's nothign wrong with it
i bet GM can't add too much power to kamael coz in Final Form he would be a way too much OP

if u play archer
or even more if u play arbalester
u would know that
there are archers with 9k p atac or with 2k atac speed
witch even in final form u wont get as kamael (check the screens i post already)
final form has been nerfed already and the reuse is too big to be rly usefull
and if u die final form will disapear and u will die becose all are targeting u - u look big and bad :)
the things i sugested to be fixed were not meant to make this class op (is far from beeng op) but make it more normal

ps:about rapid attack = haste buff lvl 1 - take it as u want,i said already that mabe my comparation was no the best
so  lets see rapid attack as it is - a self buff that add some atack speed
this class need a boost on p attack or(and) attack speed and by staking rapid attack with haste buff this class can  get that boost


Things to be fixed:
rapid attack - stack with haste buff(combat haste potion)
boost attack speed lvl 1 passive - like all archers
fs archer's will - possible to be learned by arbalester
warp - fix
icarus shooter crossbow -fix p. attack / a. speed / reuse



Yep this fixes would be great. Trickster SHOULD be an OP archer but it's bugged to the bone ... a PR can kill it faster than you can think. Not to mention that kama has lower p.atack/atack spd/p.def/m.def than 90% of archers used on NM