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D3j4vu banned



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D3j4vu banned

Started by tronic, January 07, 2011, 08:26:10 PM

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hi, my friend D3j4vu got ban for some screens, this guy send pm, but dont answer because he dont know who is him. screens dont show that he is bot, just he dont answer because dont wanted... why demigod never target him?, why he dont make movie and hit him or any shit?, i think he is on walker..., not fair that ban permanent for this shit men, screens dont prove nothing.


+1 screenshot proof nothing.


hi, am D3j4vu.
a friend borrowme u acount in forum.

Gm, for that I have been baned.
This morning I saw this player and did not want to answer him, he is not my friend and for the same thing I do not speak it.
I believe that his tests are minimal.

I am in dual box, the this PP with macros of follow and buff.

I do not see reason of for that there been baned.

On the other hand it is the first time that accuses me of something in 6 years in DRAGON-NETWORK.
And I have been baned forever.

I wait accept my request and liberate me of the unjust punishment that am suffering

Thank you ...... "d3j4vu"

and sry for mi bad english.......am use translator

Sword Muse / Moonlight Sentinel
Phoenix Knight / Sagittarius
Storm Screamer
Ghost Sentinel / Spectral Master
Spectral Dancer / Ghost Sentinel
Cardinal / Phoenix Knight


cry cry cry .. :D .. cry more :) too many botters in your clan :D.............. next time ban more shakuras .

P.S. how about you can try asking GM to give you back your dynasty set only  but not your character ? :D


Quote from: tronic on January 07, 2011, 08:26:10 PM
hi, my friend D3j4vu got ban for some screens, this guy send pm, but dont answer because he dont know who is him. screens dont show that he is bot, just he dont answer because dont wanted... why demigod never target him?, why he dont make movie and hit him or any shit?, i think he is on walker..., not fair that ban permanent for this shit men, screens dont prove nothing.

how do you know if i am on walker or not ?does it matter if i target him or hit him ? I recorded time which so is important to get him ban. I gave him more 10  minutes to reply if not then ban :D .  hmmm I am pretty sure 100% that you and your clan mates are using walker 24/7. Just don't let me see you killing mobs ( legitimately) again :D... Until next time

<3 Shakuras

P.S. i don't need no movie :D .. for now you can keep cry--cry--cry--ing ;D


Hi again, d3j4 ins.

I speak Spanish, do not speak English.
Often the people in the game speak to me and I do not answer them for that not what they say to me, this one is one of these times.
Simply I ignore them if they are not my friends or people of the clan.

It was not in walker ....!!!!!

Please GM does something!!

Sword Muse / Moonlight Sentinel
Phoenix Knight / Sagittarius
Storm Screamer
Ghost Sentinel / Spectral Master
Spectral Dancer / Ghost Sentinel
Cardinal / Phoenix Knight


really you are not normal! everybody can make these screens and that this nonsense gets a ban. I myself do not pay attention to "All Chat" and even less to the "PM" strangers, because everything that I know I have in my friends list, so this is not any evidence worthy for BAN.
Kadirov - TY/WC - stop
CpnckuBojHuk - he/pal , ty/de  -  hacked


Quote from: demigod on January 07, 2011, 09:32:46 PM
how do you know if i am on walker or not ?does it matter if i target him or hit him ? I recorded time which so is important to get him ban. I gave him more 10  minutes to reply if not then ban :D .  hmmm I am pretty sure 100% that you and your clan mates are using walker 24/7. Just don't let me see you killing mobs ( legitimately) again :D... Until next time

<3 Shakuras

P.S. i don't need no movie :D .. for now you can keep cry--cry--cry--ing ;D

why u never target him?, show me u nick, i am sure can find u using l2w... u are just l2w user and think all sever is l2w omfg


Quote from: vinabik on January 07, 2011, 09:59:42 PM
Hi again, d3j4 ins.

I speak Spanish, do not speak English.
Often the people in the game speak to me and I do not answer them for that not what they say to me, this one is one of these times.
Simply I ignore them if they are not my friends or people of the clan.

It was not in walker ....!!!!!

Please GM does something!!

I believe you're telling the truth! your english is really bad xd
good things