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Started by darkdevilct, January 22, 2011, 02:34:20 PM

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well since i got ban w/o reason and i lost all my stufff i can say cya all was fun......good player will get ban and exploiter scammer still play gz -.-



Quote from: darkdevilct on January 22, 2011, 02:34:20 PM
well since i got ban w/o reason and i lost all my stufff i can say cya all was fun......good player will get ban and exploiter scammer still play gz -.-
Cya, if i try to hack you on msn, dude sorry but it wasn't me its RARUS controlling my pc from Moscow, have fun.

P.S. As far as i know you quited 6 months ago (you told me that on msn long ago, or it was your "bot")

Ciao cazzone
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Quote from: MrLethal on January 22, 2011, 04:03:08 PM
+1 many,many,many ppl wanna scam temp from any stupid bot name u give only ban why no IP ban???

ip adress can be changed

                                                                       WHEN IM SAD I STOP BEING SAD AND BE AWESOME INSTEAD ;)


ahahah bb and tell us the name from your new char that you are making

PS no one is leaving everyone is only changing chars and pretend for some time like a new player :D
Frogy               Doomcryer/Dominator
SweetRevangE. Dorfzor ownzor
SaShaa             .Sps/sws
CrAzZyYhuhuh .Dorf Master  RIP


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Quote from: TrackZero on January 22, 2011, 03:17:33 PM
Cya, if i try to hack you on msn, dude sorry but it wasn't me its RARUS controlling my pc from Moscow, have fun.

P.S. As far as i know you quited 6 months ago (you told me that on msn long ago, or it was your "bot")

Ciao cazzone
well track tell me why i must hack u... ...i got u contact msn like more than 1 year and i never send any shit ecc.. just talk bla bla... and u know this...i told u i got a spyware on msn that shit was send shit link to all my contact(family gf friend work ecc) i remove it when i told me u got this link cuz i cant seee when my msn send this link... and im not a lier kid and i dont need lie this is the true,if u waont trust me ok np... but ppl who know who im can im a good player i never exploit hack... i never ask item ecc. and yes i told i quit l2 cuz i dont have time ... but some time i log for talk whit friend ecc...if u dont trust on me i will leave u contact msn...



Quote from: darkcore on January 22, 2011, 06:43:50 PM
nubba kurwa   :3  clean your pc blackhotbiach  i will miss ur 4k hits xd


i remove it whit spybot now ia all ok... btw track u think im idiot or? omg u think i try hack gm of my server whit my own msn cmon track be serius...im not so idiot... and i dont need hack u.. i have all i need so... tell me for what reason i must hack tell me pls i wanna know...



track i wont stress you... but i dont understand why u dont believe on me... u never got problem whit me and is same for me... so tell why u think i will hack you...dude trust me i got this malaware on my msn and this was send bad link to all my contact my msn.. w/0 typing nothing... i just remove it whit spybot when u tell me u got this link cuz other my friend and my girlfriend too tell me that...

i dont lie  this is the true.... if u dont trust on me just cancel my msn but dont ban my char cuz i spend alot time and money and u know this .. so pls unban my char im good palyer and good guy who like play fair .

ps: u got the bad link from my main msn... i dont have bot contact(why u think all ppl must be hacker scammer bad...there are good ppl too)
if i was hackt i try hack u whit bot contact and not whit my main.....



Sad ending here...
well track unban the italian pimp please :D


omg dude just delete him from contacts and unban him....
i dont think ur msn have something to do with lineage....
give him 180 hours ban at least and block delete his msn....

trackzero think how hard is for some one to lose his char..... i lost it once and it was disapointed....
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Ban him on forum as well. I bet he is the spambot who make all those advertising topics. Srsly!

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on January 22, 2011, 09:29:00 PM
Ban him on forum as well. I bet he is the spambot who make all those advertising topics. Srsly!
dude go wank ur malaperda that u made it perdikolastixo with ur signature .....

unban blackhotsoul its just a player.... and delete him form ur msn its soo simple...
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