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Rules - kinda hard to understand them



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Rules - kinda hard to understand them

Started by VampyRUL, January 30, 2011, 08:45:30 PM

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- You can have dual box + 1 char for shop in town, so in real this means: from same ip = 1 char IN town(only) to use as shop, OUTSIDE town you can have Main char + supporter (this means outside the town you can have MAX 2 CHARS FROM SAME IP) if you dont respect this rules you will get 1st time from 360-720h (depends of a gm judgment) and 2nd time PERMA ban!!!

- Let me see if i undestend this right.
-ouside town max dual box  -but to get outside i must login in town 2 chars?  so do i get ban cuz of having 2 chars in town?...
-In town max 1 char "but i have to change items from 1 char to another" - how can i do that? if i log 2 chars i get ban...
-Offline shops are included? can i have 4 shops offline and 1 activ char?....

me kinda dum but this is how i undestand this rules, i'm i wrong?
Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain


Quote from: VampyRUL on January 30, 2011, 08:45:30 PM
- You can have dual box + 1 char for shop in town, so in real this means: from same ip = 1 char IN town(only) to use as shop, OUTSIDE town you can have Main char + supporter (this means outside the town you can have MAX 2 CHARS FROM SAME IP) if you dont respect this rules you will get 1st time from 360-720h (depends of a gm judgment) and 2nd time PERMA ban!!!

- Let me see if i undestend this right.
-ouside town max dual box  -but to get outside i must login in town 2 chars?  so do i get ban cuz of having 2 chars in town?...
-In town max 1 char "but i have to change items from 1 char to another" - how can i do that? if i log 2 chars i get ban...
-Offline shops are included? can i have 4 shops offline and 1 activ char?....

me kinda dum but this is how i undestand this rules, i'm i wrong?

Simple  in town  1 shop (sitting selling/buying)

Outside Town you can have main char and 1 buffer example so basically you can have 1ip = 2 chars outside town.
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Quote from: TrackZero on January 30, 2011, 08:51:35 PM

Simple  in town  1 shop (sitting selling/buying)

Outside Town you can have main char and 1 buffer example so basically you can have 1ip = 2 chars outside town.

so in town i can have 2 chars but only 1 selling/buying, if i  can not log 2 chars in town how can i trade items between chars?

and you still did not answear is offline shops countd? i mean can i put 3 offline shops?
Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain


SS2 squad Ninja Squad, Severance Kung-Fu Man


Quote from: VampyRUL on January 30, 2011, 09:18:32 PM
so in town i can have 2 chars but only 1 selling/buying, if i  can not log 2 chars in town how can i trade items between chars?

and you still did not answear is offline shops countd? i mean can i put 3 offline shops?
are you joking?

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain


Quote from: VampyRUL on January 30, 2011, 09:18:32 PM
so in town i can have 2 chars but only 1 selling/buying, if i  can not log 2 chars in town how can i trade items between chars?

and you still did not answear is offline shops countd? i mean can i put 3 offline shops?
IQ issues or you just wanna make stupid jokes with me. If i see you out of town from 1 IP more then 2 chars i will insta ban you.
Offline shops is counted as normal shop so please use common sense.
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Quote from: TrackZero on January 30, 2011, 09:45:56 PM
IQ issues or you just wanna make stupid jokes with me. If i see you out of town from 1 IP more then 2 chars i will insta ban you.
Offline shops is counted as normal shop so please use common sense.

Ok, is clear now, is all i wanted to know.

Close topic please.

Nothing is free and everything is on sale
"Buy land, they're not making it anymore"---> Mark Twain


Quote from: MrLethal on January 30, 2011, 09:50:53 PM
track my brother and me we have 2x pc if u need i can make screen and send u.we can have 4x box- 2xpc=2x dual box-´2x players.any problem_
GM can always check if there is bot or real player playing behind it, have no doubt in that, as long there is a real guy playing behind it have no worries.
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