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SE/BD - drain reuse sux



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SE/BD - drain reuse sux

Started by Jamesisko, January 30, 2011, 07:04:32 PM

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i play with my lovely se/bd but now i can't pvp coz drain reuse sux.
i use 2 skilss on that char.. drain, freez, freez, drain or drain freez, drain freez.. now i have to: drain freez freez freez.. wait.. drain o.@
U got new house?


Quote from: Jamesisko on January 30, 2011, 07:04:32 PM
i play with my lovely se/bd but now i can't pvp coz drain reuse sux.
i use 2 skilss on that char.. drain, freez, freez, drain or drain freez, drain freez.. now i have to: drain freez freez freez.. wait.. drain o.@

I dont know where this "update" came from but im sure i will test it and check it out and let you know.
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kk ;)
this problem is with my char LM (bot killer, lots pk points;p)
on infinity there was no problem with  killing bots or pvp with real players.
drain was fast and i works (gives me hp), so my nograde char could fight.
now... mamma mija.. this sux, even killing bots - i got lots job to do. drain gives much more damage than freez .
U got new house?


this is a nerf made in x15 when Nm/inf is off,

ppl cry about  BP/DA on dragon oly

now all SE/BD , SE/SK , PS/SK , PS/BD become useless and BP/DA still good on oly ...

sorry for bad english
BoHzor ne/sk          facasguinso bd/aw      Crashh se/sk     and more ...


yeh,yeah uberpro ps/bd main char can sleep for now xD

dragon-network style nerf as usually: fok whole skills,whatever how many different kind of char using it...  :-* :-* :-*
Kapa - Th/pp
Gereblye - pp
Sinter - spoiler
Bise xuality - pr/bd (landed char)
Talicska - he/wl (landed char)
Cabaal - bp/pal (landed char)
TheAlien - ps/bd (own, and also last)


Quote from: Kapa on January 31, 2011, 04:03:34 PM
yeh,yeah uberpro ps/bd main char can sleep for now xD

dragon-network style nerf as usually: fok whole skills,whatever how many different kind of char using it...  :-* :-* :-*
I cant agree with you.

But about this case its nothing related to hero on x15 or any other server , we are atm in some sort of transision and doing some things atm,cant talk much about it atm, but we will come with official announcements about in few days about some skills.
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Quote from: Jamesisko on January 30, 2011, 07:04:32 PM
i play with my lovely se/bd but now i can't pvp coz drain reuse sux.
i use 2 skilss on that char.. drain, freez, freez, drain or drain freez, drain freez.. now i have to: drain freez freez freez.. wait.. drain o.@

+1 reuse focked

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


Track. change pliz just this one skill, not much to do for u.
whole server, all chars using that skill will be happy.
just back it like it was before "update"
is it too much work for u?
U got new house?


ok talked with drake
ATM (NOW) reuse is 5 sec
from next restart (already coded, just need server down/up) it will go BASE lvl 4 reuse AFFECTED by buff (song augment etc)


Quote from: TrackZero on January 31, 2011, 04:08:22 PM
I cant agree with you.

But about this case its nothing related to hero on x15 or any other server , we are atm in some sort of transision and doing some things atm,cant talk much about it atm, but we will come with official announcements about in few days about some skills.

what you now foked??
maby meke foking fulll HB

TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Hi GM's :]
Thanks for f***ed up chars :] why only that two skills got REUSE from gracia, so everone have to make dagger and archers ? sweet

Have FuN !!!!


(crying mode on)
Once we had nice class, bd/se... not bad healer, support and sometimes it could kill some1. After 1st nerf it stopped to be not bad healer (removing major heal). Now it have 5 sec drain reuse and nice class becoming to be dualbox class. I'm asking why ? We have more powerfull classes, bd/se for sure wasn't overpowered class. Maybe DNET stuff don't want ppl bored here they and want ppl need to change chars and not play same classes by years...
(crying mode off)

it's 4 sec reuse, and affected by skills that modify reuse/augmentation
get refresh and u can still spam it