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Multibox diffrence

Started by JoeDoe, February 02, 2011, 10:45:12 PM

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Wanna 1 main +2 box out town?

Yes (now i can make trains)
20 (64.5%)
11 (35.5%)

Total Members Voted: 30

Voting closed: February 16, 2011, 10:45:12 PM


Now is new serwer and old rules..... Gm should dont forget that on serwer are also ppl who play on rate x5.
On x5 to exping u get 3 options to exp;
1. put bot and go drink
2. log 2 box and make trains or go to hb (1 is not enought)
3. shout in aden "plzzz pt"

Now rate is to big but anyway i know that if be x10 or x7 ppl from x30 have problems with exp (not blame them, it is normal if someone usuly play on high rate and then go to low rate). But a lot ppl still wanna exping alone. Not all ppl have big clans  with big pties on hb or dino.
On  x5 some ppl playing alone log 2 box and go to rex or make dino trains or even himera exp.
I talk with ppl from other clans from x5 and all agree with me.  From second side i know more box = more lags.
But now what a diffrece lags in town or lags out... 
2nd thing and very important.  Gm remeber that on serwer a lot ppl make Q and 50% cant kill alone golka or cabrio, helate, barakiel, helate... On x5 horn cost 200kk here 2 dc lol. And if gm wanna that not be more solo RB killer make just 1 rule to only on this 4 RB one person can have 3 chars in 1 place... I post here becose today i saw how 1 solo RB ks someone (who try make pt 30 min) and no one get quest. I can kill it meself and pk this noob but cant log 2 boxes...
If can change rule about this 4 RB and make alowed to 2 box + main... IF u do it i can even back to price 200kk  what was on x5.
I do it more for fun not for money.

Rules with bot for me is also strange (on x5 was: 1st permision, yellow card, red card :P) but who wanna botin on high grade lvl ?

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Agree with you, now it's really annoying to ask some to log me a one box to get buffs, beacouse i can get ban if i log main+buffer+char which i wanna lvl up...

WilQsPL (Tyr/De)
Iva (Pal/Wl)
DjDziadzior (Tyr/Wc)


Quote from: JoeDoe on February 02, 2011, 10:45:12 PM
Now is new serwer and old rules..... Gm should dont forget that on serwer are also ppl who play on rate x5.
On x5 to exping u get 3 options to exp;
1. put bot and go drink
2. log 2 box and make trains or go to hb (1 is not enought)
3. shout in aden "plzzz pt"

Now rate is to big but anyway i know that if be x10 or x7 ppl from x30 have problems with exp (not blame them, it is normal if someone usuly play on high rate and then go to low rate). But a lot ppl still wanna exping alone. Not all ppl have big clans  with big pties on hb or dino.
On  x5 some ppl playing alone log 2 box and go to rex or make dino trains or even himera exp.
I talk with ppl from other clans from x5 and all agree with me.  From second side i know more box = more lags.
But now what a diffrece lags in town or lags out... 
2nd thing and very important.  Gm remeber that on serwer a lot ppl make Q and 50% cant kill alone golka or cabrio, helate, barakiel, helate... On x5 horn cost 200kk here 2 dc lol. And if gm wanna that not be more solo RB killer make just 1 rule to only on this 4 RB one person can have 3 chars in 1 place... I post here becose today i saw how 1 solo RB ks someone (who try make pt 30 min) and no one get quest. I can kill it meself and pk this noob but cant log 2 boxes...
If can change rule about this 4 RB and make alowed to 2 box + main... IF u do it i can even back to price 200kk  what was on x5.
I do it more for fun not for money.

Rules with bot for me is also strange (on x5 was: 1st permision, yellow card, red card :P) but who wanna botin on high grade lvl ?

Quote from: JoeDoe on February 02, 2011, 10:45:12 PM
Now rate is to big but anyway i know that if be x10 or x7 ppl from x30 have problems with exp (not blame them, it is normal if someone usuly play on high rate and then go to low rate).

You made my day :D

Yes... There is a huge difference between x30 (as you called it: HIGH RATE ;D) and x20 (LOW RATE ;D:D

Come on... :)
Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


joe as i told u i can understand your point of view, and i know u gave around horn to 50% infy ppl

but here atm we have 1000+ char logged

invite some ppl to clan, create buffer to share between clan members, and u will solve problem

(to make a ty/de low lvl to kill low lvl raid... will take u 2 days? keep him low lvl with sin eater and u can restart give away free horn )



Quote from: WilQs on February 02, 2011, 10:49:13 PM
Agree with you, now it's really annoying to ask some to log me a one box to get buffs, beacouse i can get ban if i log main+buffer+char which i wanna lvl up...

and u get point what i wanna said...
It is reason why some ppl leave serwer.....

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Quote from: Piccy on February 02, 2011, 11:20:04 PM
joe as i told u i can understand your point of view, and i know u gave around horn to 50% infy ppl

but here atm we have 1000+ char logged

invite some ppl to clan, create buffer to share between clan members, and u will solve problem

(to make a ty/de low lvl to kill low lvl raid... will take u 2 days? keep him low lvl with sin eater and u can restart give away free horn )

DE/WC + SWS/WK + PP/BD legally at golka, cabrio, barakiel = happy serwer

IF i ask friend "man log me pp need buff" i heard  "sorry just 1   bd/se loged at moment"...
And the best way is. if u somthing need do it alone dont beg others.
I wanna sai just a little change rules on  rex, q golka, barakiel and cabrio... rest can be like was...

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there are many things that you CAN'T do with other people... if i have to go dino and make trains, or make varkas quest for example, noone helps me with a sws/wc or pp/bd or any other support, 'cos only very few ppl helps, so the best i can do is risk my chars and open 3 boxes 'cos otherwise i cant do anything.... 3 boxes are ok, but no 1 selling and 2 hunting, thats stupid...



We need REAL people on server not BOT heaven, if you cant exp your char and you are lonely rider who cant find friends to exp, or you think server have too high rate Arena x200 or Valkyria x9 is the way!!!

I expanded my rules allowing you to have 1 shop and 2 chars , what do you want more?!!?! You want us to become Infinite Botmare x20!!

Decision is final , no matter how much you complain it wont be changed , therefor dont spam forum go in game and level and find some friends, Lineage 2 is MMORPG for the reason not BOT MORPG.
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Quote from: TrackZero on February 03, 2011, 01:12:31 AM
We need REAL people on server not BOT heaven, if you cant exp your char and you are lonely rider who cant find friends to exp, or you think server have too high rate Arena x200 or Valkyria x9 is the way!!!

I expanded my rules allowing you to have 1 shop and 2 chars , what do you want more?!!?! You want us to become Infinite Botmare x20!!

Decision is final , no matter how much you complain it wont be changed , therefor dont spam forum go in game and level and find some friends, Lineage 2 is MMORPG for the reason not BOT MORPG.

Only one thing to add... Multi box and l2w destroy team work . So start following the rules!