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Gracia features?



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Gracia features?

Started by Peorexo, February 05, 2011, 01:02:30 AM

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Okey you are upgrading much things but u forget about one old crappy skill...

Necromancers got skill for lv 81-83 (i dont remember) called Vampiric Mist, loong time ago it work like selfbuff and then it was nerfed. Ok everything good but why it is normal area skill with huge reuse ? Upgrade it too. In gracia it is like now + area debuff for patk/atk speed if i good remember...


Quote from: Peorexo on February 05, 2011, 01:02:30 AM
Okey you are upgrading much things but u forget about one old crappy skill...

Necromancers got skill for lv 81-83 (i dont remember) called Vampiric Mist, loong time ago it work like selfbuff and then it was nerfed. Ok everything good but why it is normal area skill with huge reuse ? Upgrade it too. In gracia it is like now + area debuff for patk/atk speed if i good remember...
Maybe some answer? It will be nice to see this skill working...


I guess it is working like it should.

Official description:
QuoteCreates a fog that absorbs nearby HP. Power 117.

So it affects a small area around ur main target and absorbs HP.

I dont know how is the reuse delay on official servers, but I agree its a bit high.
Proud to be brazilian.

nightmare 30x
CottonMouth - Hierophant/Soultaker - Nobless


Quote from: 666VeNoM on February 08, 2011, 03:31:57 PM
I guess it is working like it should.

Official description:
So it affects a small area around ur main target and absorbs HP.

I dont know how is the reuse delay on official servers, but I agree its a bit high.
Scatters a fog of death to inflict darkness damage on nearby enemies with 117 power added to magic power. Absorbs 40% as HP. For 30 seconds, decreases moving speed/P. Atk./Atk. Spd. by 50% and accuracy by 12.

So? If it will work like i written up, actual reuse will be okey...


i learn this skill...
its not debuf and not "over time"

its mass vampiric claw like skill
drains hp from all surround enemy/mobs


Quote from: Geomantic on February 09, 2011, 10:56:43 AM
i learn this skill...
its not debuf and not "over time"

its mass vampiric claw like skill
drains hp from all surround enemy/mobs

Yes, but if GM's upgrading skill to gracia, so it should work like i write. In gracia it is area vampir + debuff.


He's implementing SOME gracia features, not all.

And since he cant do some bcuz of sub stack (might make some classes OP), he doesnt do all changes.

Imagine that Magnus havent retail stats since...3y ago
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008