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please assist me with this gms i need your help lost chars please help



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please assist me with this gms i need your help lost chars please help

Started by Ergaleio, February 14, 2011, 03:31:33 AM

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this is wierd i had long time to log in in dn server nightmare
i logged my first acc  char name v1pbuffs  everything was normal
then i tryed log with other acc and i couldnt find anything my charachters were gone ::::
name: v1pbd   bd/se noblesse both 3d class
name: crazydestroyer  dest/ty
name: v1psws                 sws
and a gladiator low lvl less then 70
thats not fair for me too loose all these charachters
if u ask me how i m sure if my chars deleted i made new char dark elf and named him crazydestroyer and it didint say "name already exists"
i have searched it a lot
can some1 help me piccy ? track ?
i would rly appreciate it if i got my chars back, thnx in advance


Quote from: Ergaleio on February 14, 2011, 03:31:33 AM
this is wierd i had long time to log in in dn server nightmare
i logged my first acc  char name v1pbuffs  everything was normal
then i tryed log with other acc and i couldnt find anything my charachters were gone ::::
name: v1pbd   bd/se noblesse both 3d class
name: crazydestroyer  dest/ty
name: v1psws                 sws
and a gladiator low lvl less then 70
thats not fair for me too loose all these charachters
if u ask me how i m sure if my chars deleted i made new char dark elf and named him crazydestroyer and it didint say "name already exists"
i have searched it a lot
can some1 help me piccy ? track ?
i would rly appreciate it if i got my chars back, thnx in advance
nooby :D
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


are u sure that u log on same server? if yes ... p00r unlucky dude
if no... post it we make laugh at u ;)
my english is so fsck wrong... sorz dudes!


he's pretty sure, since we've met online yesterday.  :P and btw... i've lost some chars too. fortunate for me only some low lvls.


yes i m poor unlucky
but i havent seen any assistance from gms
maybe they can answer me ?


i checked database for those nick but they don't exist.

means that some "friend" who used your acc logged, took items and deleted chars

(orc was crazydestroyer and glad was karmalover)

ps: u'd better change pass also for v1pbuffs couse there are 3 different ip in 2 days ( xx.1, then xx.2, then again xx,1, then xx,3..... or u log from 3 different house... or there are some "friend" using it)


Quote from: Piccy on February 15, 2011, 12:53:57 AM
i checked database for those nick but they don't exist.

means that some "friend" who used your acc logged, took items and deleted chars

(orc was crazydestroyer and glad was karmalover)

ps: u'd better change pass also for v1pbuffs couse there are 3 different ip in 2 days ( xx.1, then xx.2, then again xx,1, then xx,3..... or u log from 3 different house... or there are some "friend" using it)

ju no andastan!
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: Piccy on February 15, 2011, 12:53:57 AM
i checked database for those nick but they don't exist.

means that some "friend" who used your acc logged, took items and deleted chars

(orc was crazydestroyer and glad was karmalover)

ps: u'd better change pass also for v1pbuffs couse there are 3 different ip in 2 days ( xx.1, then xx.2, then again xx,1, then xx,3..... or u log from 3 different house... or there are some "friend" using it)
can u help me with destroyer?  and glad
thnx for remmeber me the name of glad :P
and r u sure about v1pbd and v1psws ?
and about the ip i play from 2 diffrent house ( 2 pc) and sometimes on laptop
when u told me the name of karma lover i remember id and pass i had forgotten it can u just tell me if crazydestroyer was in same acc with karma? if it is they are deleted maybe get them back ?
and thnx for caring :D


i've seen v1pbd online many times, so i can assure that it was bd/se with noble.


nothing to do

simply they doesn't exist anymore on server.

who opened u, took items, sold , and then deleted chars.....
