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Lost Adena after lag



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Lost Adena after lag

Started by mrD4rm, February 17, 2011, 10:31:45 PM

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Hi. I have problem i lost all my adena after trading... On my dwarf GumolitowyBoj i was buying D.coins and on D0nH00ligan im selling lunargents etc. After i sell some lunargents i have logged in and want to trade adena to dwarf 1st i trade 1kkk so my dwarf have something about 1.376.256.xxx adena then i trade 623 kk more and when im trading there was some kind of lag after that i have 1 adena on dwarf and lost 1.623 kkk on D0nH00ligan and 376 kk on dwarf... What i have to do with this situation ;/ ?? Plz help
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to try solve this i need drake. need wait some day


So is there any possibility that i ever get back my adena ??  ;) For player like me 2 kkk is a lot of adena bcoz i play max 10 h per week xD

P.s And can i normaly play that chars that was bugged or i should don't use em too much ?
P.s 2 I have wife and childrens they need to eat too :D
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Quote from: mrD4rm on February 20, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
So is there any possibility that i ever get back my adena ??  ;) For player like me 2 kkk is a lot of adena bcoz i play max 10 h per week xD

P.s And can i normaly play that chars that was bugged or i should don't use em too much ?
P.s 2 I have wife and childrens they need to eat too :D

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for sure u play more than 10 h / week
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Belive me it was long time ago... For example in this weekend i log in game for 1 hour :D Rly i dont have much free time, but im L2 addicted and i must log for some time to play its just bcoz i love this game ^^
And u can see that my last server was Vallkyria where i played 2 or 3 weeks and than rly big hole in my L2 life.

Since there's no anserw from 3 days i suppose that i lost my 2 kkk yep ?
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