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Started by =^TrackZero^=, January 14, 2011, 04:09:25 PM

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PP root skill bugged. It's NOT depends of targets mdef, used skills etc.
Tested on oly fights -
lucifsg vs evil3 - it is landing same up to 5 times during oly fight, and not depends of using lionheart, magnus chant, mirror tatoos, dryad tatoos. Whatever I got, 1,3k mdef or 2,3k mdef - landing always.
lucifsg vs kropkaPL - not depending of mdef, working same with or without anti magic armor.

There is one more bug in aw/sk - ud or vengence + ghost walking = still max speed.


PP root skill bugged. It's NOT depends of targets mdef, used skills etc.
Tested on oly fights -
lucifsg vs evil3 - it is landing same up to 5 times during oly fight, and not depends of using lionheart, magnus chant, mirror tatoos, dryad tatoos. Whatever I got, 1,3k mdef or 2,3k mdef - landing always.
lucifsg vs kropkaPL - not depending of mdef, working same with or without anti magic armor.



I just started playing on this server and I leveled a kookaburra since I'm playing a mage. It should be giving buffs every 5 levels after 55. It is now 79-ish and only gives me BtB and BtS; neither are level 6 effect. I used Search on this topic in these forums and apparently this bug was reported on Valkyria about a year ago, and here is what this person said a kooka should give.

Quote from: Kailenaa on May 05, 2010, 11:13:33 AM
Fix kookabura, she should give shield, conc, emp, acu, btb and bts on 80 or 85 :S

I believe all these buffs should be maxed, so Shield 3, Conc. 6, Emp. 3, Acu. 3, BtB 6, and BtS 6.

My character is currently 39. Is there a level gap penalty? It leveled so much faster than I did...
- Solar


I tried a kamael out, main class "x". Took first retail successfully, then went for second. It had become lvl40, changed back to main and later wanted to continue exping 2nd retail. It wasn't available to choose it from NPC Astral. So I've decided to choose a different class for second time, still got it as 2nd retail. Exped it, changed back to main. Again 2nd retail and got back the previous lvl40 which one was missing.
Main class and 1st retail are fine. 3rd retail can't be chosen. So wth now? :o It shouldn't be possible for retails to overwrite each other...

Edit: I finished exping the lvl 40 one till 75, switched back to main then 2nd retail again and it's lvl 40 :D   QQ^(10^23)
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


I have problem with clan hall

I cannot get any buff..i click on buff and tadammm npc doesnt give me any buffs Ch is in rune (aria chamber) plix fix it i tryed to send a pm to gm but as usually...they ignore ppl..


i would like to report a bug regarding aw passive skill light mastery that gives extra attack speed and p.def  DOES NOT WORK
can u have look and tell me why it does not work ? and hopefully fix it
thanks in advance


Quote from: acquarius on March 03, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
I have problem with clan hall
I cannot get any buff..i click on buff and tadammm npc doesnt give me any buffs Ch is in rune (aria chamber) plix fix it i tryed to send a pm to gm but as usually...they ignore ppl..
Did you enable buffs in ch manager ? Have adena in cwh ?


Okey after small brake i am back to bussines, i will <temp> close this topic in order to filter real bugs and fake ones, as well as make a to-do list and start fixing.

So be patient.
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