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Started by ylim, March 26, 2011, 09:11:58 PM

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it wasnt possible to engrave in gludio
tried with 2 diffrent CL

i hope u fix it at least for aden/rune siege


hahahaha. Bug??? Sorry if u  know how use skill seal of ruler beter next time dont participle to any siege  :D :D
Anyway u make me day.

Ylimis way: Dont know how = Bug  ;D ;D ;D

Anyway GM check casle Gludio but nothin bugged dont found there :)

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Quote from: JoeDoe on March 26, 2011, 09:37:01 PM
hahahaha. Bug??? Sorry if u  know how use skill seal of ruler beter next time dont participle to any siege  :D :D
Anyway u make me day.

Ylimis way: Dont know how = Bug  ;D ;D ;D

Anyway GM check casle Gludio but nothin bugged dont found there :)



Quote from: JoeDoe on March 26, 2011, 09:37:01 PM
hahahaha. Bug??? Sorry if u  know how use skill seal of ruler beter next time dont participle to any siege  :D :D
Anyway u make me day.

Ylimis way: Dont know how = Bug  ;D ;D ;D

Anyway GM check casle Gludio but nothin bugged dont found there :)

Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


sethan yeah i never engraved on any castle so i dont know how to target 1 foking monument and use 1 skill. u r right.

only fail that not me who was trying to do that. 2 other diffrent person tried it.

but u proove again what a tard u r. not like we need more things about that, cos everybody know that  :-*


Quote from: ylim on March 27, 2011, 05:42:00 PM
only fail that not me who was trying to do that. 2 other diffrent person tried it.

W4lker was that star?D
Person whos got giran and dont know how set manor :D

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Quote from: JoeDoe on March 27, 2011, 06:20:43 PM
W4lker was that star?D
Person whos got giran and dont know how set manor :D

haha u QQ that u cant use manor? xd is biiiiiiiig differance in know how to set and lazy to set lol


Quote from: plee on March 27, 2011, 07:36:02 PM
haha u QQ that u cant use manor? xd is biiiiiiiig differance in know how to set and lazy to set lol

But if BA tell W4lker "foker set manor" is a bit diffrence  too :P

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Quote from: ylim on March 27, 2011, 05:42:00 PM
sethan yeah i never engraved on any castle so i dont know how to target 1 foking monument and use 1 skill. u r right.

only fail that not me who was trying to do that. 2 other diffrent person tried it.

but u proove again what a tard u r. not like we need more things about that, cos everybody know that  :-*
common, ills teach u on my fortress ;p

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D


sethan u r a tard nothing more  :-*

anyway even if u spam here problem need to be solved


The problem is that you was on wrong position when try engrave try little more right :)


Ylim I''m sure You engrave for first time ! And You foked smth ^^


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