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Time to change this stupid rules - Page 14



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Time to change this stupid rules

Started by JoeDoe, March 30, 2011, 08:19:26 PM

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Wanna Rules from x5 ??

44 (53.7%)
38 (46.3%)
something different?
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Avoid exploit thx
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 78

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 02:22:47 PM


yeah i still not see where tukann gave any extra profit for joining BA ...

so the only 1who need translater about things its u so stfu   :-*

why should be anybody kicked ? cos u r retard ? in this way of thinking all clan would be totaly empty, cos i didnt meet bigger tard in this game then u  :-*


Just LOL :D Pierdolony szpieg jesteś gorszy niż prezes PIS-u , masz chłopie nasrane do głowy.

Storm Screamer/Spectral Dancer 83 --- Infinty
Craft/Spoil  81 - 7 x Hero --- Infinity
Eva Templar/WindRider 85 --- Infinity
Only F.u.N


Quote from: Phate on April 08, 2011, 01:47:47 PM
no, i didnt miss.. i was pointing about your "flames" which followed deeper inside the topic. Your style of propaganda all over the forum that AOD sucks and can kill in pvp only fullparty vs 1 (or any other outnumber situation, nevermind).. what reputation r u getting from such way of presentation, ever thought about that?

another empty words just to say smthing in your profit.. it is happening in general like many other things

Seriously, i wonder if u(not just you, but all the others writing such things here) really believe in what you write...like things about zerg aod on temp.... if u really see this "reality" by your eyes and then u r convinced that it is truth... then its hard to discuss, coz even if truth might be somehow different, in your mind nothing will convince you ...no sense trying even ;)

Hush Phate or Ylim will tell you that you know notjing about server history ::)

How much of those eager knights of BA's good name remember laposapo or baale ?


I don't have time to read whole thread nor that I care and maybe my words have already been posted here, but:

I don't need more fukin boxes while server is a SH1T like this one where can't play a proper siege. HF farming on your own, because your profit will be the 100% in that case...

Quote from: JoeDoe on April 08, 2011, 12:37:51 PM
Reading FUN clan forum i saw many thing what tukann "offered" do them :D
Anyway all forgot important rule:
For item u dont get loyality
Unfortunately Tukann (yes, so me) didn't offer anything to FUN members, because I have never talked with them about joining into clan, BA. It was another person :)

p.s This is my first and last post concerning your informations. Have a nice day :)
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: fenrris on April 08, 2011, 03:13:01 PM
Hush Phate or Ylim will tell you that you know notjing about server history ::)

How much of those eager knights of BA's good name remember laposapo or baale ?

yeah i dont know balee for sure:) too abd that i played with him even before dn muahahaha

fail  :-*


Quote from: ylim on April 08, 2011, 03:54:05 PM
yeah i dont know balee for sure:) too abd that i played with him even before dn muahahaha

fail  :-*

sorry Ylim but do you realy think that you were the only BA member posting here?  ;)


Quote from: JoeDoe on April 08, 2011, 01:59:23 PM

arent u tired to make urself look like dumb in every fcking topic ??? gosh dude dont u see no 1 give a fck about u and ur theory's.................. is sad in fact lol u beat ary 100%
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: YaHoYaH on April 08, 2011, 03:07:22 PM
Just LOL :D Pierdolony szpieg jesteś gorszy niż prezes PIS-u , masz chłopie nasrane do głowy.

i mowi to koles ktorego lask ma bzika "na punkcie sethana" , obgaduje byłe ally (Warshadows) i ich lidera (hujogłowy), oraz naskakuje na BA na FUN clan :d  Szczerze to miałem niezlą polewe  czytajac  teksty całego funu "Jebac sethana" itp :D
Fachowo to sie nazywa obsesja:P Ale przynajmniej wkoncu wygraliscie dzieki mnie jakies siege:P
Ale szczerze.. życze BA wiecej takich graczy jak Ty :P  
Jesli was to pocieszy wystawie wam neutralną ocene:P

Liderstwo - 2/10
Farmienie - 7/10
Bocenie - 6/10
Siege - 3/10
PvP - 1/10
Uwielbienie Sethana - 10/10 :P

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Quote from: jygh on April 08, 2011, 04:17:13 PM
arent u tired to make urself look like dumb in every fcking topic ??? gosh dude dont u see no 1 give a fck about u and ur theory's.................. is sad in fact lol u beat ary 100%

u are beter  becose ur allies get perma ban and u have friends in ass.
About exploiting on siege i beter dont talk becose on next siege i do this same what i do Warshadows :)

Curius if u get perma that u change ur point about this rule

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Quote from: fenrris on April 08, 2011, 03:13:01 PM
Hush Phate or Ylim will tell you that you know notjing about server history ::)

How much of those eager knights of BA's good name remember laposapo or baale ?


anyway era of balee,laposapo is not the true history on Infi... but thats not the point here

L2 life: Infinity 5x
August 2005 - October 2008
thank you all ppl for this great adventure

Thnks fr th Mmrs


Quote from: Phate on April 08, 2011, 04:52:09 PM
anyway era of balee,laposapo is not the true history on Infi... but thats not the point here

IIt could be by point of view.
For me history of inty start when WoD comes :P

Anyway topic can close i think.... voting is finished and Piccy can saw that about rules is not only mine problem and i thisk should be again changed it when all was happy.
And BTW: Piccy unban xSultanX This <censure> Track ban him without proofs

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Quote from: fenrris on April 08, 2011, 03:59:11 PM
sorry Ylim but do you realy think that you were the only BA member posting here?  ;)

so who else dont know him ? tukann mby ? or nielin who also knew him before DN ? :D