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Baium Dissapearence?



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Baium Dissapearence?

Started by erik35, April 02, 2011, 09:54:05 PM

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Ok here's what actually happened:
I was playing with one of my chars and he had the boss jewels. When I finished I transfered the jewels back to my main char (trough warehouse freight since they are on one acc). When I logged my main to take the stuff everything was there ... expect for Baium. First I tought I left it in some other char but I searched everything and couldn't find it. Then I was like "What the H? All the jewels are here expect Baium?" Happens to me first time, so can anyone tell me what's going on?
I restarted the game, made full check and this didn't work. Help is appriciated :D


Can you pm me your char name.



Done! PM me in game when you can. Thanks for helping me