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unban ixox!!!!

Started by kaena, April 14, 2011, 10:52:05 AM

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Quote from: iMEXX on April 18, 2011, 06:27:07 PM
+1 for unban xSuLTaNx

+2 to unban hiim and thorax, songon, tahara
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


1. why you insulting people all the time? is somethign wrong with you?

2.i never saw you did anything to help no1, and sethan always try help people and active in forum try make server better to everybody..
and when you not find how to insult ppl , you insult them on misstype? you relly poor man, get over it.

3.you say about how sethan open topics and crying, well if is topics so poor , why are you replying in every one of this topics? if some1 not intersting for me, i not follow every thing he wright like you and come to insult him...

so i think maybe if you will stop put your nose in places he not belong, stop think about other people and insult them, and just play the game it will be very good for you, but i not expect nothing from a very poor dude like you, cause like you say in your words, people not change...
EvilTiptip - SH\BD    Tip Clan
Fistok - Glad/DA      WS Clan


Quote from: mark_elesse on April 18, 2011, 05:48:59 PM
indeed i am.
its a fact, just like that you're perma-banned. on the other hand, i'll take the opportunity to admit, both of the above mentioned facts makes me happy. so you can fluff yourself up kid, atm you are the one here who inhales Track penis deep in tha throat for some mercy. i wish you'll contineu, watching you beg for pixels is priceless.
4 real!


Quote from: Gonzal on April 15, 2011, 02:38:28 AM
unban all :D
Yee unban all, especially me! Track as you said u ll unban me at 2012 ( 2012 comming soon ;D )
Nightmare x30:
DraksLord TH/PP OFF
St1ngerx HE/BD OFF
Valkyria x9:
MasterGhost SPS + TY/DE + DE/TY + EE/SPS OFF
St1nger GL + HE/GL OFF
iDraksLord TH + TH/PP OFF


Quote from: tiptip on April 19, 2011, 01:35:17 PM
1. why you insulting people all the time? is somethign wrong with you?

2.i never saw you did anything to help no1, and sethan always try help people and active in forum try make server better to everybody..
and when you not find how to insult ppl , you insult them on misstype? you relly poor man, get over it.

3.you say about how sethan open topics and crying, well if is topics so poor , why are you replying in every one of this topics? if some1 not intersting for me, i not follow every thing he wright like you and come to insult him...

so i think maybe if you will stop put your nose in places he not belong, stop think about other people and insult them, and just play the game it will be very good for you, but i not expect nothing from a very poor dude like you, cause like you say in your words, people not change...


1. i dont think i am insulting ppl. I can speak on normal way with ppl who are talkin on normal way too. Like with u in this case. (i remember when we had flame each other after a siege ingame in goddard, but u can see, when u are talking with me like an intelligent man, i try to pretend i am intelligent too :) ) Sethan started a crusade against us, many time he insulted us with lies too, thats why i am talking with him in this style. I made the vow many times that i will ignore his post, but i cant let the stupidity win. Read back the forum pls, i am not the only one whit this opinion about him. There were some topic in which his friends/clanmates asked him to stop his work on forum, cos it was a shame on WS.

2. Are u serious? Does Sethan try to make server better? He just wants to make easier rules with 3 boxes cos he wants to kill bosses alone (without clanmates and friends in a multiplayer game instead of calling friends). Or he wanna makes the server better with unbanning the botters? It will be a better server if all botter could get back in the game, sure it will...
Or he wants to make better server with talking bullshits about other clans without accurate infos? For example FUN, AOD, BA, Specnaz  and so on? With accusing ppl with tripleboxing, exploiting, botting and so on? I think i didnt have any conversation with him before he made a topic about me, when he told i was tripleboxing an only the blind cant see that all ppl were active BA player on the video.  So dont tell me i am the one who is looking for the possibility to have fight with him. We caugth Thorax while he was botting and he tried to ban me. When the GM closed the topic, he told the gm had no brain, now he tries to unban thorax. (i know he wrote some other name too, but his goal is so clear...)

Maybe u dont know, cos u are not too long inthe WS, but i can tell u something. There are no angels in this game. Dont think the BA, AOD, Temp, blablabla makes bad things only, but your clan didnt do that and sethan just wants to make a fair game. Most of his bullshit is lie or halftrue things and i bet he writes them deliberately this way, just to make others angry.  WS used summon to Baium too, used summoners on the pillars in Aden on sieges (u are the only clan who has banned summoners there) and they used most of the possible exploits what others used. And? Where was the good sethan then? Didnt he want to make the server better then? No, he doesnt want to make this server better at all. Just look at his topics! He made many topics in bad users. Half of it is bullshit, some of them is oke. He wanted to ban his enemies when used exploit (he was totally right at this point), but on the other side he wants to unban wellknown botters. So what does he really want? Ban, or unban?

3. I do not answer just becouse Sethan made a topic. The reason is that i cant agree with the topic's idea. (like in the unbanning/tripleboxing topic) I made some post only because i dont want those changes what he wants. So since i have the right to tell my opinion, i will not ignore the topic just becouse sethan made it. Dont think i am following him on the forum. I just click  on the link above "Show unread posts since last visit." and i really dont care who's topic is that, i just reply if i think i have any opinion about that thing.

So the conclusion: believe me, if sethan would spend less time with talking about us, I/we would spend less time with talking about him. Its so simple...

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: Enerilla on April 19, 2011, 07:47:36 PM
1. i dont think i am insulting ppl. I can speak on normal way with ppl who are talkin on normal way too. Like with u in this case. (i remember when we had flame each other after ingame in goddard, but u can see, when u are talking with me like an intelligent man, i try to pretend i am intelligent too :) ) Sethan started a crusade against us, many time he insulted us with lies too, thats why i am talking with him in this style. I made the vow many times that i will ignore his post, but i cant let the stupidity win. Read back the forum pls, i am not the only one whit this opinion about him. .

Man its not about insulting... Every time u said i lie and i post screens to proof all.   
All know u (aod more then me) as the biggest ally flammer...
Me sugestion. Be more "inteligent" and beter to rest and meybe ppl stop think about u what says now..
Remeber  situation in giran about manor? and your answers? Tell me why u flame then?
Even ur clanmates have this same problem with u...

Problem with BA is always this same. Insulting, insultin and insulting..
Ur luck that our old ally (in interlude times) was broken becose ppl voting about kick BA from ally..
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S




finnaly some mature conversations

this is 1 step ahead

what is truth is that sethan helped a lot of ppl ...... he is a grate person with big mounth ... and i like him
what i hate the most is ppl insulting really bad .. i am not happy that FTRjin was banned , but i will like to see ppl with more brain that will stop insulting .... hope this will happen
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Quote from: cerebelo on April 19, 2011, 08:51:05 PM
finnaly some mature conversations

this is 1 step ahead

what is truth is that sethan helped a lot of ppl ...... he is a grate person with big mounth ... and i like him
what i hate the most is ppl insulting really bad .. i am not happy that FTRjin was banned , but i will like to see ppl with more brain that will stop insulting .... hope this will happen

+1 joint for you mate^^


Quote from: sirSethan on April 19, 2011, 08:26:42 PM
i post screens to proof all.
Like your pathetic try to ban me with triple box on the video on wich thorax was botting and Roly wanted to ban Thorax cos he wanted to bot on his place? let me laugh on u, man...

Kukirabukomuki is my char and i shared that screenshot myself, cos in my opinion it is not exploiting, cos the rule is this:
"- Do not use wyvern( and same wyvern+summoner) to go on a places where you can abuse it for pvp or places where players cant hit you and you can hit back, so any kind of terrain exploit for pvp,safe spawn etc... "
There everybody could kill those summoners, as it was killed in not one time. The funny part that before the screenshot i killed enemy summoners with kuki:D
But i didnt see your screenshot about ws summoners at baium or at the pillars of Aden. But u used my screenshot as a proof for nothing more times. So dont try to pretend u are the fair guy here, cos it is really pathetyc, man...

But i wanna  really stop this. U are right sethan, i insult u without any reason, ppl told u are tard without any reason and i am the biggest flamer on the server. Get deal with it, as i did. My post before was not for u and pls, ignore me and i will ignore u aswell...

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


Quote from: Enerilla on April 19, 2011, 09:10:42 PM
Like your pathetic try to ban me with triple box on the video on wich thorax was botting and Roly wanted to ban Thorax cos he wanted to bot on his place? let me laugh on u, man...

Kukirabukomuki is my char and i shared that screenshot myself, cos in my opinion it is not exploiting, cos the rule is this:
"- Do not use wyvern( and same wyvern+summoner) to go on a places where you can abuse it for pvp or places where players cant hit you and you can hit back, so any kind of terrain exploit for pvp,safe spawn etc... "
There everybody could kill those summoners, as it was killed in not one time.

r0ly goes there to put also bot and he found thorax..
This place where is kuki is place when u can make pvp (there is no peace zone) and tu put him u need wyvern. This place is strategic becose u can kill someone from above and on his back and no one can saw u.. And the important thing is that is NEAR castle
and if any can hit there?? dunno i didnt test before..  but in me opinion is 100% explot
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: cerebelo on April 19, 2011, 08:51:05 PM
finnaly some mature conversations

this is 1 step ahead

what is truth is that sethan helped a lot of ppl ...... he is a grate person with big mounth ... and i like him
what i hate the most is ppl insulting really bad .. i am not happy that FTRjin was banned , but i will like to see ppl with more brain that will stop insulting .... hope this will happen
the thing is that i started to flame after 5 minut of being flamed by them so xD heh poor me anyway . u rly lack of old style Nm flamers elite like davrioza , mark in his prime and kvas and so on.
only 1 funny thing is they  put a small convo and not whole and ban me xD sh1t happens more time to go fishing till friday :P
  Nightmare 30x