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celestial shield

Started by qwertyzxc, April 22, 2011, 06:40:52 PM

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Could you tell me dear gm when u`ll change this stupid think like    waiting for celestial shield after oly fights like 10 min ?

There is milion skills/buffs bla bla   tol`s / ud`s / blesing of eva and more more more and all this skill are rdy after oly fight so why just one skill from milion isnt rdy and we need w8 10 min ?  Its not fair make ud / blesing of eva  bla bla also in reuse time after fight or just fix celestial.

BTW for celestial from talisman  you dont need w8 for reuse if im not wrong ...


Quote from: mibelia on April 22, 2011, 06:49:54 PM
celestial make u  invencible  the others no

3 x ud  make u invisible like celestial with  382321kkkk p def/m def :|    blesing of eva make u full stats  restore so its much better then stupid 10 sec celestial dont you think ?


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 22, 2011, 06:52:11 PM

3 x ud  make u invisible like celestial with  382321kkkk p def/m def :|    blesing of eva make u full stats  restore so its much better then stupid 10 sec celestial dont you think ?


Guys, when da fock will you learn to play with skills as they ARE, not updating (boosting/nerfing) them 100 times a week?
Gameplay would be much better here if working  skills would be touched only on big updates, so ppl can get used to them. Strong.. weak, doesn't matter. Stability matters.


what damage u make on 3 uds lol 10 each ? are you idiot or wtf ?


Quote from: qwertyzxc on April 22, 2011, 10:38:34 PM
what damage u make on 3 uds lol 10 each ? are you idiot or wtf ?
y on 3 ud u hit me 20-30, but ur crits 300-400 and u make 10 crit for 5 sec. so dont need qq plz


OMG let we have deal i'll give u my celestial from bishop for ur ud,vege,sof,antimagic okey? i'll happy to exchange in that style cuz "3ud never will be like celestial"... on 3x ud's used with brain u can have around 1min invincible (u shouldn't loose much hp) and i have only 10 seconds... lmao


But thats the point man, if all this ud (used wisely ofc ;p) can give you minute of  "invisibility" and shouldnt lose much hp, compared to 10s of 100% invisibility, its gr8. But for some reason its cele thats doesnt get reseted and ud's are :)


Quote from: 0l3j on April 23, 2011, 11:58:50 PM
But thats the point man, if all this ud (used wisely ofc ;p) can give you minute of  "invisibility" and shouldnt lose much hp, compared to 10s of 100% invisibility, its gr8. But for some reason its cele thats doesnt get reseted and ud's are :)
how can UD make you invisible? ...  ::)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


you see mby  this funny  -> "" in wich between i put invisibility  or just blind :>. With 1 min of ud's you will end up still better with hp in the end  then the guy with 10 sec of cele (well not all times , but still mostly you should ). IMO all skills should be reseted  or stop resetting them at all ;p. In fact i dont care much, so nvm if you cant understand this correctly :)


Quote from: 0l3j on April 23, 2011, 11:58:50 PM
But thats the point man, if all this ud (used wisely ofc ;p) can give you minute of  "invisibility" and shouldnt lose much hp, compared to 10s of 100% invisibility, its gr8. But for some reason its cele thats doesnt get reseted and ud's are :)
Invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen. An object in this state is said to be invisible (literally, "not visible"). The term is usually used as a fantasy/science fiction term, where objects are literally made unseeable by magical or technological means; however, its effects can also be seen in the real world, particularly in physics and perceptional psychology.
maybe u can use
invincible (usually uncountable; plural invincibles) Someone or something that cannot be defeated, destroyed or killed.
source: wiki :)


Oh come on,  i was always mistaken those 2 words, but all know what i mean :P