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Steal Divinity

Started by Gonzal, May 10, 2011, 03:30:10 AM

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Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 05:03:50 PM
ofc my banaan master all know donator >>> others
I play on DN 4 years but only on NM i found so idiots like you all CB and others
enemy ofc have ppl like klasa/ary ect that I can normal pm but you lol ppl are rly ..............

cheers dude donate and  eat banana

You maslina  QQ me more and pls tell your ppl to stopa make PANDA PANDA

cry more about steal divinity funny ppl / l2 guru

its funny how u care so much about us, i know that eating 3k by each of us can hurt so much but hide yourself behind ur big mouth and ur  ally wont save you.
its even more funny that u talk about pm,try to see inside ur ally how many peps pm us whit flames and shit like that, but hey i know already that u'll deny everthing, u are just too pro for whole NM server and we should all get some lessons from u.


Dont loose ur time in this useless discussion, GM's wont change nothing till Gracia comes, they wont try to fix something that will be changed after update to Gracia will be made.

Also on Gracia this skill will work diff than now, more reuse, dont take all buffs.

IF our Gracia will be same as other servers i think a lot of people will approve this change on kamael's skills, but also some people will still complain about that, like they always did i all updates and nerfs that we ever had.

Also all must remember that we a custom server with stack subclasses and to have a balance on this kind of server r necessary some nerfs/fixes in some classes or skills, like for example in old c3/c4 stacking masteries that was making some classes 1shoot/kill or nerfed cancel on IL.


imo if they could make this skill steal 4 buffs instead of 6 and increasing the reuse to...hmm 30-40 secs all would be fine  ;)


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 10, 2011, 05:47:45 PM
thank you for proving that my opinion is 100% correct about your mental level.

Viiiiiirnooooooon <3 long time no see, hows going mate ?

I'm doing fine, how are you?  :-*


Quote from: violetpl on May 10, 2011, 02:07:55 PM
is only for that pro bd/pr
Hehe obrażaj mnie jak chcesz ile chcesz ale i tak nie zmieni to tego ze jesteś nieogarem i umiesz tylko płakać. Jak pamiętam wczoraj tez mięliście w swoim pro party kameal ale już nie moja wina ze nie umiecie grać ta klasa (to nie jest wspaniały pr/bd z f1 na pasku)
Pisz i myśl co chcesz i tak pozostaniesz tylko płaczącym enemute co został w czasach c4 i płacze jak jakiś skil działa jak na oficjalnym servie
Płacz to może coś wypłaczesz  gracia niedługo
A dzięki za motywacje pogram sobie kamaelem żebyś płakał mocniej

you have mind problems? writing to some1 who doesnt understand polish is so damn clever

Slania SK/PR    Carebears


Quote from: Triuferkkk on May 10, 2011, 06:46:24 PM
you have mind problems? writing to some1 who doesnt understand polish is so damn clever
;D ;D +1 for you



Hm violet why the only thng in this topic you do is flame ? To much tard to make normal conversation ?
Like mark_elesse says : Steal D IS OP and thats the fact.
For you information not all Kamael classes have this skill, so you're saying that ncsoft designed doombringer to be useless ? :>
They have other cool skills, steal d is ok but not with 100% land rate , 6 buffs stolen and so great reuse.
Its not ncsoft server its custom Dragon network server so we dont have to be like in offical (and we are not ofc )

Guys nerfing this skill doesnt mean that it will never work again (well its dn so you never know, but you understand the point ), its just shoudnt be so OP, leave the 100% landrate, make reuse bigger, less buffs stolen and all cool.

And stop  compareing cancel and steal. Cancel is nowhere to be as good as steal:
1.Cancel well just cancel, steal take buff to you, so potentialy makes you stronger (ofc there is overbuff stuff but well..), like Kamael with AI or such ;p
2.Cancel rate isnt so grate and dont take so much buffs, so by the time I unbuff one player, kaamel will unbuff 2 or 3 and as we know its hard to rbf player who is dead, coz player with canceled buff is dead (mostly )
3. In fact i would be happy if Steal would be the same as cancel now  (reuse,chance) , just with added stealing canceled  buffs

But all this talk is pointless even with normal discussion (so far was rather flame... ), coz till Gracia no change will be made, and even after that, i doubt they will do anythink


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 10, 2011, 07:17:06 PM
better then 5 seconds ago :D your good old pink v3 signature made me wet :DD

check pm!

Quote from: V1rn0n on May 10, 2011, 06:22:38 PM
I'm doing fine, how are you?  :-*

mary jane , 11 , f
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: cthon on May 10, 2011, 07:30:34 PM

mary jane , 11 , f

Can we have anal?
Btw, you sir! I do remember you! =O
You faggets are all here ^_^

Is temp still around spawning people out of mobs btw?


Quote from: mark_elesse on May 10, 2011, 07:17:06 PM
better then 5 seconds ago :D your good old pink v3 signature made me wet :DD

check pm!

I already added you, but you're still not online for me D:


Quote from: V1rn0n on May 10, 2011, 07:36:09 PM
Can we have anal?
Btw, you sir! I do remember you! =O
You faggets are all here ^_^

Is temp still around spawning people out of mobs btw?

we are kinda inactive atm... ppl are w8ing gracia. this days we have a deal with temps, if u can believe it there is one ally that passed temps as numbers :D
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Something tell me join this discuss is ussles...but whatever...

Personally I think Steal Divinity is OP. For me it's a fact. No one, me also like end pvp on ground without any buff. But it looks like this, so learn play against it, make proper party whichcan fast rebuff, use assist on kamael etc.
But our discuss on forum "who have bigger e-penis" don't change nothing.
True is also than when we use kamaels = noobs. When kamaels are using by our enemys = all fine.
We have no more kamaels than You (I can risk, and tell even than we have less). Not my fault than my ppl are more active.

About other part of this topic, couse I again saw posts about AoD.
For first it's nice than You care so much about us.

The most funny for me is Your whining and crying (yes rly crying and pathetic whining - no offence) about numbers. :

We are 3 clans : AoD, BArmy, BAngelz.
AoD is active in compare to others INFNM clans. Barmy and Bangelz are clans like Yours (temps, ws, couse CB or yuuki are smaller). Activity of my clan (AoD) is thx to my members and my hard work on it, and selection in clan every 2-3 weeks, and no mercy for lazy asses. It's Your problem than Your leaders preffer scratching balz than work on their clans. Cry to them or change them.

You are 6 clans + 2 main asslickers
- 3 temps clans
- CB
- WS
- Yuuki
- WP helping You, also GuessWho helping You (but I do not count them as enemys....too easy)

And You cry about numbers ? Open Your eyes ppl, couse You make Your self looking stupid.
And Your legends about 50 ppl on sieges (like I counted online per clan 8,33.....yeah !)
Only WS are always 2 partys on more on sieges, so rest of Your clans have 6 ppl online ?

Your problem is lack of any leading and cooperation.
Invite all clans to CC on actions, and cooperate. You comes wave after wave, splitted, not together.
If I would be in Your situacion, I would be long time ago kicked our side asses. You just need think a bit more and cry a bit less. I maked things like this in past many times.

You can post now how I sux, how my clan sux. How big noobs we are. Free will. You can also write how big ego I have and again how I sux hard !
Difference is : everything what I do in rl : boxing, climbing, my others hobbys, work - I do for win. If I losing, I try harder and win. Same in game, I play for WIN. For me there is no second place. No matter second or last one - important is win. I sux ? mby yes. I'm fuker sometimes for win ? sure I do !
But I preffer be fuker and sux. Than be like You....like old whining, crying woman.

Now feed Your ego and heal some Your complexes about small dks, fail sixual life or stolen breakfast in school. Go on. And don't forget tell me than I "QQ"

ps. no offence. Many of You are good players. But as whole You looks just pathetic. Sorry but it's true.

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