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FOR GMS rate of the att stones/crys/jewels/energys - Page 2



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FOR GMS rate of the att stones/crys/jewels/energys

Started by ribera, June 19, 2011, 03:18:32 PM

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Quote from: GekKey on June 19, 2011, 07:37:47 PM
Jewels and energy cannot be obtained from mobs
Coins can be obtained without donation, i know XX people who never donated and made shitload of coins, so that story is not correct nither.
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Quote from: TrackZero on June 19, 2011, 07:33:53 PM
I am sorry, and you are talking about what? Donation for Attribute items? Since when that is possible o_O

No i mean for jewels that was an easy drop in Hb and now does not exist at all anywhere. So a normal char now can only farm stones and crystals and will make up to 300 attribute on his weapon. To  go even further he should spend coins at Donny to buy Jewels. Lets accept the fact that he will farm his ass to get 2 dc to buy 10 jewels from Donny BUT before jewels was droppablewith good rate,succes rate was 50% NOT 10-20% that is now, each jewel was giving 9 attr NOT 5 that gives now and someone could get up to 460 atr while now is scrictly 450. Isn't too unfair?

BTW Track please stop to play the dumb every time someone says something correct and you always give answers like you understood  something different.


Quote from: TrackZero on June 19, 2011, 07:45:31 PM
Coins can be obtained without donation, i know XX people who never donated and made shitload of coins, so that story is not correct nither.

I didnt said jewels are only for donator. I said jewels do not drop from chimera anymore like they used to. Stones and crystals can be obtained from mobs, crystals can be crafted if i remember, just as jewels and energy.

Theres plenty of ways to get coins and buy jewels. But the rate of sucess for attribute items was increased in GF and now attributes are totally failing/have a crappy success rate. If you havent lowered it on purpose, then theres something wrong with the rate.

BTW. Dont bring up that reason that these files are leaked from ncsoft and are perfect working we are just complaining blah blah more more. Theres so many mistype on quests/dialogs, its possible that theres an error with the rate


Quote from: GekKey on June 19, 2011, 08:07:06 PM
I didnt said jewels are only for donator. I said jewels do not drop from chimera anymore like they used to. Stones and crystals can be obtained from mobs, crystals can be crafted if i remember, just as jewels and energy.

Theres plenty of ways to get coins and buy jewels. But the rate of sucess for attribute items was increased in GF and now attributes are totally failing/have a crappy success rate. If you havent lowered it on purpose, then theres something wrong with the rate.

BTW. Dont bring up that reason that these files are leaked from ncsoft and are perfect working we are just complaining blah blah more more. Theres so many mistype on quests/dialogs, its possible that theres an error with the rate
You compare it with total CUSTOM hb area made by us with official HB area and drop rate? If yes then i can tell you current drop is perfectly working same as on l2off, and we are happy that we dont have it custom anymore.

We didnt touch rate nor attribute, nor any other rate, this rate is exactly how it is on official servers.

Can you be so kind to report those mistype on quest dialogs?

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I want to know if we´ll can trade stones for crystals and jewels in future?
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Quote from: TrackZero on June 19, 2011, 10:25:23 PM
... current drop is perfectly working same as on l2off, and we are happy that we dont have it custom anymore....

that means we have x1 drop rate (for jewels) on x20 server?

still ppl should noticed, if something is easy now, you should get it now, couse leater it is always nerf and harder to get... same was with LS, with argus, with jewels now ect.