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Hellbound Stages (Important for Chimeras too, pls read everyone, make it sticky - Page 2



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Hellbound Stages (Important for Chimeras too, pls read everyone, make it sticky

Started by I945P, June 14, 2011, 11:31:16 AM

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and now elemental jewels can only be bought from donny? Chimeras were the main place for attribute stones and jewels
not to mention that a lot of ppl made the 3 certificates alrdy and cant do the quests again
if the gm would open stage 7 manually there wouldnt be a problem bcs we kinda opened this stage when we had the hb chronicle...


or at least remove the penalty (decreasing trust points by 10 for killing natives) so that there might be the little chance to reach the needed amount of trustpoints


About topic - personally i spent a lot of time when was hb on farming those certs - that should give some profits in that chronicle - but for sure unlocking that all 'stages' will be fun for whole server - so in my opinion after unlocking everything what is needed - certs should work as they did before (buying reciepes / mats / af hunting etc ;))
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


- If one member gets disconected from the internet the whole party will be teleported back to the oasis near the Enceinte.

xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: mark_elesse on June 15, 2011, 03:47:20 PM

correct me if i am wrong. but... did the math, so this means 300 000 / 3 ( best case 3 ) = 100 000.  SO. i need to kill 100 000 mobs to pass the 1st lvl ONLY ? :)  did i miss smth or...?
not you, the server as a whole. according to loader we already have 215k points.

90210 movies: http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,20187.0.html


Maybe im a noob too, but quest says 300 000 and server says  420 000, so WTF 120k more? :D and we just have 231683 / 420000 for now :D
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!




as for me nothing changing at HB points att all dunno why , it stoped or what i have from 1 week : 182017 /420000......
ShutTheFukUp dorf powa

in SINS i trust .....


the event section at the loader seems to be bugged, so we cant check atm


Quote from: I945P on June 18, 2011, 01:54:55 PM
the event section at the loader seems to be bugged, so we cant check atm

it works, just buged for dragon server
click any link (sieges/pvp, pk etc), change to INI server, change to Events


Now we need to rescue workers from quary but the mobs there are too fuking strong. 6k p.def and i still can't do shyt...