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Little question!



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Little question!

Started by Javardsnegger, June 17, 2011, 11:54:58 AM

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Maybe some1 asked this b4 or no, i can't seem to find it. Why do we have 2 slot for hats?? Since teotassian hairband doesn't give any bonus anymore..... maybe you could use 1 of those slots to put shirt in!! Ppl can't wear 2 hats... so it's kinda useless 2 slots, or not?

Dunno if you have noticed it yet but if you use a Mp pot from dino, the Hp pot will get reuse to...

I mean, if i pop a dino MP pot, then the HP one has reuse to!



Quote from: Javardsnegger on June 17, 2011, 11:54:58 AM
Maybe some1 asked this b4 or no, i can't seem to find it. Why do we have 2 slot for hats?? Since teotassian hairband doesn't give any bonus anymore..... maybe you could use 1 of those slots to put shirt in!! Ppl can't wear 2 hats... so it's kinda useless 2 slots, or not?

Dunno if you have noticed it yet but if you use a Mp pot from dino, the Hp pot will get reuse to...

I mean, if i pop a dino MP pot, then the HP one has reuse to!

some of the hats use 2 spots

and yeah elixirs get reuse both even if u use one
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Quote from: Javardsnegger on June 17, 2011, 11:54:58 AM
Maybe some1 asked this b4 or no, i can't seem to find it. Why do we have 2 slot for hats?? Since teotassian hairband doesn't give any bonus anymore..... maybe you could use 1 of those slots to put shirt in!! Ppl can't wear 2 hats... so it's kinda useless 2 slots, or not?

Dunno if you have noticed it yet but if you use a Mp pot from dino, the Hp pot will get reuse to...

I mean, if i pop a dino MP pot, then the HP one has reuse to!

Now you can wear for example rabbit ears and party mask in one time :d
And some better hats uses 2 slots.


i wouldn't care less if i had to choose between hats and shirts....!

I don't understand, in prevous cronicles, you could use 2 tatttos, and shirt undernet 1 of them.... now you simply can't...  :-\


Btw, Track will you fix Dnet sets so that they can be usable with the cloak?? Dynasty can wile dnets can't... kinda unfair don't you think??

my 5.... 2 cents!  ;D