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for italians

Started by Alex, May 25, 2011, 09:01:22 AM

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ok now it's confirmed xDDD

as u all know we are in greek section cuz admin close hebrew one.

noone know what the hell they want from us and piss us off!!

the last thing that our admin made is to stuck the postcounter of ppl who post in greek section.
this means that all posts in that section are not counted in post counter.
go and check by yourself  :)


omfg, is it a obsession or what?
ahhahaha why do u hate us so much xD?
i'm imaging admins woken all the night thinking how to piss the italian community off  ;D ;D ;D

anyway dear forum admin (dunno who are u) we don't fakin care about our postcounter so it's an epic fail.

gg and qq moar  ;)


thats what u get when u dont wanna play with glasy
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on June 12, 2011, 10:13:13 PM
thats what u get when u dont wanna play with glasy
poor glasy forever alone


all italian topics deleted from greek section xD


Quote from: TheBlackPhoenix on June 17, 2011, 09:26:22 PM
WH000T?? O.o rofl

vabbe' allora lo posto qua

sono stato chiamato in molti modi in vita mia,
ma "una sbandata"
e' la prima volta.

noone care


praticamente non abbiamo una sezione in cui si può parlare ? wow che miglioramenti
E comunque, meglio un melo che du prunche !!