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Started by +GekKey+, June 17, 2011, 05:53:41 PM

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On valkyria the golkonda family "drops" the quest horn. Is this horn tradeable ?? Is it the same here ? This was made after GF was implented on valkyria but before infinite nightmare moved to GF.

The golky spawn also seems longer than before, was that changed too ?


The Resp time got longer - thats for sure - quest horns drops but randomly to any party member and it's not tradable.
I gues Itll be great problem to get horn with such resp time ("drop" probably will be fixed)


Quote from: Barbados on June 17, 2011, 06:25:26 PM
The Resp time got longer - thats for sure - quest horns drops but randomly to any party member and it's not tradable.
I gues Itll be great problem to get horn with such resp time ("drop" probably will be fixed)

Wonderfull. 1 guy needs to sub and its a subbed char that get the horn ?

Can the golkonda be like before so it doesnt become farmed.


Had the same problem twice, only one person had quest, but the Orc with main + retails Dnetsubed got the non tradeable horn.


Great to know. Can gm do something about this ? It was fine as it was before, i dont understand why it was changed. And what about spawn time, i have been camping very long and havent seen 1 golky alive.