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Started by Phonex, June 19, 2011, 04:39:50 AM

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problem is that dunno why Gm wants to make server as official, this server is a custom server, we had play over 5 or 6 years in it and now new gm  (means no more time then us xD) think that will be a good idea to make same as oficial, but he forgot that if he really want to make as oficial, then stop doing custom sets, and nerfing chars, just leave them as oficial and do all like it, or do non, but dont fuk server like 3 years ago plz. i have seen half ppl then when we where at HB chronicle  :o
DX Brain Doctor, Not Miracle Doctor!!!


Quote from: Phonex on June 19, 2011, 09:02:53 PM
problem is that dunno why Gm wants to make server as official, this server is a custom server, we had play over 5 or 6 years in it and now new gm  (means no more time then us xD) think that will be a good idea to make same as oficial, but he forgot that if he really want to make as oficial, then stop doing custom sets, and nerfing chars, just leave them as oficial and do all like it, or do non, but dont fuk server like 3 years ago plz. i have seen half ppl then when we where at HB chronicle  :o
all as official or not only half saying it is as official


dino is mage farming location FYI ...
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: Phonex on June 19, 2011, 09:02:53 PM
problem is that dunno why Gm wants to make server as official, this server is a custom server, we had play over 5 or 6 years in it and now new gm  (means no more time then us xD) think that will be a good idea to make same as oficial, but he forgot that if he really want to make as oficial, then stop doing custom sets, and nerfing chars, just leave them as oficial and do all like it, or do non, but dont fuk server like 3 years ago plz. i have seen half ppl then when we where at HB chronicle  :o
I think Track is just tired and no have time to working on server so he set it like official and can do nothing. Now he can only sit on the beach, drink Martini and check his bank account from time to time and calculate the numbers from donate.


Quote from: Supermistrz on June 19, 2011, 10:31:55 PM
I think Track is just tired and no have time to working on server so he set it like official and can do nothing. Now he can only sit on the beach, drink Martini and check his bank account from time to time and calculate the numbers from donate.
Or he thinks that this is the best solution for this server, If he'll be really tired he'll quit l2 and never answer on this forum, so stop talking nonsenses in my opinion ;)
And if some things from official aren't bad why we can't have them ? This is custom server but it doesn't mean that everything must be custom ;)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on June 19, 2011, 10:43:11 AM
as i read in ur article, only you dont like it, so Shuuuuuuuuuuuuush
well trooper u dont need items bcs ur daddy track give u all of items. so shut up!!!!!.
we must farm for have items if track want to do like official del. dnet sets.
VierkaBerkyova SH
AlinaPetrov Warlord
TinkerBel Bounty Hunter - Tarantula
TinkerBel Othell Rogue/Aeron Healer
Melkkor Wynn Summoner/Yul Archer
Deeplove Feoh Wizard / Aeron healer Shilen
IiIMIKAIiI        Wc/Bp
IiIKEILYIiI       He/Gladi
Mybestproyect Ty


Quote from: darkcore on June 19, 2011, 11:09:49 PM
here we go one more time
when ppl never learned to say thnx
u think is easy to set up extender server and make it all working 100%?
this is all i have to say for u ppl

dude i got gm status in a freya sv 33x and all is working like a custom sv 98% bcs it is CUSTOM SERVER NO OFFICIAL !!!!!! LIKE DRAGON NETWORK !!!!!!
IF U WANNA SEARCH Lineage 2 freya SERVER Obscure and u will see
VierkaBerkyova SH
AlinaPetrov Warlord
TinkerBel Bounty Hunter - Tarantula
TinkerBel Othell Rogue/Aeron Healer
Melkkor Wynn Summoner/Yul Archer
Deeplove Feoh Wizard / Aeron healer Shilen
IiIMIKAIiI        Wc/Bp
IiIKEILYIiI       He/Gladi
Mybestproyect Ty


All those who're complaining .. are solo farmers...i bet it

c'mon guys...u want to farm solo...go play Offline RPG's...
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: IiIMIKAIiI on June 19, 2011, 11:03:04 PM
well trooper u dont need items bcs ur daddy track give u all of items. so shut up!!!!!.
we must farm for have items if track want to do like official del. dnet sets.

dude, my money...i can do w.e i wanna with them. You have to pray on donators that you play on this server. If this server sux then go on "your" UBER server where you re a "game-master". Just wonder what community live there with such a RPG-gm.

"WE MUST FARM FOR HAVE ITEMS"        - For which dk-factor exist support chars, parties, clans, alliances? ohhhhhhh you green-faggot...there are only ORCS!!!!!
xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: trooperXkoki on June 20, 2011, 06:20:19 AM
dude, my money...i can do w.e i wanna with them. You have to pray on donators that you play on this server. If this server sux then go on "your" UBER server where you re a "game-master". Just wonder what community live there with such a RPG-gm.

"WE MUST FARM FOR HAVE ITEMS"        - For which dk-factor exist support chars, parties, clans, alliances? ohhhhhhh you green-faggot...there are only ORCS!!!!!

problem that no one wanna farm in group ;)


Quote from: seboulba on June 20, 2011, 09:43:32 AM
problem that no one wanna farm in group ;)



Quote from: Neozinhu on June 19, 2011, 11:30:19 PM
All those who're complaining .. are solo farmers...i bet it

c'mon guys...u want to farm solo...go play Offline RPG's...
+1 its called MMO so play in groups dont be greedy... or leave ;)
And to someone who said ppl will never get 'pleased' or smth and they will never say thx -
as i see its mostly working like off not so many bugs as there was before...
So ppl dont cry ;P
And personally im saying thx XD
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble