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BUG - skill def mag



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BUG - skill def mag

Started by Hefestus, June 19, 2011, 10:21:53 PM

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skill: SHIELD DEFLECT MAGIC do not work properly (about 20% times only)

is working better when other shield skills are off like: physical shield/magical shield, iron shield

if you turn some of those 3 buffs, you will receive 100% damage and only few will be return to your enemy

it is not stable, sometimes (1 on 5) it works correctly, other times, it reflect none or make you and mage receive same damage

i`m not sure but magic debuffs cancles this skill effects ... i mean you have it on buffs but it do not work

pls fix it



Quote from: Hefestus on June 19, 2011, 10:21:53 PM
skill: SHIELD DEFLECT MAGIC do not work properly (about 20% times only)

is working better when other shield skills are off like: physical shield/magical shield, iron shield

if you turn some of those 3 buffs, you will receive 100% damage and only few will be return to your enemy

it is not stable, sometimes (1 on 5) it works correctly, other times, it reflect none or make you and mage receive same damage

i`m not sure but magic debuffs cancles this skill effects ... i mean you have it on buffs but it do not work

pls fix it


Its like this, its not 100% reflect success, and its not because you get hit for 1000 that u will reflect 1000, it can be more, or can be less.


it should work like that:

1) deflect about 90%-100% mage damage to the caster, always during skill time, or;
2) deflect about 90%-100% mage damage to the caster, while shield defence succes (about 50% times, not 20%)
3) every shield physical buff should improove its effect, not make it lower
4) happily aeglis do not disturb


Quote from: Hefestus on June 20, 2011, 10:31:33 AM
it should work like that:

1) deflect about 90%-100% mage damage to the caster, always during skill time, or;
2) deflect about 90%-100% mage damage to the caster, while shield defence succes (about 50% times, not 20%)
3) every shield physical buff should improove its effect, not make it lower
4) happily aeglis do not disturb

From where you know this ?


after some tests and updates it seems to work as it should
thx for shield def rate improve