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Mages+Warrior P Atk

Started by R3mm, June 22, 2011, 06:02:18 AM

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Yes, the guy who still talks the same even when ppl told him he is wrong and cant be reasoned with, is tard


Quote from: 0l3j on June 28, 2011, 03:08:12 PM
Yes, the guy who still talks the same even when ppl told him he is wrong and cant be reasoned with, is tard

perhaps stubborn, but not tard.

Quote from: ylim on June 26, 2011, 04:40:35 PM
Sethan u always were a tard and ur parents feel it's bug but actualy its not


all topics ends to be flame topics .... but this is unique
ppl from same clan calling each other tards .... u cross the line somehow ... better close this useless topic

edit :
what i am talking about .... 90% topics are useless , one more + or - don't make any difference
Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Quote from: cerebelo on June 28, 2011, 03:32:04 PM
all topics ends to be flame topics .... but this is unique
ppl from same clan calling each other tards .... u cross the line somehow ... better close this useless topic

edit :
what i am talking about .... 90% topics are useless , one more + or - don't make any difference

oh pls we're not family we dont have to like each other (we need to just tolerate at least ;p ), and we have more bad words than "tard", hell tard compared to them is nice one :D
And let it be ene, you're stubborn as hell xD (and i'm stubborn one too so no worrie .. )


For some people "most of you" it is very hard to stay in the topic, probably because you guys were not the ones who payed a lot of real money for your characters, maybe daddy or mommy bough it for you but that is not the case here.

The point here is that we have to applouse the GM TEAM for trying to balance the server which in my opinion is the best thing to do.

I created this topic because I care about the server, because I would continue to donate as many other players have but I have been told by many players, including some heroes verg0, vagner etc. that they would leave the server and stop donating because of this specific fix.

The reason?, well most of us have donated over 250 euros in our characters, our dnets, our bows, our rb jews, our quests, our BOG, our skills, and from nowhere, the reason of why we choosen an specific subclass is now gone, from nowhere our p atk is equal to a non subbed character.

To be specific, GM Team, take this into consideration:
1. Give back weapon mastery p atk in 50%
2. Reduce / Balance the element attribute system that it so messed up
3. Reduce the shield defense and rate
4. Reduce the effect of Anti Archers song & dance.
5. And most important, create yourself some characters and test by your own so stop listening to pathetic people complaing about everything.6. Complaining about weapon masteery is not pathetic as in fact it is not an stack, It is a passive skill from one subclas plus the passive skill from the other one.

We care about the server, we care about the community, lets put in numbers, how many people do you see online in a daily basis comparing it before the update and these "fixes"", if you do see more people then Please disregard my topic and close it.

PS: I Wish I had the rights to delete many comments but I dont, so please hold your finger and think it twice before posting another comment, please wait on the Official respondse from any GM/Admin. Thanks for understanding.


Quote from: R3mm on June 28, 2011, 05:07:01 PM
For some people "most of you" it is very hard to stay in the topic, probably because you guys were not the ones who payed a lot of real money for your characters, maybe daddy or mommy bough it for you but that is not the case here.

The point here is that we have to applouse the GM TEAM for trying to balance the server which in my opinion is the best thing to do.

I created this topic because I care about the server, because I would continue to donate as many other players have but I have been told by many players, including some heroes verg0, vagner etc. that they would leave the server and stop donating because of this specific fix.

The reason?, well most of us have donated over 250 euros in our characters, our dnets, our bows, our rb jews, our quests, our BOG, our skills, and from nowhere, the reason of why we choosen an specific subclass is now gone, from nowhere our p atk is equal to a non subbed character.

To be specific, GM Team, take this into consideration:
1. Give back weapon mastery p atk in 50%
2. Reduce / Balance the element attribute system that it so messed up
3. Reduce the shield defense and rate
4. Reduce the effect of Anti Archers song & dance.
5. And most important, create yourself some characters and test by your own so stop listening to pathetic people complaing about everything.6. Complaining about weapon masteery is not pathetic as in fact it is not an stack, It is a passive skill from one subclas plus the passive skill from the other one.

We care about the server, we care about the community, lets put in numbers, how many people do you see online in a daily basis comparing it before the update and these "fixes"", if you do see more people then Please disregard my topic and close it.

PS: I Wish I had the rights to delete many comments but I dont, so please hold your finger and think it twice before posting another comment, please wait on the Official respondse from any GM/Admin. Thanks for understanding.
man, you are hard to give up

read announcements for your "Official response from GM/Admin Team"

Weapon masterys FIXED.


Quote from: R3mm on June 28, 2011, 05:07:01 PM
For some people "most of you" it is very hard to stay in the topic, probably because you guys were not the ones who payed a lot of real money for your characters, maybe daddy or mommy bough it for you but that is not the case here.

The point here is that we have to applouse the GM TEAM for trying to balance the server which in my opinion is the best thing to do.

I created this topic because I care about the server, because I would continue to donate as many other players have but I have been told by many players, including some heroes verg0, vagner etc. that they would leave the server and stop donating because of this specific fix.

The reason?, well most of us have donated over 250 euros in our characters, our dnets, our bows, our rb jews, our quests, our BOG, our skills, and from nowhere, the reason of why we choosen an specific subclass is now gone, from nowhere our p atk is equal to a non subbed character.

To be specific, GM Team, take this into consideration:
1. Give back weapon mastery p atk in 50%
2. Reduce / Balance the element attribute system that it so messed up
3. Reduce the shield defense and rate
4. Reduce the effect of Anti Archers song & dance.
5. And most important, create yourself some characters and test by your own so stop listening to pathetic people complaing about everything.6. Complaining about weapon masteery is not pathetic as in fact it is not an stack, It is a passive skill from one subclas plus the passive skill from the other one.

We care about the server, we care about the community, lets put in numbers, how many people do you see online in a daily basis comparing it before the update and these "fixes"", if you do see more people then Please disregard my topic and close it.

PS: I Wish I had the rights to delete many comments but I dont, so please hold your finger and think it twice before posting another comment, please wait on the Official respondse from any GM/Admin. Thanks for understanding.

Sry  but from what i see you only care bout your char, not over all balance, and I understand you, but this is how it is, live with it.

edit: Guys if you made this sub for this buged mastery wich was fixed long time ago and now was just refixed again, you made wrong choise...
You are hallf buffers, half dd, you cant have dmg as full dd subed char and selfbuff to this....
p.s No one care how much you donated here, rly, I'm sure there are plenty guys who will donate, so few less makes no diference, threating abut donators leaving is pathetic :)


Quote from: R3mm on June 28, 2011, 05:07:01 PM
For some people "most of you" it is very hard to stay in the topic, probably because you guys were not the ones who payed a lot of real money for your characters, maybe daddy or mommy bough it for you but that is not the case here.

The point here is that we have to applouse the GM TEAM for trying to balance the server which in my opinion is the best thing to do.

I created this topic because I care about the server, because I would continue to donate as many other players have but I have been told by many players, including some heroes verg0, vagner etc. that they would leave the server and stop donating because of this specific fix.

The reason?, well most of us have donated over 250 euros in our characters, our dnets, our bows, our rb jews, our quests, our BOG, our skills, and from nowhere, the reason of why we choosen an specific subclass is now gone, from nowhere our p atk is equal to a non subbed character.

To be specific, GM Team, take this into consideration:
1. Give back weapon mastery p atk in 50%
2. Reduce / Balance the element attribute system that it so messed up
3. Reduce the shield defense and rate
4. Reduce the effect of Anti Archers song & dance.
5. And most important, create yourself some characters and test by your own so stop listening to pathetic people complaing about everything.6. Complaining about weapon masteery is not pathetic as in fact it is not an stack, It is a passive skill from one subclas plus the passive skill from the other one.

We care about the server, we care about the community, lets put in numbers, how many people do you see online in a daily basis comparing it before the update and these "fixes"", if you do see more people then Please disregard my topic and close it.

PS: I Wish I had the rights to delete many comments but I dont, so please hold your finger and think it twice before posting another comment, please wait on the Official respondse from any GM/Admin. Thanks for understanding.

im archer and im happy  from me char but if u really wanna this i dont say no.
And i agree with atribute system sh + wind = to big dmg now

And they write it is fixed but its  not like in hellbound (still we are - 600 p atk)
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: R3mm on June 28, 2011, 05:07:01 PM
For some people "most of you" it is very hard to stay in the topic, probably because you guys were not the ones who payed a lot of real money for your characters, maybe daddy or mommy bough it for you but that is not the case here.

The point here is that we have to applouse the GM TEAM for trying to balance the server which in my opinion is the best thing to do.

I created this topic because I care about the server, because I would continue to donate as many other players have but I have been told by many players, including some heroes verg0, vagner etc. that they would leave the server and stop donating because of this specific fix.

The reason?, well most of us have donated over 250 euros in our characters, our dnets, our bows, our rb jews, our quests, our BOG, our skills, and from nowhere, the reason of why we choosen an specific subclass is now gone, from nowhere our p atk is equal to a non subbed character.

To be specific, GM Team, take this into consideration:
1. Give back weapon mastery p atk in 50%
2. Reduce / Balance the element attribute system that it so messed up
3. Reduce the shield defense and rate
4. Reduce the effect of Anti Archers song & dance.
5. And most important, create yourself some characters and test by your own so stop listening to pathetic people complaing about everything.6. Complaining about weapon masteery is not pathetic as in fact it is not an stack, It is a passive skill from one subclas plus the passive skill from the other one.

We care about the server, we care about the community, lets put in numbers, how many people do you see online in a daily basis comparing it before the update and these "fixes"", if you do see more people then Please disregard my topic and close it.

PS: I Wish I had the rights to delete many comments but I dont, so please hold your finger and think it twice before posting another comment, please wait on the Official respondse from any GM/Admin. Thanks for understanding.

and i ask again you agree to loose 20% atkspd and -8 accuracy on bow from working magician movement and weapon mastery as should in order to have back the % patk from weapon mastery? if yes is ok from me but i guess daggers will hate you for this  :D


Quote from: sirSethan on June 28, 2011, 06:55:24 PM
im archer and im happy  from me char but if u really wanna this i dont say no.
And i agree with atribute system sh + wind = to big dmg now

And they write it is fixed but its  not like in hellbound (still we are - 600 p atk)
use proper buffs - I didn't saw any CB or other players complain about sh's dmg  ;)
better check how great now work sps/sorc cancel :D


1 week playing my uber he/pp and now im again he with nerfed att power ,casting, nerfedarmor  mastery....  jsut piece of shit he with pp buff ;D

btw. 18k p att and i hit bp/pal for 50 normal and 200 crits? ballance indeed balance....  ;D

200 others=RIP
AN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpLRMVZGFY4&feature=
L2 Movies http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DB09DE09B4713E0


Quote from: KaSaNoWa on June 29, 2011, 02:29:45 AM
btw. 18k p att and i hit bp/pal for 50 normal and 200 crits? ballance indeed balance....  ;D

18k ??? even with bow +18 u cant get this p atk :D (i tested +16 and i got 12k max)
ON th/DA (synapse anti star of aod) i hit max 900 dmg (he got pp/bd buff)

Ale i tak tadmiorwi cryty wlazily :P
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S