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Tears - Bug



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Tears - Bug

Started by chlipus, June 29, 2011, 11:57:44 PM

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Tears is bugged or something, first time when we went to him we killed him. After we used water dragon scales we had massage "..no .. you know my weakness..." and we made dmg on him, but today when we did the same, we had the same info, tears still got attack block mode, we used 5 scales from evryone in the same time and nothing, GM pliz check it.


Farm more items..... Ive reported it, but that was the answer i had.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: chlipus on June 29, 2011, 11:57:44 PM

Tears is bugged or something, first time when we went to him we killed him. After we used water dragon scales we had massage "..no .. you know my weakness..." and we made dmg on him, but today when we did the same, we had the same info, tears still got attack block mode, we used 5 scales from evryone in the same time and nothing, GM pliz check it.
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)


maby restart can help


this was reported more times nobody care try harder:P its possible to kill :P


any1 encounter this problem? i cannot pick up with my suport char "water dragon scale", but with main i can. party is set finder keppers and when i try to pick,  quest item disapear and no mesage received to confirm or no. with the same suport char i can take "water dragon claw"( inventory is not full). any ideea maybe will help, so pls feel free to say what i'm doing wrong. ty.


Quote from: chlipus on June 29, 2011, 11:57:44 PM

Tears is bugged or something, first time when we went to him we killed him. After we used water dragon scales we had massage "..no .. you know my weakness..." and we made dmg on him, but today when we did the same, we had the same info, tears still got attack block mode, we used 5 scales from evryone in the same time and nothing, GM pliz check it.



Quote from: chlipus on June 29, 2011, 11:57:44 PM

Tears is bugged or something, first time when we went to him we killed him. After we used water dragon scales we had massage "..no .. you know my weakness..." and we made dmg on him, but today when we did the same, we had the same info, tears still got attack block mode, we used 5 scales from evryone in the same time and nothing, GM pliz check it.


its not a bug we callinig on it RATE  ;D beleve me get more dragon scales
BuffSound Ne/Pp - offline
tygrys3k Sr/Sws - offline
Feelit Bp/Pal - online


Quote from: BuffSound on July 01, 2011, 01:48:12 PM
its not a bug we callinig on it RATE  ;D beleve me get more dragon scales

why you talk here if you don't know anythink, if you got message no.. you know my weakness attack block mode should be removed so don't tall me bullshits, we killed him once time so stop trying be so smart and read first post, tirs is bugged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One simple question: when you killed it once, had you used items too?
Tukann (DE/WC)  @ Blackarmy, Infinity


Quote from: Tukan on July 01, 2011, 04:05:41 PM
One simple question: when you killed it once, had you used items too?

yes, once weak ago, and yes we used scales, and we had message no.. you know my weakness, and we made dmg on him after this message.

PS Pawei: poco się wypowiadasz jak tu nie grasz?