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Answering and cleaning confuson /help or w/e just shoot

Started by =^TrackZero^=, July 08, 2011, 03:01:51 PM

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Quote from: Shadow21 on July 22, 2011, 01:08:43 PM
ofc, put vesper shield to donny more imoprtant than fix bugs. as i said some time ago, in fix list donny on 1st place for gm's/coders.

Adding shields and sigils to Donny is rather easy to do, fixing bugs isn't.
Flatline Delivery:




so, what is max attr on each armor part now?
On official can be 120, but they don't even know about jewels/energies.


Quote from: Sp3ctre on July 08, 2011, 03:36:41 PM
When will be fixed the problem with kamael subclass - difrence between male and female soulhound ?
In dn we can make sub:
-male / female -with  extra good skils from bouth male and female
-male / male -with skils only from male
-female / female -with skils from only female

In retail the difrence between soulhound  male and female make some sence but here where we can take 1 sub from male and 1 from female has no sence becose there are chars with same gender and same class/subclass with big difrence in stats.

Ps: the difrence in skils is big - exemple between 2 male soulhound / doombringer
1 of them has  extra skils like :
- Warp,
- Ultimate Escape,
-Rapid Attack,
- Fast Shot,
- Crossbow Mastery,
- Boost attack speed lvl 1 pasive  


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 23, 2011, 10:22:23 AM

so, what is max attr on each armor part now?
On official can be 120, but they don't even know about jewels/energies.

We are expecting some official answer in this case plz.


I just make a new character and yesterday take sub so is a TH/WL but I see something wrong yesterday, I have a pasive skill than give me more HP but doesn't give the bonus of description says, after learn some Bost HP I supose to have like 1200 more of HP and nop, only give me 200 more, in this 3 picturs u can see, say "Max hp increse by 400" and I have 6638 hp and only give me 90 more of hp and in the last picture "Max hp increse by 480" and only get 40 more of hp, in other words, this skills give like 2000++ of hp and only get like 300 or less of hp, check plz, thx.


Its not another cry post, some ppl just wonder about:
-TerritoryWars - sieges were moved to saturday when should be territorry wars - so is that info for us about that we wont get it in next 1 year?
-Golkies and subclass system - We wonder when will be that npc working for changing subclass for many ppl and update it from old version will work cos too many ppl have that problem to switch, second case in that problem i wonder about golkies spawn and if it spawns cos all time i check my spies i see one and the same spies there... So if someone is on bot there or what...
-Attribute - first thing is max attribute in armor and weapon, cos if rumors about that someone got 600 attribute in each part of armor are truth for me its... crazy crap cos its like ud for attribute on that char... Second thing how ppl can obtain in normal way Jewels, Energys.
-Crystal Staging - As on site is written we could stage on keishi tears dranel stages 13 crys, cos it should but it dont, another case about crys if rexes stages it also cos we killed many of them and none staged ;p
-Bosses Drop - Does Baylor drops that ring or not many of them died since server started, and so far there were dropped 0 rings, same for anthy, another case is item drop if its server x20... and it drops nothing or damn MA boots its like a joke. Another case is not drop but does anyone from server start killed valakas ? XD
-Offline shops - when will be possibility to obtain them in normal way ;D
-Some skills:
WC mana regen - why it's disabled ? If its skill from gracia it should be on anyway in my opinion ...
Some rumors about elemental and alignment protection that it doesnt work like it should - it doesnt run as toggle or something...
- sps cancel last time canceled 11 buffs so... its lol
- on epic's like frintezza, valakas, baylor, antharas many ppl's always have error's. Fix it.
-Little opinion - adding soi books to donny killed SOI - noone farm here since they can get books at donny.
And the question is what happen with adena on market? xd

For now i think its all ;P
Thanks for answer.
Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble


Quote from: windoo on July 27, 2011, 09:15:41 PM
-Crystal Staging - As on site is written we could stage on keishi tears dranel stages 13 crys, cos it should but it dont, another case about crys if rexes stages it also cos we killed many of them and none staged ;p

rex raises -tested (also got answer in ally that anakazel raises, didn't test myself yet:P)


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 11:44:16 PM
rex raises -tested (also got answer in ally that anakazel raises, didn't test myself yet:P)
yes anakazel lvl up cry, i can confirm, do it yesterday.
Quote from: windoo on July 27, 2011, 09:15:41 PM
Its not another cry post, some ppl just wonder about:
-TerritoryWars - sieges were moved to saturday when should be territorry wars - so is that info for us about that we wont get it in next 1 year?
-Golkies and subclass system - We wonder when will be that npc working for changing subclass for many ppl and update it from old version will work cos too many ppl have that problem to switch, second case in that problem i wonder about golkies spawn and if it spawns cos all time i check my spies i see one and the same spies there... So if someone is on bot there or what...
-Attribute - first thing is max attribute in armor and weapon, cos if rumors about that someone got 600 attribute in each part of armor are truth for me its... crazy crap cos its like ud for attribute on that char... Second thing how ppl can obtain in normal way Jewels, Energys.
-Crystal Staging - As on site is written we could stage on keishi tears dranel stages 13 crys, cos it should but it dont, another case about crys if rexes stages it also cos we killed many of them and none staged ;p
-Bosses Drop - Does Baylor drops that ring or not many of them died since server started, and so far there were dropped 0 rings, same for anthy, another case is item drop if its server x20... and it drops nothing or damn MA boots its like a joke. Another case is not drop but does anyone from server start killed valakas ? XD
-Offline shops - when will be possibility to obtain them in normal way ;D

For now i think its all ;P
Thanks for answer.

i can answer, SOON :D


Quote from: Derath on July 26, 2011, 05:31:09 PM
I just make a new character and yesterday take sub so is a TH/WL but I see something wrong yesterday, I have a pasive skill than give me more HP but doesn't give the bonus of description says, after learn some Bost HP I supose to have like 1200 more of HP and nop, only give me 200 more, in this 3 picturs u can see, say "Max hp increse by 400" and I have 6638 hp and only give me 90 more of hp and in the last picture "Max hp increse by 480" and only get 40 more of hp, in other words, this skills give like 2000++ of hp and only get like 300 or less of hp, check plz, thx.

+8 doesnt give u the bonus of +7 Plus 400...but the total bonus of 400

8->10 ...gives 80 hp f.e. -> 400 bonus to 480 bonus (u got 90 hp, prolly because its the +7->+9 bonus), but for sure, u wont gain 400hp/enchant
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


What about Guard Stance?
I have Guard Stance+12 cost (it take 9 mana per sek).
+ pass skills Focus Mind+13 on power.
Its means  skill take 9 mana - 5 pass skill regeneration = 4 mana per 1 sek!!!!
Now its work 46 mana per 3 sek = 15.3333 per sek
Check it plis!!!!!!!!!!!!
SmolZi - SR/TK+nobl <<<< Hero
MadCap - PW/TK+nobl <<<< Hero
MadMan - TK/SWS <<<< Hero
Vermin666 - SORC/PAL maybe new oly farmer ^)


Quote from: TrackZero on July 21, 2011, 04:52:07 PM
Its summer , right?!

yes and its time that some ppl got more time to play.
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


Quote from: windoo on July 27, 2011, 09:15:41 PM
Its not another cry post, some ppl just wonder about:
-TerritoryWars - sieges were moved to saturday when should be territorry wars - so is that info for us about that we wont get it in next 1 year?
-Golkies and subclass system - We wonder when will be that npc working for changing subclass for many ppl and update it from old version will work cos too many ppl have that problem to switch, second case in that problem i wonder about golkies spawn and if it spawns cos all time i check my spies i see one and the same spies there... So if someone is on bot there or what...
-Attribute - first thing is max attribute in armor and weapon, cos if rumors about that someone got 600 attribute in each part of armor are truth for me its... crazy crap cos its like ud for attribute on that char... Second thing how ppl can obtain in normal way Jewels, Energys.
-Crystal Staging - As on site is written we could stage on keishi tears dranel stages 13 crys, cos it should but it dont, another case about crys if rexes stages it also cos we killed many of them and none staged ;p
-Bosses Drop - Does Baylor drops that ring or not many of them died since server started, and so far there were dropped 0 rings, same for anthy, another case is item drop if its server x20... and it drops nothing or damn MA boots its like a joke. Another case is not drop but does anyone from server start killed valakas ? XD
-Offline shops - when will be possibility to obtain them in normal way ;D
-Some skills:
WC mana regen - why it's disabled ? If its skill from gracia it should be on anyway in my opinion ...
Some rumors about elemental and alignment protection that it doesnt work like it should - it doesnt run as toggle or something...
- sps cancel last time canceled 11 buffs so... its lol
- on epic's like frintezza, valakas, baylor, antharas many ppl's always have error's. Fix it.
-Little opinion - adding soi books to donny killed SOI - noone farm here since they can get books at donny.
-Another thing maybe im unlucky but does shadai spawned last few days? i havent seen him since 3 days... so isnt it bugged ?:P
And the question is what happen with adena on market? xd

For now i think its all ;P
Thanks for answer.

Windoo SH/PS - noble // Phayveroth TH/PAL - noble //PerveroTH TH/WK - noble // Yoshihana AW/SK - noble