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Started by Luthor123, July 08, 2011, 06:56:21 PM

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How would you like the attribute system to work like ?:)

Offlike attri system (max 300 weapon-120 armor).
38 (66.7%)
Keep it as it is.
19 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Voting closed: July 22, 2011, 06:56:21 PM


So,mostly would give my point of view about what would change IF ( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFF) the attribute system would change to off like.

1st of all,there wouldn't be such a high possibility to get extraordinary damage if you use several resists such as it is now.
2nd Pvps would last longer due to lower damage outcome from Damage dealers.(ALL OF the DDs don't say craps here about dagger or any other class pls.)
3rd The enchantment of skills to + Element would be more efficient on fights other than only Olympiad.
4th Players that aren't donators wouldn't feel such discomfort about having a weak gear due to the fact that they could farm it easy ( atm making full attribute on armor is sth hard even for a middle level donator let's say..).
Suggestion from my side and part of my opinion what would be right thing and better thing to do :
1st all the following i mentioned before by decreasing the max attribute value.
2nd Remove the attribute option from Cloaks-Shirts IF and only IF the attribute will be lowered to offlike.
3rd Make attribute success rate lower BUT balance it such as :::::
For weapons: Till 150 attribute->Stones (like it is now) ->230 Crystals->300->Jewels.
Armors:Till 45->Stones->Till 75->Crystals->Till 120 Jewels.
(Some may say Jewels success rate is already low but with such kind of system wouldn't be nessecary many successes).
That's my opinion of how it should work for a better balance and fairplay on the server. :)
And last all the people with already full attributes of 455 on weapons and 300 on armors should get the ammount of current stones(crystals jewels) they succeed to gain this level into their inventory and have their gear already full attributed.

P.s.I have rly crappy attribute on my gear it's not even lvl 1 but i see many people are dissapointed by the attribute system as it is right now and want it to be changed,and official attribute system seems to sute really good to the game.
Thank you .

Results of the poll in 2 weeks (if this topic will be left active by the GMs ,i don't see any reason it shouldn't be but just saying. :) )

Vote and leave suggestions /PERSONAL OPINIONS.
Keep the topic free of FLAME  and say your opinions only ,don't "Command" how it should be . :)

P.s. I really hope that GMs and server moderators will take under serious concideration the results of this forum no matter which conclusion it will have cause it's the people's voice that will speak at  the last point and what server really needs.
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Luthor123 on July 08, 2011, 06:56:21 PM
So,mostly would give my point of view about what would change IF ( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFF) the attribute system would change to off like.

1st of all,there wouldn't be such a high possibility to get extraordinary damage if you use several resists such as it is now.
2nd Pvps would last longer due to lower damage outcome from Damage dealers.(ALL OF the DDs don't say craps here about dagger or any other class pls.)
3rd The enchantment of skills to + Element would be more efficient on fights other than only Olympiad.
4th Players that aren't donators wouldn't feel such discomfort about having a weak gear due to the fact that they could farm it easy ( atm making full attribute on armor is sth hard even for a middle level donator let's say..).
Suggestion from my side and part of my opinion what would be right thing and better thing to do :
1st all the following i mentioned before by decreasing the max attribute value.
2nd Remove the attribute option from Cloaks-Shirts IF and only IF the attribute will be lowered to offlike.
3rd Make attribute success rate lower BUT balance it such as :::::
For weapons: Till 150 attribute->Stones (like it is now) ->230 Crystals->300->Jewels.
Armors:Till 45->Stones->Till 75->Crystals->Till 120 Jewels.
(Some may say Jewels success rate is already low but with such kind of system wouldn't be nessecary many successes).
That's my opinion of how it should work for a better balance and fairplay on the server. :)
And last all the people with already full attributes of 455 on weapons and 300 on armors should get the ammount of current stones(crystals jewels) they succeed to gain this level into their inventory and have their gear already full attributed.

P.s.I have rly crappy attribute on my gear it's not even lvl 1 but i see many people are dissapointed by the attribute system as it is right now and want it to be changed,and official attribute system seems to sute really good to the game.
Thank you .

Results of the poll in 2 weeks (if this topic will be left active by the GMs ,i don't see any reason it shouldn't be but just saying. :) )

Vote and leave suggestions /PERSONAL OPINIONS.
Keep the topic free of FLAME  and say your opinions only ,don't "Command" how it should be . :)

P.s. I really hope that GMs and server moderators will take under serious concideration the results of this forum no matter which conclusion it will have cause it's the people's voice that will speak at  the last point and what server really needs.
I bit off topic :) , too many serious talkings today, i bet you have 250 att on weapon and 100 on armor :).

However no matter what result will be, i doubt drake wanna change anything more to custom as far as i know he wanna stick to as much as official possible because of future updates, which is quite understandable .
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Quote from: TrackZero on July 08, 2011, 07:11:19 PM
I bit off topic :) , too many serious talkings today, i bet you have 250 att on weapon and 100 on armor :).

However no matter what result will be, i doubt drake wanna change anything more to custom as far as i know he wanna stick to as much as official possible because of future updates, which is quite understandable .
Track ,feel free to check my char mrwenger when i get my vesper set :) it's atm on a char of trustable 10000% friend ,it has not even 1 stone on it.:) And my weapon has just 160 attribute.:) Dyna dagger+cd+160 ^^ (won't tell which ofc hehe),but anyway.
About that 2nd part,so..you say that drake won't make anything more custom than as it is now ,that's understandable,but wouldn't he change the custom to offlike like he already did with skills/classes/items etc. on attribute system too?:) If he would like to keep  offlike the server (which is a great + in my opinion,cause everytime someone sees me playing on this server says verious words which aren't really plesant for me as player (and i belive if some moderator would hear this he would be a bit dissapointed) then in my point of view everything should be offlike (except custom armors we have) and stacksubs . That's the major idea i have in my mind which personaly if would find rly rly joyfull if it would come true and i'm 80% sure whole server would enjoy a change to "reallity" from custom.:)
I know Drake has xxxx things to do with fixings etc.etc.etc. and ofc bugs have priority over the balance cause bugs cause imbalances at 1st place and then the whole gameplay,but it would be nice to know that something like that is at least planned for the further future. :)
Regards and thanks for understanding . :)
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Luthor123 on July 08, 2011, 09:08:09 PM
Track ,feel free to check my char mrwenger when i get my vesper set :) it's atm on a char of trustable 10000% friend ,it has not even 1 stone on it.:) And my weapon has just 160 attribute.:) Dyna dagger+cd+160 ^^ (won't tell which ofc hehe),but anyway.

as he said 250, 100.. which means LOWER than most who already spent fortune on making their uber ego rising attrbutes xD


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 08, 2011, 09:12:55 PM
as he said 250, 100.. which means LOWER than most who already spent fortune on making their uber ego rising attrbutes xD
I understood this Awe.:) But on my suggestions i wrote to give the difference of attribute from 300 let's say to 455 - 155points in crystals/jewels/stones . :) It is not so bad for people who already have full attribute since they can gain a well ammount of adena/coins by even selling them,or they can use it for another set/weapon.^^ More suggestions are always welcome. :)
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: TrackZero on July 08, 2011, 07:11:19 PM
I bit off topic :) , too many serious talkings today, i bet you have 250 att on weapon and 100 on armor :).

However no matter what result will be, i doubt drake wanna change anything more to custom as far as i know he wanna stick to as much as official possible because of future updates, which is quite understandable .

i dont know who is more drunk but u really need lesons how to make quote :P
Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S


People,please make posts about why you want to keep the same attribute system or change it, don't just vote but also explain if you can . :)
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: ShowStopper on July 02, 2012, 11:11:53 AM


Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


I see all /care about this?Instead ppl want to nerf 1-2 classes.
Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Captain Morgan BlackLabel & SpicedGold
-->Cpt. H. Term Margelatu of fatalillusion<--

since 1.9. 2005...long time with all of u mofos!