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Resist cancel buffs /// switch... trick.. bluff



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Resist cancel buffs /// switch... trick.. bluff

Started by Kastro, July 27, 2011, 12:13:55 AM

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As usually again same story  from start  ..... but with over then 300% ressit vs cancel to cant ressit  1 cancel or remove me  less then 5 buff  mean  the ressit buffs/skills are not working at all  not that  is enough  elemental ressit not wokring  vs mages just add attribut points  again we need start make  1 milion post about cancel nerf/boost bla bla just simple fix the resist buffs  to work and wont be need it any nerf or  boost on anything

2nd : on discrtion of the skills : switch// trick //  bluff  say cancel target .... what dost mean shoud work 100%  and not to be mental atack skill  and simple with wosdom enchnated skill is more then enough to ressit  switch  or trick with 90% evan 99% can say test`s all for now  few day log it  in game ... fix it pls  makeing the game  fu ck up and not playable  at all ...


dule u Qq so much , how u have only 25 posts?  :D


im agree there is no skill for resist cancel atm ( they are bugged or cancel is bugged )   mental shield / chant of spirit / passive skills +++ nothink help always is -5 buff from da or sps/ celestial shield also dont ressit this shiit skill its impossible to play when u have 0 chance with stupid cancel and reuse is like 14 seconds in 14 sec u have -10 buffs so u have like 10 to kill someone or u can just relog xD


cancel resist - dunno
elemental resist working, as should in this chronickle,  but 1 thing, somewhere(lineage2.com forums, just don't have link to specific thread) i read that +30 XX resist, add +150 to XX attr defence, here we have "a bit" lower, like +1 for each +3-4 enchant
and switch, trick etc are working as should mental atack


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 10:58:21 AM
cancel resist - dunno
elemental resist working, as should in this chronickle,  but 1 thing, somewhere(lineage2.com forums, just don't have link to specific thread) i read that +30 XX resist, add +150 to XX attr defence, here we have "a bit" lower, like +1 for each +3-4 enchant
and switch, trick etc are working as should mental atack

Dunno just ask. Is normal that surrenders and Vortexes just reduce attribute now? If someone doesn't have your attribute i don't see any reason to use them anymore. Even if he have i don't believe a -20 attribute would do anything unless he is too unlucky to catch an attribute defence breakpoint of 150 or 300.


Quote from: flamingAwe on July 27, 2011, 10:58:21 AM
cancel resist - dunno
elemental resist working, as should in this chronickle,  but 1 thing, somewhere(lineage2.com forums, just don't have link to specific thread) i read that +30 XX resist, add +150 to XX attr defence, here we have "a bit" lower, like +1 for each +3-4 enchant
and switch, trick etc are working as should mental atack

i know that ressit work  how should be  in this chronical  i just give it them as example that  mages have enough power  that they hit  full dmg  and u cant ressist them like before only with few buffs what u need it vs somone  that only attributs  in armor  can help u now + the buffs { ofc attributs  but  need u long very long time to fix them what i`m not sure that succses rate on  the stones/jwe/energy is same as on official but nvm is not about that  now  }  was the point that we need that despretly ressit vs that cancel if we want to have some fun in pvp or  to can stay alive in pvp  for some time to not speck about oly wich some classes have only 5 buffs  and they can lost them with 1 cancel so i hope u got my point ...

about trick / switch / bluff  and i can add it here shadow step   if it`s should  be like u say mental attacks   then nevar hope on that skills  to  save ur ass coz is like u won on lotto   so i dont see  why dagger should use them when just loseing mana  and as i know to play dagger that was the point of be good dagger  to brake skils   in right moment  so now evan if  are good or not is pointles  just spam skills and if u kill somone it`s ok if not again ok  that how i see this about this buffs..... so sugestion  make them like activ skill not based on  mental attack so who evar want  play the dagger class to can play with full skills not to play lotto  and hope will remove target


Quote from: VforVanilla on July 27, 2011, 11:13:57 AM
Dunno just ask. Is normal that surrenders and Vortexes just reduce attribute now? If someone doesn't have your attribute i don't see any reason to use them anymore. Even if he have i don't believe a -20 attribute would do anything unless he is too unlucky to catch an attribute defence breakpoint of 150 or 300.

surender also removes resist buff of same type, so with surende+vortex you can get pretty big bonust to your atck alement (20 sur+20 removed resist+30(20) vortex, and this is half of breakpoint level)


trick switch bluff is MEN defender based

so dont try on mage or buffer class because it will never land;
but u have some chances on fighter class...
Quote from: pieh on April 08, 2008, 12:07:43 AM
i like the result of aden siege: Hexa, one of few clans that really deserve (i mean overall not only pvp/siege skills) to have castles


Quote from: loXol on July 27, 2011, 01:23:18 PM
trick switch bluff is MEN defender based

so dont try on mage or buffer class because it will never land;
but u have some chances on fighter class...

like i say it useing trick/switch/bluff and shadow step and cancel target is same like u w8thing to win on lotto


Quote from: Kastro on July 27, 2011, 12:13:55 AM
As usually again same story  from start  ..... but with over then 300% ressit vs cancel to cant ressit  1 cancel or remove me  less then 5 buff  mean  the ressit buffs/skills are not working at all  not that  is enough  elemental ressit not wokring  vs mages just add attribut points  again we need start make  1 milion post about cancel nerf/boost bla bla just simple fix the resist buffs  to work and wont be need it any nerf or  boost on anything

2nd : on discrtion of the skills : switch// trick //  bluff  say cancel target .... what dost mean shoud work 100%  and not to be mental atack skill  and simple with wosdom enchnated skill is more then enough to ressit  switch  or trick with 90% evan 99% can say test`s all for now  few day log it  in game ... fix it pls  makeing the game  fu ck up and not playable  at all ...


Trick, Switch, Bluff skills work against MEN mental defence of the target

it works with fighters wery well especially while skill is disturbed

in my opinion there is nothing to fix

cancel ... this topic is with us for almost 6 years :)


Quote from: Kastro on July 27, 2011, 12:13:55 AM
As usually again same story  from start  ..... but with over then 300% ressit vs cancel to cant ressit  1 cancel or remove me  less then 5 buff  mean  the ressit buffs/skills are not working at all  not that  is enough  elemental ressit not wokring  vs mages just add attribut points  again we need start make  1 milion post about cancel nerf/boost bla bla just simple fix the resist buffs  to work and wont be need it any nerf or  boost on anything

2nd : on discrtion of the skills : switch// trick //  bluff  say cancel target .... what dost mean shoud work 100%  and not to be mental atack skill  and simple with wosdom enchnated skill is more then enough to ressit  switch  or trick with 90% evan 99% can say test`s all for now  few day log it  in game ... fix it pls  makeing the game  fu ck up and not playable  at all ...

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