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Resist cancel buffs /// switch... trick.. bluff

Started by Kastro, July 27, 2011, 12:13:55 AM

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Quote from: Phonex on July 30, 2011, 04:12:12 AM

Problem is that when some ppl cant pvp or kill a player, comes to forum and says that xx class is so overpowered, but what they dont is that they not even take a chance to check vs who he try the pvp, first ppl cryed about deadlybeauty and brokie cuz they were so Over Powered, but what they didnt check it that both guys had more then a few years playing with their chars, that they had skills +++, weapond +++++, and shit more ++++, so they start crying that they were so OP that Olys was so bored cuz no one can win them.

If Im not mistaken brookie said somewhere on forum that this char was created february 2011.


Quote from: VforVanilla on July 30, 2011, 09:42:53 AM
Well i did some test on this on some java server which at least on skill side is almost perfect working. There when some dmg was returning to opponent you was getting a message: "ENEMYNAME is performing a counterattack". I checked system message file on Gracia Final and exist there so i believe if the skill was working normally  i should get at least that message. Anyway on java server the dmg i was getting back was only one time and was deperted from my lvl (was something like: I was lvl 85 i was getting about 790 dmg back. I was 60 lvl i was getting 900+ dmg back).

physical skill reflect damage depends on pdef of attacker and patk of defender, it has nothing to do with skill damage or your levels

in my system message i get message about performing counterattack, i guess it could be removed in yours
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Phonex on July 30, 2011, 04:12:12 AM
Time Ago Ppl cried cuz Kamaels were so strong with their debuff skills, and now ppl cry cuz sps and da cancel is working like it supposed to be?  ::)  DA always have been fuked from c3, and now that it works like it suppose you ppl just wanna fuk him again.

Problem is that when some ppl cant pvp or kill a player, comes to forum and says that xx class is so overpowered, but what they dont is that they not even take a chance to check vs who he try the pvp, first ppl cryed about deadlybeauty and brokie cuz they were so Over Powered, but what they didnt check it that both guys had more then a few years playing with their chars, that they had skills +++, weapond +++++, and shit more ++++, so they start crying that they were so OP that Olys was so bored cuz no one can win them.

The only thing that is wrong with server is ppl that dont know how to pvp vs other classes, just try harder guys and learn to play vs each class, but remember that even if they are a shittie class, they can have OE weaponds, skills, ETC. so if u die just stand up and try again :D, maybe one day u will get lucky and say "i killed him " :D

I guess its not cancelation skill problem, its resist cancel buffs and skills not working at all problem...


Quote from: Alex on July 30, 2011, 12:04:34 PM
physical skill reflect damage depends on pdef of attacker and patk of defender, it has nothing to do with skill damage or your levels

in my system message i get message about performing counterattack, i guess it could be removed in yours

is a bit stupd  to hit somone  with 300 dmg and get beck 2.3k dmg x2 times  evan useing backstab   so how normal is that is working how should be  i`m not so preety sure   + u saw  the dmg on u with armor on u and w/o armor   what`s mean i bealive u can pvp vs light daggers evan naked  just with the shild  so corect me  if i`m wrong but maybe is tank choronical  but not giveing outher chance  is not a bit playable game


Quote from: Phonex on July 30, 2011, 04:12:12 AM
Time Ago Ppl cried cuz Kamaels were so strong with their debuff skills, and now ppl cry cuz sps and da cancel is working like it supposed to be?  ::)  DA always have been fuked from c3, and now that it works like it suppose you ppl just wanna fuk him again.

Problem is that when some ppl cant pvp or kill a player, comes to forum and says that xx class is so overpowered, but what they dont is that they not even take a chance to check vs who he try the pvp, first ppl cryed about deadlybeauty and brokie cuz they were so Over Powered, but what they didnt check it that both guys had more then a few years playing with their chars, that they had skills +++, weapond +++++, and shit more ++++, so they start crying that they were so OP that Olys was so bored cuz no one can win them.

The only thing that is wrong with server is ppl that dont know how to pvp vs other classes, just try harder guys and learn to play vs each class, but remember that even if they are a shittie class, they can have OE weaponds, skills, ETC. so if u die just stand up and try again :D, maybe one day u will get lucky and say "i killed him " :D

just want it to ask what by u meaning should work like it`s supposed to work    for example cancel  and pls light me  and tell me how suppose should work   cancel ressit buffs and many skills  who incrase the ressitens  from cancel attack pls answer me mister "pro"

and just P.S for u noone say it that cancel not working how should work  we talking about ressit vs him not wokring so  u are the 2nd retard i expland  in this post and saying read 2 time`s before u post some bullsh1t  injoy in ur miseri  and continue spam bullsh1ts


Quote from: Kastro on July 30, 2011, 01:33:18 PM
is a bit stupd  to hit somone  with 300 dmg and get beck 2.3k dmg x2 times  evan useing backstab   so how normal is that is working how should be  i`m not so preety sure   + u saw  the dmg on u with armor on u and w/o armor   what`s mean i bealive u can pvp vs light daggers evan naked  just with the shild  so corect me  if i`m wrong but maybe is tank choronical  but not giveing outher chance  is not a bit playable game

yes gracia is tank chronicle, you are lucky we're not gracia epilogue, where DA and PAL can enchant stun to last up to 20 seconds, where all tanks have zealot buff with 3 min re-use
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


  You speaking here about "not working cancel resists buffs", so some one  could explain me how it should  work ? I would like to read about cancel and cancel resist mechanics.
p.s. but please w/o things like this one
Quote from: qwertyzxc on July 13, 2011, 04:06:21 PM
if buffs say they ressit cancel so should resist and 40 % + 20 % + talismans its rly big chance


Quote from: Defoe on July 30, 2011, 07:04:25 PM
 You speaking here about "not working cancel resists buffs", so some one  could explain me how it should  work ? I would like to read about cancel and cancel resist mechanics.
p.s. but please w/o things like this one

mr pro better say for you how its should work  ?  if u have all this buffs and 302838213 k m def and if ur w.o this buff and have 20 m def its same :| always -5 buffs so ur reatrted or what wrong with u if its hard to understand u`ll get -5 buff with full buffed  or w/o any buffs ?


Quote from: Defoe on July 30, 2011, 07:04:25 PM
 You speaking here about "not working cancel resists buffs", so some one  could explain me how it should  work ? I would like to read about cancel and cancel resist mechanics.
p.s. but please w/o things like this one

u dont need to know how should work  coz u make brake again  :P and  b1tch find me in game i want spick with u  asps  cheers


Quote from: Kastro on July 27, 2011, 12:13:55 AM
As usually again same story  from start  ..... but with over then 300% ressit vs cancel to cant ressit  1 cancel or remove me  less then 5 buff  mean  the ressit buffs/skills are not working at all  not that  is enough  elemental ressit not wokring  vs mages just add attribut points  again we need start make  1 milion post about cancel nerf/boost bla bla just simple fix the resist buffs  to work and wont be need it any nerf or  boost on anything

2nd : on discrtion of the skills : switch// trick //  bluff  say cancel target .... what dost mean shoud work 100%  and not to be mental atack skill  and simple with wosdom enchnated skill is more then enough to ressit  switch  or trick with 90% evan 99% can say test`s all for now  few day log it  in game ... fix it pls  makeing the game  fu ck up and not playable  at all ...


Quote from: VforVanilla on July 29, 2011, 08:20:28 PM
Ok i accept that is nerfed but what about shield bash and stun shot? If an archer use them all time i can't even move. I am all time stunned with 40+ Con,Rb set,Talismans. And generally is not only stun but all debuffs whenever they are overenchanted or same like hb (+15/+16)  so something is totally wrong.
Stun shot-ok i can agree on that...
Shield bash-shield stun , if you have problem even with this one that is supposed to have high land rate,then better start dwarf class mate.
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Quote from: Luthor123 on August 01, 2011, 02:46:58 AM
Stun shot-ok i can agree on that...
Shield bash-shield stun , if you have problem even with this one that is supposed to have high land rate,then better start dwarf class mate.

High rate you mean is ok 90-100% with all sh1ts i meantion above? So i guess is ok to not be able to move when i see a tank right?