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Started by WindWalk, August 16, 2011, 03:25:11 PM

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Hello, I wanna ask U all (those who can) to fill down this questionaire survey, it's only for my use, for my ending work at the studies. Pliz send the answers for questions on my PM.

The questionnaire survey

a) Female
b) Male

Place of residence:

a) Village
b) Town
c) City

1. Does turning on the computer is the first thing you are making after awakening?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Sometimes.

2.Does it happen often to stay on-line longer than u had planned?

a) Yes.
b) No.

3. How many hours per day you are spending with MMORPG games?

a) 2h.
b) 3h-4h.
c) 4h-8h.
d) More than 8 hours.

4. Have you ever lie, to keep in secret from your family how many hours really you are spending being on-line?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

5. Have you ever thought, that playing MMORPG games can be dangerous?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

6. In your opinion to play often with MMORPG games after some time can lead to the addiction?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know, I was never thinking about it.

7. How in your opinion addiction to MMORPG games can manifest itself?
(You can choose more than 1 answer)

a) Health problems.
b) Personal problems.
c) Problems with relation between you and other people.
d) More and more time spending at the PC.
e) Non-stop thinking about the MMORPG game.
f) Situation at the university can change to worse.
g) None from above.

8. Does any symptoms from question number 7 appears since u have started playing MMORPG games

9. Have you ever notice any of these symptoms cause of playing MMORPG games?

a) Problems with eyes.
b) Backache.
c) Sleep disorders.
d) Often, unexpected changes of humor.
e) None from above.

10. Does playing for an extended period of time have influence on:
(You can choose more than 1 answer)
a) Family obligations, friendship, etc
b) Your studies.
c) Your work.
d) Sense of self-worth.
e) Healthy Family relations.
f) Healthy friends relations.
g) Hobby, intrests, any other activities.
h) None from above.

11. Is there any important for you person who started to show his worry about your excessive activity at the virtual world?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I Don't know.

12. Are you login into MMORPG game, to break away from the problems or daily life or current affairs?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

13. Does your on-line presence make, that you suddenly forget about problems in question number 12?

a) Yes.
b) No
c) I don't know.

14. Have you ever fail an exam, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?

a) Yes.
b) No.

15. Have you ever didn't pass a session, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?

a) Yes.
b) No.

16. Have you ever wonder if you are a person, who is addicted to MMORPG games?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know, I was never thinking about it.

If your anwser is "no", question number 16. is the end of the poll.

17. Have u ever seek for help about your problem at the specialist?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I didn't found anyone, who is dealing with addiction to MMORPG games.

18. Would you like to stop playing with MMORPG games?

a) Yes.
b) No.

Thx U All !


What is difference between town and city?:P


Quote from: Diver on August 16, 2011, 04:52:33 PM
What is difference between town and city?:P

population, town - small, city - big


Quote from: flamingAwe on August 16, 2011, 04:57:54 PM
population, town - small, city - big

Also you can have a Town wich is similar to a city, but it doesnt have the city rights so it remains a town.
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


city has an abbey, u fool :D

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah


nice questionnaire btw, it crossed my mind to make my dissertation on a similar topic but i chose smth else in the end

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah



Quote from: WindWalk on August 16, 2011, 03:25:11 PM
Hello, I wanna ask U all (those who can) to fill down this questionaire survey, it's only for my use, for my ending work at the studies. Pliz send the answers for questions on my PM.

The questionnaire survey

a) Female
b) Male

Place of residence:

a) Village
b) Town
c) City

1. Does turning on the computer is the first thing you are making after awakening?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) Sometimes.

2.Does it happen often to stay on-line longer than u had planned?

a) Yes.
b) No.

3. How many hours per day you are spending with MMORPG games?

a) 2h.
b) 3h-4h.
c) 4h-8h.
d) More than 8 hours.

4. Have you ever lie, to keep in secret from your family how many hours really you are spending being on-line?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

5. Have you ever thought, that playing MMORPG games can be dangerous?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

6. In your opinion to play often with MMORPG games after some time can lead to the addiction?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know, I was never thinking about it.

7. How in your opinion addiction to MMORPG games can manifest itself?
(You can choose more than 1 answer)

a) Health problems.
b) Personal problems.
c) Problems with relation between you and other people.
d) More and more time spending at the PC.
e) Non-stop thinking about the MMORPG game.
f) Situation at the university can change to worse.
g) None from above.

8. Does any symptoms from question number 7 appears since u have started playing MMORPG games

9. Have you ever notice any of these symptoms cause of playing MMORPG games?

a) Problems with eyes.
b) Backache.
c) Sleep disorders.
d) Often, unexpected changes of humor.
e) None from above.

10. Does playing for an extended period of time have influence on:
(You can choose more than 1 answer)
a) Family obligations, friendship, etc
b) Your studies.
c) Your work.
d) Sense of self-worth.
e) Healthy Family relations.
f) Healthy friends relations.
g) Hobby, intrests, any other activities.
h) None from above.

11. Is there any important for you person who started to show his worry about your excessive activity at the virtual world?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I Don't know.

12. Are you login into MMORPG game, to break away from the problems or daily life or current affairs?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know.

13. Does your on-line presence make, that you suddenly forget about problems in question number 12?

a) Yes.
b) No
c) I don't know.

14. Have you ever fail an exam, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?

a) Yes.
b) No.

15. Have you ever didn't pass a session, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?

a) Yes.
b) No.

16. Have you ever wonder if you are a person, who is addicted to MMORPG games?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I don't know, I was never thinking about it.

If your anwser is "no", question number 16. is the end of the poll.

17. Have u ever seek for help about your problem at the specialist?

a) Yes.
b) No.
c) I didn't found anyone, who is dealing with addiction to MMORPG games.

18. Would you like to stop playing with MMORPG games?

a) Yes.
b) No.

Thx U All !
Happy Bday  :-*
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


b) Male

Place of residence:
c) City

1. Does turning on the computer is the first thing you are making after awakening?
a) Yes.

2.Does it happen often to stay on-line longer than u had planned?
a) Yes.

3. How many hours per day you are spending with MMORPG games?
a) 2h.

4. Have you ever lie, to keep in secret from your family how many hours really you are spending being on-line?
b) No.

5. Have you ever thought, that playing MMORPG games can be dangerous?
b) No.

6. In your opinion to play often with MMORPG games after some time can lead to the addiction?
a) Yes.

7. How in your opinion addiction to MMORPG games can manifest itself?
(You can choose more than 1 answer)
a) Health problems.

8. Does any symptoms from question number 7 appears since u have started playing MMORPG games
     Cycata Anka powiedziała mi " zainstaluj to kurwa bo cie zablokuje na gg" Tak zaczałem grać :P

9. Have you ever notice any of these symptoms cause of playing MMORPG games?
e) None from above.

10. Does playing for an extended period of time have influence on:
(You can choose more than 1 answer)
c) Your work.
g) Hobby, intrests, any other activities.

11. Is there any important for you person who started to show his worry about your excessive activity at the virtual world?

a) Yes. (Agnieszka ale dawała pół serwerwoi wiec H jej w D  ;D )

12. Are you login into MMORPG game, to break away from the problems or daily life or current affairs?
b) No. (poprostu lubie patrzeć na ilonke w Giran :P )

13. Does your on-line presence make, that you suddenly forget about problems in question number 12?
b) No

14. Have you ever fail an exam, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?
b) No.

15. Have you ever didn't pass a session, because you was playing with MMORPG games overmuch?
b) No.

16. Have you ever wonder if you are a person, who is addicted to MMORPG games?
b) No.

Always in Dragon-Network since c3

Quote from: Enerilla on June 28, 2011, 02:06:51 PM
Olej, i really thought we can have a conversation without calling each other tard in the same clan. :S



UP UP come i need 50 more !:D