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Serious question to Track

Started by lasombra, August 16, 2011, 12:02:22 AM

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Quote from: lasombra on August 16, 2011, 12:02:22 AM
Ok here we go.

We know well than ppl had donated / given by friendly GM skills. We know it for ex. thx to stupidy of some ppl, like brokie, who's posted screens with his bar...and ups Deflect Magic there, skill which You can get only from quest in that time, quest which one for SURE was not maked so earliy. Was impossible in that time collect items. And brokie is not only one.

We know than some ppl have added some speciall abilites to their chars, it's not secret thx to stupidy again, couse those ppl showed this to few persons.

Also in first day after update some ppl had buyed and maked full vesper armor + 6 with full atributes and OE vesper weapon with full atributes. Others ppl don't have so much luck with attributes, and fail 9/10.Strange.

To Donny was added already everything. So there is no sense do ANYTHING. Was added couse again "some" ppl asked for it, like You wroted in some post.

We see new chars with everything full, chars which NO ONE saw earlier.

To be honest, I fuk this all (ok ok ok almoust I fuk this). But here we have next thing :


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Whoopss CLAN LVL 11.
So this mean all have much higher ranks, so it's mean more skills etc. So it's mean : advantage.

Now explain me.
How clan without castle (and for it You must kept castle minimum 10 weeks). Without territory Lord. And so fast, can have lvl 11.
Others clans work hard for lvl 9. And was impossible do it faster than TheHeroes clan, BA and AoD.
So how they can have clan lvl 11.
It was impossible make it in normall way. Couse they do meet requirements and was simply NO TIME for it since update.

Tell me now. How me, as CL can kept my ppl here ? It's my job (hard like hell) kept ppl here, kept clan active.
You make my job almoust impossible.
How I can motivate and kept ppl here ? What sense is stay here ?
I should tell them to go do some things or donate everyone 500 euros ?
What I should tell them ? How I can give them reaon to play here ?

People don't see sense play here Track. You know why ?
Couse there is no limits in reward for donate. There is no stuff what You CAN'T buy or get from friendly GM.
Soon You stay here with few ppl, couse for rest there is no sense to play at all.
Lot of my ppl (and not only from my clan) already test others servers Track. How I can kept them here ?

You have any ideas ? Couse my ideas almoust end.
We should try do smth still to get ANY advantage ? For ex Beleth ? Or ppl who stay 90 % game time on giran stairs will be have all anyway, without Do ANYTHING.

Tell me for what try do smth here ? If others without DO ANYTHING have more anyway.

ps. Lets go flamers, tell me how I sux, how much my clan sux,  and how I cry. Heal Your complexes here. Show how big e-dk You have in game, couse in life You are totall losers.
They didnt donate for it, i was testing with them few things (as i did in past with other clans too) anyhow i forgot to change it back, however they have lvl 9 clan not 11 anymore. Anyhow clan lvl 11 is available for everyone , it WORKS so instead of making here pointless topics make one since its very much available.And your story about donation for everything is just to feed the crowd what they wanna hear so they can enjoy flaming , thats far from the truth but u know what no matter what i tell you you gonna keep your side of the story so i wont bother (happened all these 5 years here) , to sum up they are lvl 9 was my mistake i didnt change it back after test , now you can continue with your topic.
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pathetic, making tests with active clan, you have rahmaninov server for that
and didn't you forget to remove clan lvl 11 skills?


Quote from: TrackZero on August 16, 2011, 08:49:10 AM
They didnt donate for it, i was testing with them few things (as i did in past with other clans too) anyhow i forgot to change it back, however they have lvl 9 clan not 11 anymore. Anyhow clan lvl 11 is available for everyone , it WORKS so instead of making here pointless topics make one since its very much available.And your story about donation for everything is just to feed the crowd what they wanna hear so they can enjoy flaming , thats far from the truth but u know what no matter what i tell you you gonna keep your side of the story so i wont bother (happened all these 5 years here) , to sum up they are lvl 9 was my mistake i didnt change it back after test , now you can continue with your topic.

rly funny. u up active clan to lvl11, "forgot" about it and topic pointless? i rly dunno how long they have this clan lvl but for sure not 1 day and how long they could keep it if we wont "remind" u ^^
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


awe 100% no  ;D
track0 knowledge about L2 is     -1


TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


Quote from: flamingAwe on August 16, 2011, 09:11:48 AM
pathetic, making tests with active clan, you have rahmaninov server for that
and didn't you forget to remove clan lvl 11 skills?
pathetic or not thats how it is. Rachmaninov doesnt exist anymore. And they got no skills from clan 11,i was so KO last night that i forgot to put back after test so imo they couldbt roll server in <12h. Im finishing updates today that was a part of test too
[url=https://discord.com/invite/uhaWxzH7NP] JOIN OUR DISCORD[/url]


Understable for me :P btw. what is max amount of att in each armor part?
PedoBear  He/wk
Aeore Healer - Retired
PedoBear He/Wk <3
Compositora sps/sws
FaIIen he/glad
Chryzo Pal/glad
Virginsoul trick/slh


Quote from: Zaled on August 16, 2011, 09:36:39 AM
Understable for me :P btw. what is max amount of att in each armor part?
i kinda start to become real bored of this

brokie is  this brokie is  that,  max atri is 600 end of story  track made 30+ skillz ,why i still screaming for wtb gcm grow up
he didnt make me 30+ skillz i dont have a +15 dagger  blabla bla


u people realy must start wear other glasses , and be not that negative  about what track does or do

u people scream for month's clan lvl 9 is bugged is bugged , now its not bugged any more, track even took the time to check clan lvl 10+ 11

for u people to be sure its all oke ,because drake is simply to lazy

so grow up ,and be happy of the ammount of time track spends in it,and he even react to u people what drake quit many years ago all because of u cry kiddo's
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Quote from: andreww on August 16, 2011, 09:43:43 AM
u people scream for month's clan lvl 9 is bugged is bugged , now its not bugged any more, track even took the time to check clan lvl 10+ 11

clan lvl9 not bugged? cool story. so enlighten me plox mr."imfakingproguruofl2andno1betterthanme" how we can expand number of units in orders of knights if instead of it i got option for rename orders of knights, even if in description there "increase number of units....". and dont tell me plox its works cuz i checked it 1 hour ago on 2x char and still same sh1t.
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


it wasn't anything about you kido, i simply asked. You are not a center of l2 world, you are just little cipher who thinks coz of his money he is pro. Njoy
PedoBear  He/wk
Aeore Healer - Retired
PedoBear He/Wk <3
Compositora sps/sws
FaIIen he/glad
Chryzo Pal/glad
Virginsoul trick/slh


Track = NM's ppl GM

Piccy = Infi's ppl GM (and I am not sure about that) - sadly offline / unactive since loong weeks... WTF is with him?! Still playing on PS3?!

Anyway, we are foked :P

BTW What if we delete wars to 'yuuki'?

What would they do with all that brand new, shining items? Who would they attack out of town? :D

Ah sry, brokie will donate for perma wars vs server, doesn't matter if you have a clan or not  ::)

Quote from: Zaled on August 16, 2011, 09:36:39 AM
Understable for me :P btw. what is max amount of att in each armor part?


Why are you looking at my Avatar?

Server:  Zenith/Infinity x5

I am here since 07:52 GMT+1 25.12.2005


I guess also the unbanning-renaming services to big donators that was caught l2walkering also are lies  Tracky?  But you was failing sometimes on renaming too and you had to fake-ban and rename them again cause ppl realized what happened.


Quote from: TrackZero on August 16, 2011, 09:33:31 AM
pathetic or not thats how it is. Rachmaninov doesnt exist anymore. And they got no skills from clan 11,i was so KO last night that i forgot to put back after test so imo they couldbt roll server in <12h. Im finishing updates today that was a part of test too

is test server doesn't exist you could make new clan and make tests on it, not on active clan
and you were too KO last night to say, that they don't have clan lvl 11 skills
if testing on players is so easy, why didn't you test on my char Counter Critical, when i had ALL prerequisites, just couldn't swithc sub to learn skill myself? same day as subs were fixed I got that skill, so really had everything ready.