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is it possible to make it again?

Started by romancenk, August 23, 2011, 09:32:32 AM

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Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 26, 2011, 03:50:25 PM
so weez your point is??
tank/daggers are not op and archers are okay!! Okay i'm out of this discussion!

his points was dont QQ  and say around that daggers are OP  coz is the only chronical where  daggers are {still } not nerfed to bone and they are  a it playble  but  let me explan u why they are making some dmg for now .... coz still noone did not start puthing attributs over  180  so the 80% of the dmg  of daggers now is coz of atttributs   2nd properly buffed  {cop,counter critical. songs , cov what els was there what`s deacrising  critical attack }  dagger make dmg no more then 1 k and nevar forgot that dagger skills cost alot in most of the mass pvp`s dagger is out of mana afther 1-2  and u still rolling with bow or mage dagger w/o mana is dead dagger so  leave in peace the dagger   they are not at all OP  if u have attributs  vs them  coz if 1 dagger hit 1k  on somone with attribut he hit u 2k w/o attributs so calculate if 1k dmg is OP and try with dagger to hit some tank how much dmg u will make  so simple for some classes dagger are owners but somwhere they stack badly

+ i dont know why is allways daggers daggers daggers  why noone say anything about mage i did not save  any cry about mage hit hard
coz now u dont take 20%  reduse on mage dmg by evry ressit buff vs that mage who attack u like before example { hydro ... ressit watter 20% aqua dance 20%  elemental song 20% elemental protection 20%  all this buffs now are pointless if u dont have water ressit over 250+ in ur arrmo and with this all buffs to get more  attributs  points coz now the ressit buffs is the only think they do give attributs} noone complane about mage`s that evry mage hit 1k+ with evan am+a+0 but must be dagger dagger dagger are OP why noone say i hit with archer very low on mage/tank he is verying  robe set and u hit less dmg on mage/tank the on archer/tank { if u hit archer /tank 800 on mage /tank u will hit 500} why noone say this .... patetic that why evryone want play dagger now and rerroll coz evryone was missing daggers class but like allwyas they was not playable and now they make dmg  and lets nerf dagger  zzzzzzzzz is boring only archers and mages so much boring 5-6 years  same story

P.S: donno who was dagger skills or curses and bluff and switch and trick land so offten  hehe only can say BIG JOKE when u remove target on enamy with bluff ,switch ,trick  be heppy like u get bingo dude all of use who play dagger we remove switch and trick from bars  is ussles spand it mana nothing els

QQ more  start spending coins and put energys and fix ur armors afther spick that somone is OP  not w8 better enchant rate and succses rate  wont heppand ..............


i'm pretty sure you didn't heard me saying to nerf anything!

All i said was that there are to much resists against arrows atm. A dagger/tank is virtualy impossible to kill. And maybe a boost on archers wouldn't be a bad idea, at least on atak speed!

Main thing is that now i'm getting killed vs ppl/chars who never killed me b4, and i'm not saying in 5 pvp's they win 3,4, i'm saying they kill me each time, basicaly i get killed or i have to kite and won't kill it!

Dagger's ofc are OP. Sry if you made 1 or is making 1. I'm just stating the truth bro.

Anyway, relax, it won't be b/c of my opinions that smthg will change, nvr did, nvr will, so chill and enjoy!


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 26, 2011, 09:27:50 PM

Main thing is that now i'm getting killed vs ppl/chars who never killed me b4, and i'm not saying in 5 pvp's they win 3,4, i'm saying they kill me each time, basicaly i get killed or i have to kite and won't kill it!

so get used to it, balance changes


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 26, 2011, 09:27:50 PM
i'm pretty sure you didn't heard me saying to nerf anything!
All i said was that there are to much resists against arrows atm. A dagger/tank is virtualy impossible to kill. And maybe a boost on archers wouldn't be a bad idea, at least on atak speed!
Main thing is that now i'm getting killed vs ppl/chars who never killed me b4, and i'm not saying in 5 pvp's they win 3,4, i'm saying they kill me each time, basicaly i get killed or i have to kite and won't kill it!
Dagger's ofc are OP. Sry if you made 1 or is making 1. I'm just stating the truth bro.
Anyway, relax, it won't be b/c of my opinions that smthg will change, nvr did, nvr will, so chill and enjoy!

I think that u dont understood what i said before, ALL CLASSES have chances to kill ALL CLASSES, ofc playing as archer u know that some classes r harder to kill than others, like Tank/Daggers u will have problems to kill then, but on ther other hand u r still able to kill other classes normally.

Playing as archer u can't stand in 1 place and just keep spamming F1 and believe that u gonna kill all, in some situations u can make it like use snipe in wall of castle and keep shooting, but in let's say 80% of situations u need to kite or at least change ur position to hit players, that's a fact ARCHERS MUST KITE or they will die, archers r not supposed to "tank" enemies and survive in the end especially daggers, ARCHERS MUST USE THEIR RANGE.

If u don't wanna use range dont play archer, go for close combat char. But most important don't try to kill tank/fighter as 1st target, go kill mages or other fighters before.

And for last, daggers r not OP but SOME daggers r OP, and this happens as a combination about class skills, players skills and equips.

As i said before in 1x1 pvp with Brokie or Alex (both SK/AW) against Krd0 (SPS/TK) without lethal (luck factor) i would bet that most of time Krd0 would win against then.


weezer, bro, i play here for same time as you, since begining, and unlike you (who tried alrdy all classes), besides suports, i only trained 2 chars, a glad/pp and an archer/tank, so i can say i'm pretty confortable playing them. I going to use your ideas to prove my point if you don't mind. You said archers must start by killing other classes cause "tank" classes are to hard to kill, i agree, but besides suports, 90% server plays tank based class atm!

your saying archer has to use range to kill dagger and has to kite, i also agree, but if you don't have some kind of dash skill you'll hit and kite the first 3 arrows, after that dagger is upon you and it's drastic cp/hp fall each time you turn your back to him! You'r saying archers have no chance to kill tank/fighters, but isn't most of the archers here tank based to? They have no hcnace to kill'em cause of 1 single reason, huge resists against bow's vs no resists at all vs daggers!

IF you'r saying the best daggers here can't kill krdo, archers can? Explain plz, cause ranges are +/- the same, on top of that being tk krdo has more resists vs arrows!!!

You also said that daggers are not Op Some daggers are Op, yes ofc, only tank/daggers, but is there any other kind running around owning all?? And basicaly, even less archers are Op cause most of them are real easy to kill... To last 19min atm you must have vesper +6 and ic+f+14... last time i checked, this are kinda rare..still  :P... So if an sr/sws with those items almost lost vs a dagger/tank in tallum armor....imagine what a draco bow/dyna armor would stand for....

@flamingawe: I'm for a balanced server. Ofc i don't want a server with only arhcers in it... but atm you have a tank/dagger you rule...no mather how naab you are: switch, trick, stab, bluff, backstab bb noob...!! pfff... if you are th/hk than you're close to godliness.... sux imo!!

Basicaly what i'm trying to make you understand is that atm, archers are weak cause they face huge defense vs their arrows, they lost their atk speed in oposite to daggers who are strong as hell. And if full o/e equiped archers are weak... avg equiped archers are just lol's....


Nerf tankers! but ffs leave my damn TH//Warlord alone!
~As Final Touch, God Created The Dutch~


PuFf2                      Warlock//TH
NeverBackDown     TH//Warlord


Quote from: andreww on August 26, 2011, 12:27:00 PM
for a archer more distance in Fg means more dammage, maybe start learn to kite ,when u come close :) u make 0 dammage

its  FG thing :P  

lets hope we wont start to  nerf a complete dagger class because i  am to dumbass :)  would be lame for 99% of the people and check top oly players are no dagger users

Always forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.
An eye for an eye will ultimately, leave the whole world blind
There is no chance unless you take one


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 27, 2011, 11:08:13 AM
IMO it's sick when archer/tank able to kill 1vs1 dagger/tank (just think about this lil bit).
Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 27, 2011, 11:08:13 AM
but atm you have a tank/dagger you rule...no mather how naab you are: switch, trick, stab, bluff, backstab bb noob...!! pfff... if you are th/hk than you're close to godliness.... sux imo!!
I have feeling that exactly coz of same reason you made archer/tank in past.


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 27, 2011, 11:08:13 AM

Ok, so let me proove again u wrong with ur own arguments.

Not even 20% of server play as tank based char, and if u consider all tankers on server must remember that if it's a mage class it dont get the full bonus of all tank skills, ofc they r harder to kill by archers, but still able to kill.

Krd0 have 900 of range of his attacking skills and 600 of range on Cancel, ANY archer have at least 1k of range, so this means if u a bit smart he wont be able to cancel u and u can kill him just staying away from his range.

Like i said the problem isnt dagger/tank class, but SOME daggers, imo the best dagger players atm on server r Brokie, Alex and Puff, and Puff is a TH/WL not tanker, in past we had some many complains about some classes and we all knew that the problem wasnt 1 class, but some players r rly good playing their chars and they have equips for that, so if u nerf tanker/dagger just cause of Brokie and Alex what will happen with average players on server that play as tank/dagger?

I also remember when u started playing as tank/archer, like all people on Marvels did in that time, they all started playing archers cause was good to pvp and sieges, so it wasnt just cause u liked the char, cause u didnt had the same knowledge in that time about archers, u made cause was good to play and now that ur char cant kill all u complain about tank/dagger, or just dagger class w/e.

In my view of balances of classes on server there r still some things that need to be done, but nerf tank or dagger isnt the solution cause they r not soo OP, the diff is that they now r not nerfed like they was in previous chronicles. We need to adapt our chars for this new chronicle and re-learn how to make some things, but as always is easier to QQ than make tests.

Nothing personal.


It's so easy to talk... why don't you try and put actualy your skill in use and show me, invite me in pt, we go outta town and i want actualy to see you kill 1 tank/dagger even with your red bow! Just 1, it can even be m0rfeo, the naabest of them all!!
Puf, who i agree it's the stronguest dagger atm (at least who hit's the hardest), i don't have any problem with, cause there are way's to go around his dmg!

Wezz, dude, why don't you put on your reading glasses? They must be off, cause in my opinion we are talking the same here! Ofc not all daggers are Op, and, unlike archers, Defoe you had some archers who hited rly hard (glad/archer) and got nerfed, the rest, it was cause of their o/e equips, we have to agree that if you bust your ass to have bether equips than the others it is normal you should be stronger, cause the same classes with draco bow where real lolis to kill, here in this case it's not a mather of O/e items, it's a mather of the class! Dagger/Tank class, specialy Dagger/hk are OP. They shouldn't be nerfed though! Imo Archers should be boosted a bit to go around the latest loss of atk speed and all protection buffs who are around!

Quote from: Defoe on August 27, 2011, 06:18:18 PM
I have feeling that exactly coz of same reason you made archer/tank in past.

Ofc i'm an eager sob who want's to be always on top and pwn all who move  :D....thats why i played glad/pp for +4 years ^^!  ;)

P.s: Edited some english tip0s. sry guys  :P


Quote from: mark_elesse on August 28, 2011, 11:20:33 PM

F@g :)


Quote from: Javardsnegger on August 28, 2011, 09:14:57 AM
It's so easy to talk... why don't you try and put actualy your skill in use and show me, invite me in pt, we go outta town and i want actualy to see you kill 1 tank/dagger even with your red bow! Just 1, it can even be m0rfeo, the naabest of them all!!
Puf, who i agree it's the stronguest dagger atm (at least who hit's the hardest), i don't have any problem with, cause there are way's to go around his dmg!

Wezz, dude, why don't you put on your reading glasses? They must be off, cause in my opinion we are talking the same here! Ofc not all daggers are Op, and, unlike archers, Defoe you had some archers who hited rly hard (glad/archer) and got nerfed, the rest, it was cause of their o/e equips, we have to agree that if you bust your ass to have bether equips than the others it is normal you should be stronger, cause the same classes with draco bow where real lolis to kill, here in this case it's not a mather of O/e items, it's a mather of the class! Dagger/Tank class, specialy Dagger/hk are OP. They shouldn't be nerfed though! Imo Archers should be boosted a bit to go around the latest loss of atk speed and all protection buffs who are around!

Ofc i'm an eager sob who want's to be always on top and pwn all who move  :D....thats why i played glad/pp for +4 years ^^!  ;)

P.s: Edited some english tip0s. sry guys  :P
dude u cant kill everything and they r tank class and got deflect arrow not just to get em but to be strong vs archers . dont tell me u dont hit not tank classes for 1k .. cuz i got few k hits from u .
mage > tank    tank> archer   archer > mage  its basic l2 dude .   u just cant kill everything live with it
  Nightmare 30x