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Bug - chars before and after Gracia Final update



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Bug - chars before and after Gracia Final update

Started by Sp3ctre, August 25, 2011, 10:20:38 AM

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All chars made before Gracia Final got better pasive skills then
the chars made after Gracia Final.
Give those passive skils to all or remove from all.

- Soulhound before Gracia Final have boost atac speed lvl 1 passive
- Soulhound after Gracia Final have not

see this link too

By egenx at 2011-08-25


Sorry for ruining your day, but this is not a bug. Just another "Gracia feature". In gracia final some specific classes got nerfed with their "basic skills". For example: before Gracia came, Phantom Ranger (DE archer) had boost attack speed passive lvl 1, Critical rate lvl 1 and Critical dmg lvl 3. Now all new made Phantom Rangers, don't have boost attack speed and crit rate passives at all and their crit dmg is only lvl 2. Ofcourse such nerf should be applied to ALL specific classes, not only to new made ones....but this is Dragon Notwork :P


PS. As a proof check this site with gracia final skills lists :  http://www.lineage2media.com/skills/kamael%20male%20soldier.html?my_class=kamael_male_soldier
- Ondall - Xeleth - Gronum -  Anadrol - Aldarrel - Asterisk -


Quote from: Ondall on August 25, 2011, 11:07:32 AM
Sorry for ruining your day, but this is not a bug. Just another "Gracia feature". In gracia final some specific classes got nerfed with their "basic skills". For example: before Gracia came, Phantom Ranger (DE archer) had boost attack speed passive lvl 1, Critical rate lvl 1 and Critical dmg lvl 3. Now all new made Phantom Rangers, don't have boost attack speed and crit rate passives at all and their crit dmg is only lvl 2. Ofcourse such nerf should be applied to ALL specific classes, not only to new made ones....but this is Dragon Notwork :P


PS. As a proof check this site with gracia final skills lists :  http://www.lineage2media.com/skills/kamael%20male%20soldier.html?my_class=kamael_male_soldier
I have to say i like your atitude -"ruining your day"   :)
About skils u can call it werever u want for me having any char made  before Garcia with better pasives
then the same char made after Gracia update (in your example Phantom Rangers)  is a BUG but u can disagree  :)


Quote from: Sp3ctre on August 25, 2011, 11:26:59 AM
I have to say i like your atitude -"ruining your day"   :)
About skils u can call it werever u want for me having any char made  before Garcia with better pasives
then the same char made after Gracia update (in your example Phantom Rangers)  is a BUG but u can disagree  :)

...in that case blame NCSoft for this "bug"...and blame Drake for not applying this "bug" to all chars, including old ones  :P Anyway that's the truth about this case - deal with it :)
- Ondall - Xeleth - Gronum -  Anadrol - Aldarrel - Asterisk -