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Request about AToD/HSP



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Request about AToD/HSP

Started by rmmbr, August 31, 2011, 05:36:06 PM

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I know such topics already exist, but seems only players read it...

Would be cool if you changed those items back to their previous state, so we could trade it between characters or at least store it in CWH.

Many people were farming it in the past and now they are kinda stuck with untradeable HSP amounts high enuff to get dyna recipes >.<



Quote from: mark_elesse on August 31, 2011, 06:18:46 PM
thats a good idea, i approve it. its good for the trader economy / ppl who arent rich enough to buy weaps from big clan's which farming Tiats / other raids.

Imo it will only help people who r already rich, cause most of people u see farming on HB r alt chars and most of people have quest made on their main chars and they dont go farm on HB cause of wars, so instead making quest on alt chars they wanna be able to trade items again, so they can farm on alts and get the profits on their main chars.

Check HB and u will see that most of people there r people u know but almost all of then on alt chars to prevent war.

Or they make quest on alts or go farm on main chars.


Any official anwer about this topic? ???


Quote from: rmmbr on September 01, 2011, 05:55:42 PM
Any official anwer about this topic? ???

Check previous topics about this same subject and u will see that Track already told in 1 of then that this wont change, ATOD and HSP would still being untradable.


Are you Inf-NM's official? I think you are not.. neither srvs voice since others share same opinion about this matter as I do.


Quote from: rmmbr on September 01, 2011, 10:09:56 PM
Are you Inf-NM's official? I think you are not.. neither srvs voice since others share same opinion about this matter as I do.

you mean other lazy nubs share your opinion? normal player already made quests for their "store" chars and don't  cry about it.


Ye, many lazy nubz who made this fckn quest in the past with one char and don't want to repeat same sht xx times only coz others considering themselves pro no-life-instant chimeras farmers say it should be dffrnt