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GM EVENT - noob helper



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GM EVENT - noob helper

Started by entomb, September 01, 2011, 12:38:54 PM

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I dont know if you guys noticed this, but yesterday evening trackZero logged and announced a low lvl, or low grade event,

At first there was some pvp, but things got nasty becouse high lvls did some mass damage and pwnd :P
But after that track spawned some very important Raids, like quest golky and regular golky, this was intended to help newbies!
I must say, thank you, becouse 1 week after i joined this server (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,254757.0.html) , i have already: subclass, a nice clan and some very good equips. Now it will be hard for me to leave, and i think i might stay for a long time

anyhow... there were many new players and many people got quest horns, this was an awesome event proving to me that the server is alive and running and GMs aren't as nasty as i read on forum everyday.

Thank you again, GM team, and thank you to all other playes that joined me on Giran Arena!

here's some shots!




Infinite nightmare
Reanimate > Bishop/Pala - fresh start!

RIP Shadow - GOK clan, EvilEmpire aliance
entomb > necro/Da //bishop 
tombio  > necro/EE 


Nice to hear this  :D
I hope more ppl will feel the same as U!