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Suprise of the month?!

Started by ylim, September 01, 2011, 06:54:40 AM

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damn do I need to lose hero too to become so hated? :(
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on September 01, 2011, 08:29:20 AM
damn do I need to lose hero too to become so hated? :(
no you need to talk many BS on hero chat, and behave like a 10 year old kid who never had attention from his parents.


Quote from: Cenarius on September 01, 2011, 08:23:09 AM
Soo u care for take hero on hiven, thats why u lose hero on brokie.
BTW i have screen from brokie last hero shout.
It seemed to be very confident of being a hero  ;D
:)  check mine sig :) ty

dunno :) why all people are so sad :)
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


kill the lamer!

Gz Shan :D good job

Ps. brokie was a fake hero, with all this points from alex


Quote from: Locus on September 01, 2011, 08:54:52 AM
kill the lamer!

Gz Shan :D good job

Ps. brokie was a fake hero, with all this points from alex
yes 176 match played  win 150 (alex played) loose 26 i played :P

lets stay fair :)
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Quote from: andreww on September 01, 2011, 07:48:57 AM
but plz quit the fury of hate vs me ,i dont deserve it ....

sad but i must agree with u, u r on too low lvl even for hate, just a kid (ur mental age) who is full of himself and wanna be pr0. if u think 1 post where u say, u will be "normal" from that time change the opinion of ppl u will fail... mby u dont flame so much but u still try to show how pr0 u r with words, instead to show some skill.

ps gj shan keep the good work  ;)


hahahahahahaha, nice job Shan xD



TheSniper - Dreadnought/Sagittarius 85/85/TH-80/BP-80/Titan-80


I love the way this dude think community hate him and he is pro and have fan and is the flame king, well m8 see the ugly true you are the clown of the community all include Temp+Ftp laugh of you and think you have mental problems, i realy believe that you need atention so you love be a clown, believe me you are doing great the roll of Community Clown in that and only your are the number 1 GZ.

ILuxx he/wk 
Sirxce pw/sws
Lnx necro/pal ......



we will see what will happen this month :D

for so long i lead :) no suprices in the month September
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Quote from: andreww on September 02, 2011, 03:07:09 PM

we will see what will happen this month :D

for so long i lead :) no suprices in the month September

GL this month, seems you need it.

PS Who stated that you sold a kidney to donate was right! (all euros went to Track and now you're too poor to use a genuine Win7?).