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Started by Sp3ctre, September 05, 2011, 07:28:44 PM

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Quote from: Evolution on September 06, 2011, 10:24:57 AM
ur pathetic...  ::)  tell me that,  daggers are sux now  <rofl>

but for such pro sorc/glad like u they shouldnt be a problem
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Sp3ctre on September 06, 2011, 04:57:40 PM
It seems lately this forum is full of allknowing ppl...that have no idea what they talking about.
Dude any way u will take this reciving 3k-5k normal hits with skils  and 7k-8k crit from skils it is UNACCEPTABLE  in a resonable way.

Btw Track why was  Steal Divinity so badly nerfed to 1 min reuse and 3 bufs steal
when cancel is 20 s, and cancel from panther is 20 s too??? (not to mention about dagger cancel pvp bonus)
I could understand to make it steal 3 bufs but let reuse 20-25 s becose was an esential skill of the race.
But not 1 min from 15 s original skil reuse?
Ps: i dont expect an answer...
Soon will have brookie plaing alone on this server.

This made my day. Until this point, I thought I gave a chance that you might try to reason with common sence. But the highlighted statement just shows that your ego got badly hurt by certain ppl stabbing you to f.uck. Honestly, check some official movies, and you will see that daggers are allready nerfed here, hence Track said everything will work like on official. Yet I haven't seen any good daggerist cry about it for long, they adept. I wonder why didn't I see any UNACCEPTABLE DMG cry topic about you, when we had 100% magic critical rate...
Take into consideration what Kastro said, and remember that not everyone has top gear like the screenshotted ppl you posted. By nerfing a class because of certain ppl owned your ass, you ruin the game for low geared people, who are trying hard to achieve something in this old server.

@Track: don't listen to tantrum topics like this, just keep fixing real bugs, and keep up the good work.

@ those ppl who consider my above statement an asslick to Track: you can take a step back, and f.uck yourself in the face. I wonder how many ppl would spend so much time with this server and community, and won't get frustrated of all time crying. Personally, I would.

Astramael      [db/tr]


Quote from: PvtStuka on September 07, 2011, 11:52:52 AM
This made my day. Until this point, I thought I gave a chance that you might try to reason with common sence. But the highlighted statement just shows that your ego got badly hurt by certain ppl stabbing you to f.uck. Honestly, check some official movies, and you will see that daggers are allready nerfed here, hence Track said everything will work like on official. Yet I haven't seen any good daggerist cry about it for long, they adept. I wonder why didn't I see any UNACCEPTABLE DMG cry topic about you, when we had 100% magic critical rate...
Take into consideration what Kastro said, and remember that not everyone has top gear like the screenshotted ppl you posted. By nerfing a class because of certain ppl owned your ass, you ruin the game for low geared people, who are trying hard to achieve something in this old server.

@Track: don't listen to tantrum topics like this, just keep fixing real bugs, and keep up the good work.

@ those ppl who consider my above statement an asslick to Track: you can take a step back, and f.uck yourself in the face. I wonder how many ppl would spend so much time with this server and community, and won't get frustrated of all time crying. Personally, I would.
After all the years u play here u should know this  is not oficial and never will be becose of subclass sistem and becose of subclass sistem, rulles from oficial and  i mean balance between clases that are meade there wont aply here.
On the other hand u speak about letting thisngs and skils as oficial. Well i have a news for u: skills have been already changed from the way they work as oficial -see cancel and steal divinity (1 min reuse here and steal 3 bufs from 15 s and steal up to 7 bufs as it is on oficial)
About dmg ofcourse getting that amount of dmg is unnaceptable if ppl in light are getting 8k mages get 10k?
Check this movie from Gracia Fianl
since he play oficial oly vs same gered players i this can be representative to check the dmg.(see in HD)
Here is nothink like oficial that u are speaking about.


Quote from: Sp3ctre on September 07, 2011, 03:17:01 PM
After all the years u play here u should know this  is not oficial and never will be becose of subclass sistem and becose of subclass sistem, rulles from oficial and  i mean balance between clases that are meade there wont aply here.
On the other hand u speak about letting thisngs and skils as oficial. Well i have a news for u: skills have been already changed from the way they work as oficial -see cancel and steal divinity (1 min reuse here and steal 3 bufs from 15 s and steal up to 7 bufs as it is on oficial)
About dmg ofcourse getting that amount of dmg is unnaceptable if ppl in light are getting 8k mages get 10k?
Check this movie from Gracia Fianl
since he play oficial oly vs same gered players i this can be representative to check the dmg.(see in HD)
Here is nothink like oficial that u are speaking about.

1st to answer u why steal divinity is change it coz was pain in the ass skill and kamaels was played only by  that skill steal buffs run back till reuse steal buffs run back for reuse  anoying  fu cking up the pvp fun  ,,,,  ok steal divinity got nerfed  but they got alot of power now  if u answer me  for sure u will  no kamael was not use it only for steal divinity i can tell u this where is the kamaels now i have see few only of instant  20-30 per siage 

2nd on that video u post  cant see nothing more then  fught with S grade wepoan proboly with   attribut vs ppl with dc set  A-grade  and taking insane dmg  daggers blow`s on that kamael  was so low dmg coz proboly UD  and like i told u before gear ur ass spend money  to fix good attributs afther  tell me u get crazy dmg  coz  let say i hit mage 3-7k have u see dmg on stabs  on tanks? i have not see more then 1k  on tank who dont have attribut so suposly he make attribut is 500 dmg can u tell me when dagger will kill tank or at lat go close to his HP coz mostly wont take the  CP  dont turn ur ass vs daggers and maybe u wont resive  such a "huge" dmg  like u say on allready nerfed focus death/power  ..... go go tears pls  and heppy way to ur cave!


First of all im agree with this topic dagger class is OP, maybe in off gracia final it hit hard but not as hard as here also here cant be LIKE OFFICIAL cuz its DN! Here we have substack what should automatic nerf some class to dont be so over...

Maybe i havent top gear but i was fightin in oly some time in hellbound also in other servers of gracia, i never saw so unbalanced stats... If u want to block all transfers here set some class able to fight I'm playing ne/bp i have debuffs + heal but for what? i cant heal my ass if i get 2x more dmg than i have hp...


Quote from: Peorexo on September 07, 2011, 09:19:17 PM
First of all im agree with this topic dagger class is OP, maybe in off gracia final it hit hard but not as hard as here also here cant be LIKE OFFICIAL cuz its DN! Here we have substack what should automatic nerf some class to dont be so over...

Maybe i havent top gear but i was fightin in oly some time in hellbound also in other servers of gracia, i never saw so unbalanced stats... If u want to block all transfers here set some class able to fight I'm playing ne/bp i have debuffs + heal but for what? i cant heal my ass if i get 2x more dmg than i have hp...

Damn he removed your kiss of eva. That's why this damage  :-[


Quote from: Peorexo on September 07, 2011, 09:19:17 PM
First of all im agree with this topic dagger class is OP, maybe in off gracia final it hit hard but not as hard as here also here cant be LIKE OFFICIAL cuz its DN! Here we have substack what should automatic nerf some class to dont be so over...

Maybe i havent top gear but i was fightin in oly some time in hellbound also in other servers of gracia, i never saw so unbalanced stats... If u want to block all transfers here set some class able to fight I'm playing ne/bp i have debuffs + heal but for what? i cant heal my ass if i get 2x more dmg than i have hp...

~nerf entangle
~nerf cancel
~nerf tod
~nerf tribunal
~nerf  vortex
~nerf cubicks
~nerf stunn shot
~ nerf nerf nerf all  lol

~disable bsss disable  talismen

what  server u want ,a server where we play 6 min oly and no winner

lol , a little suggestion for u join x15 those playing gm's nerf all chars the see  LOLLED
those idiots nerf mine focus death already
Retired for ever =)

Lvl 99/99/80/80 dagger/iss enchanter innova core :)


Quote from: Kastro on September 07, 2011, 04:27:54 PM
1st to answer u why steal divinity is change it coz was pain in the ass skill and kamaels was played only by  that skill steal buffs run back till reuse steal buffs run back for reuse  anoying  fu cking up the pvp fun  ,,,,  ok steal divinity got nerfed  but they got alot of power now  if u answer me  for sure u will  no kamael was not use it only for steal divinity i can tell u this where is the kamaels now i have see few only of instant  20-30 per siage  

2nd on that video u post  cant see nothing more then  fught with S grade wepoan proboly with   attribut vs ppl with dc set  A-grade  and taking insane dmg  daggers blow`s on that kamael  was so low dmg coz proboly UD  and like i told u before gear ur ass spend money  to fix good attributs afther  tell me u get crazy dmg  coz  let say i hit mage 3-7k have u see dmg on stabs  on tanks? i have not see more then 1k  on tank who dont have attribut so suposly he make attribut is 500 dmg can u tell me when dagger will kill tank or at lat go close to his HP coz mostly wont take the  CP  dont turn ur ass vs daggers and maybe u wont resive  such a "huge" dmg  like u say on allready nerfed focus death/power  ..... go go tears pls  and heppy way to ur cave!
I wont tell u that u do not know how to count, i am sure u know...
But mabe u are not plaing mutch or maby  not seeing verry good? 20-30 kamels /sige ?
The kamaels that play on sige are: SoulRipper, Wheoky, Verg0, SlimTK, DivaCesaria, ICarebear( he play it sice he is hero) and me (sry for misstyping any name)
Put somone to count those for u !
But this is not about kamels.
About turning back on daggers...All the dmg i posted was from face to face combat. They do not need or bother to hit from back.
I made some tests and about landing rate of blows:
Deadly Blow 8 succes / 2 miss from face to face
Lethal Blow  5 succes / 5 miss from face to face
Backstab 100% succes if is hited from an angle of 90 degrees
So they dont need to hit from back.
A fight will usually go like this: hide, backstab and if u dont die from this (probably dont) nest succesfull blow game over!
I post that video to chack the dmg made from ppl (not oly that kamel) with aproximate same echip. U can see similar movies to check dmg and u wont see a char hiting for more then 2.5k max 3k.
Quote from: VforVanilla on September 08, 2011, 10:51:55 AM
Damn he removed your kiss of eva. That's why this damage  :-[
Well actually he did good. If he has more bufs then Touch of Death would cancel from him the bufs he does not need.
But like i said before this forum if full of allknowing ppl...
Quote from: andreww on September 08, 2011, 11:12:18 AM
~nerf entangle
~nerf cancel
~nerf tod
~nerf tribunal
~nerf  vortex
~nerf cubicks
~nerf stunn shot
~ nerf nerf nerf all  lol

~disable bsss disable  talismen

what  server u want ,a server where we play 6 min oly and no winner

lol , a little suggestion for u join x15 those playing gm's nerf all chars the see  LOLLED
those idiots nerf mine focus death already
No, we want a server where time needed to enter oly loast more then the fight itself.
Where 5 ppl join oly max 10 in good days and i speak the ppl that join oly to fight not to transfer.(like it is now)
Next time when u shout join oly and u w8 30 mins for a fight give yourself an answer why the oly is like this.


lol'd @ fail zerker who never tries to use stun and attempts to prove something on forum by making tests consisting of using skill 5 times
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on September 08, 2011, 01:37:44 PM
lol'd @ fail zerker who never tries to use stun and attempts to prove something on forum by making tests consisting of using skill 5 times
Plz excuse me mr pro...
Can u plz lend your char to my grandma?
I am sure she can win some oly fights with this dmg  :)
I am not best player here, i wont be and i dot hope that but i  play this game for like 5 y and i know some things about it
even been 5-6 times hero (not by transfer)
And to tell u about stun i think u speak about    Lightning Shock well i must tell u that this skill in gracia final is magical
and ofcourse u know (beeing a pro) that tanks like u have a skill Magical Mirror witch reflect 30% of magic debufs
so yes i try not to use it vs tanks in oly becose if gets reflected and usually it is i am dead; i am dead anywai so i should use it more mby i crit for 10k. For that  i prefer using more Disarm and Violent Temper witch have like 10% chance to be reflected.
I hope this will enlighten u  :)
Ps: next time in oly try use hide to at least give the impresion daggers put some effort in fighting vs other ppl.
About tests u can make as many as u want u will get same result.


Quote from: Sp3ctre on September 08, 2011, 02:18:28 PM
Plz excuse me mr pro...
Can u plz lend your char to my grandma?
I am sure she can win some oly fights with this dmg  :)
I am not best player here, i wont be and i dot hope that but i  play this game for like 5 y and i know some things about it
even been 5-6 times hero (not by transfer)
And to tell u about stun i think u speak about    Lightning Shock well i must tell u that this skill in gracia final is magical
and ofcourse u know (beeing a pro) that tanks like u have a skill Magical Mirror witch reflect 30% of magic debufs
so yes i try not to use it vs tanks in oly becose if gets reflected and usually it is i am dead; i am dead anywai so i should use it more mby i crit for 10k. For that  i prefer using more Disarm and Violent Temper witch have like 10% chance to be reflected.
I hope this will enlighten u  :)
Ps: next time in oly try use hide to at least give the impresion daggers put some effort in fighting vs other ppl.
About tests u can make as many as u want u will get same result.

seems u dont even understand what skill I am speaking about :DDDD
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Im not about nerfing everything, i don't care about stun landrate i don't care about cubics or whatever point is about damage, i will die 100% if i get stunned but this damage is really overpower, im not even able to cast debuff cuz im on 1 shot... If u want bare fights, with good players let it be not becouse of gear or over damage, and without transfer like i said post ago let all class have chance... all class subbed with bp... ne/bp bp/da bp/pal or bp/xx really are impossible to make much pts without transfer...