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Started by MegaZord, September 14, 2011, 10:58:03 AM

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Quote from: Vengeance on September 14, 2011, 02:32:18 PM
@track, pls ban this person's chars. He flames on forum.

@cthon, I wonder if you NM ppl enjoy your 600 arrti armors?... 840 energies used for one part... and you made them in 3 months? Dunno who's kidding here, but as I see it's not the old infy player Sethan, whom I really have respect for!!! So please before make flames try a lil thinking, it helps sometimes.
Moreover the screens Alex had shown prove nothing, as the skybh's screen too. Just a lil advise... don't ban ppl before you prove they're doing smth wrong on purpose. I'm pretty sure SkyBH has better things to do instead of modifying some screens... He says it can be a bug... prove the opposite and then start banning.

When someone is murdered evidences and proofs are collected, its impossible to go back in time and see who really killed the person, you are saying something like that should be done now to prove skybh edited the screen? Its possible to make endless excuses up to the most senseless ones like "he says it can be a bug" rofl nobody even ever saw such bug.

Sorry, but his poor game knowledge raped him even here. Im sure he meant this screen to be a joke at the first place, but seems whiners and haters ate it happily and came here and complain about it looking for more excuses and trying to blame on others that they fail in game.

So now they put him into this state, this is nothing, but a sad coincidence, but himself and his clannies are the only ones to blame for what happened.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢




This topic is usless now, its opened for the reason why MegaZord is banned, and is that pic real or fake asking material evidence .

After i gave explenation why Zord is banned (unbanned now)
After i showed that pic is fake (i gave u REAL image)
After i banned a real creator of fake pic
After i banned sirSetah for throwing lies about me

I dont see point of this topic anymore, even i showed you the proof which was the point of this topic you continue to redirect the subject constantly on and on , i feel there is end for you and that you will be always unsatisfied , so this topic will be LOCKED now.

SkyBH i wont unban u
sirSetah i wont unban u nither (for now) you have to learn to behave and stop lieing .
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