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ooo all qq about atryb but ...



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ooo all qq about atryb but ...

Started by Unt0uchable, November 18, 2011, 01:48:47 AM

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all or meny of us spent time for farm or buy yewels enrrgy
but can U ( GM ) say why some ppl can hit 2k all time. (for ex. noobkillergr  - -  420 def for dark now and he can hit 2k as normal hit) so atry system sux still
what about skills ? many of our skill need some fix like batle roar, drain health, some debuff. I dont know but or im unlucky or just shield slam sux a lot. its sensless keep this nice skll +15 keep on buff bar bcs land i can easier give on ppl debuff form 1st class than this.
and in the end for  now few debufs have better land rate on +0 then +20, so say me for what i spent time to farm


like trance...
no matter +0/+10/+30  land rate is same...
Dylvish SPS/SPS  :D
I come in peace,u go in pieces..
How to improve L2 texture loading:


About the attribute system u r all free to use the other topic about it.

If u wanna report problems on some skills u can use the Bug Report topic and i will check.


Topic closed.
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