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Archers vs Mages

Started by Ciso, November 13, 2011, 05:54:15 PM

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Quote from: 6bIK on November 14, 2011, 01:22:52 PM
what buff u had, wich attribute in zour armor/his weapon. i never got 5-7k dmg even from oe players. stop qq and farm/farm/farm or simple donate ;]

some ppl from my clan said Noobskilergr hit 17k in siege... ( dont think they go w/o buff and gear )
sigmechodve1.jpg" border="0
SirNapoleon / xSuLTaN - sps/ee
iSuLTaN - pw/tk <<<< Hero
xSuLTaNx - he/wk <<<< Hero


Quote from: mecho on November 14, 2011, 05:09:56 PM
some ppl from my clan said Noobskilergr hit 17k in siege... ( dont think they go w/o buff and gear )

noobskillergr is gm frand
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


Quote from: mecho on November 14, 2011, 05:09:56 PM
some ppl from my clan said Noobskilergr hit 17k in siege... ( dont think they go w/o buff and gear )

i hit ur clan much harder :/
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


on last sieges noobskiller hit me ~1-1.2k with crits max so i rly intrested which buff, gear and attr had those ppl who got 17k oO xD
Onu3DeHeJIa - EE/SpS > TK/SWS
DramaQueen - EE/SwS

Infinity/Zenith player since 22.08.2005


Quote from: Shadow21 on November 14, 2011, 06:41:11 PM
on last sieges noobskiller hit me ~1-1.2k with crits max so i rly intrested which buff, gear and attr had those ppl who got 17k oO xD
no jewels ? :D




When u get cancel or mage bane etc and u got some debuffs u will get 4-5 k crits but not 17 k  LOL.
Dragon x15:
Angels Of Death Clan
Zordy - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
ZordII - Arcana Lord/Cardinal - active
Robin - Elemental Master/Mystic Muse - retired
Hellraiser x25:
Alastor - Cardinal/Phoenix Knight - retired
Zordinia - Sword Muse/Mystic Muse - retired


Quote from: MegaZord on November 14, 2011, 06:50:36 PM
When u get cancel or mage bane etc and u got some debuffs u will get 4-5 k crits but not 17 k  LOL.

hey not every1 play with buffs and s grades!


archers and mages r fine ... change cnacel from dagger imo :D ! it cancel too often
  Nightmare 30x


reroll for mage  ::) ps. and archers are not fine... but... who cares ...  ::)
Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
iKapibar (50% ON)



imo not archers need nerf not daggers and not even mages but fvcking DN ! ATT SYSTEM ! 600 or even more att in armor is seek !!!
nobody cried in HB "Mage>>>archer" or "Archer with OP IC bow >>> all" NOBODY

change att system and all will be solved

I think for our 450 att in weapon best idea will be official freya att system 3x120 per armor but it's just my little sugestion
(I know it's unfair for ppl who farmed A LOT OF hours to put energy in their armors / unfair for ppl who donated 1kkkk energys)
(I know that Track wont read/think about it anyway ;P)
Pround AoD member

P0lmrok - OL/WC  -  Top 1 (Retired)
Terminate - SK/BD - Top 1 (Retired)
Terminat - BP/WK - Quite Top (Retired)

Quality > Quantity

Fak Ju pica diktator .!. ju łil not łin cziter


Quote from: mecho on November 14, 2011, 05:09:56 PM
some ppl from my clan said Noobskilergr hit 17k in siege... ( dont think they go w/o buff and gear )
and what char it was, buff/jewel/armor.

p.s. his nick tell all ;)

Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 09, 2013, 10:44:54 PMi removed ur sig for obvious reasons....same goes for 6bik
im Edited :D